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Everything posted by janiebug

  1. janiebug

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    Well here in St. louis we got the snow, I woke up to about 3 -4 inches (?) and then tonight they are expecting the same. I don't mind really, I live close to work so it is no big deal for me, I just hate what it might do to my clients today. I hope they don't cancel. Not only could I use the money, there is also only one Saturday after today before Christmas, hard to fit people in!!! Well I better get ready to go. Have a nice day!!! Jane
  2. janiebug

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    GOOD MORNING EVERYONE!!! Wow Judy, that was GREAT!!! I really enjoyed that!!! Thanks! Terry Great necklace, Jenn WEAR IT!!!!!! Michelle when will your son hear about the olympic thingy? My nose is not running non stop today I am so thrilled, maybe I can get through at least part of my haircuts without having to blow my nose and wash my hands. Supposed to go cut that persons hair with ALS tonight, think I might call and postpone it a couple days just in case I am contagious? Well off to start my day!! Jane
  3. janiebug

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    I love my band also!! Tracyks and laura you both look great!!!!!!! Tracy I burp/hiccup strange noises after I eat now. Can't help it, I sort of sound like I have been drinking. My nose is running again!!!!!!!! So frustrating!!!!!! I look like I have been hit by a truck on one side of my face, I think I must have a sinus infection, but my snot is clear! Should I call the Dr.?? Jane
  4. janiebug

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    goodmorning!!! I have been sooo unmotivated this week I feel like a lump! I haven't eaten really wrong because I am tooo lazy to go to the store!!! I need some motivation!!! My dear sweet nephew who is 19 on Saturday is going to come over Sunday or Monday to help me do some things, so that should help. Once again I am rambling.... Remember today is CTC day!! Sending you positive thoughts Jennifer and Terry!! Hello to both Tracy's, Denise, Judy, Pam, Haydee, Kat, Gina, Suzie, and I know I am forgetting somebody, I am not good in a.m. so hello to them also Jane
  5. janiebug

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    Good evening!! I hope everyone has a good night, Hugs and prayers for Jennifer and Terry and Michelles son! I love that Dem/Rep Holiday joke. I found out yesterday one of my customers/friends has breast cancer, she is in her 30's and I am still stunned. I know that breast cancer really hits alot of people. Hers was just a routine mammogram, so don't ever miss them. Have a good one!! Jane
  6. janiebug

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    Meant to send good thoughts to Terry and Jennifer!!!
  7. janiebug

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    Yay Laura!! Going down sizes is great!!!! I can go into a plus size store now and know everything is going to fit!! I usually try on now, but usually size 2x fits, but the occasional 1x and sometimes depressing as it seems a 3x. but I haven't really found any tops that don't fit at all. That is a plus. It is weird how sizes differ so much even within the same brand. Almost all C. J. Banks tops I wear a size 2x, some though is still a 3x, and I bought two Karen Scott tops the other day and one was a 1x and the other a 2x. But I figure the 1x gives me hope, and the 3x just frustrates the heck out of me!! Have a good day!! Jane
  8. janiebug

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    Extra special hugs for Jenn and Terry!!!!! Tracy you only have 22 pounds to lose, that is great!!!!! Well everyone try to have a nice night!!
  9. janiebug

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    Hot tub would be nice. I am going to bed early and hopefully wake up fairly refreshed. I have an early meeting then a long day ahead, these last two weeks before Christmas are HECTIC! I can only imagine now what that Saturday before Christmas will be like! Did I mention that my house is a huge humongeous mess? It has only gotten worse over the past two weeks, don't know why. So hopefully between meeting and work I can clean a bit. Have a good one and enjoy!! Jane
  10. janiebug

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    I got my Secret Santa Gift!!!!!! I was laying in bed trying to nap, and was mad so I got up, about 2 minutes later UPS comes and delivers me a box!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I got the prettiest snow globe you have ever seen!!!!! I has got a fiber optic light and changes colors while the snow falls!!!! And yes, one of the colors is VIOLET!!!!! It really is mesmerizing to watch!! I also got something that every violet should get, it is such a beautiful thing, that I never really thought about before Judy sent it to me. It is the words "BELIEVE". I am going to hang it up in my room to always remember what this site, season, and good friends mean!!! I am never taking it down. THANKS JUDY!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Makes me not even feel tired!!!
  11. janiebug

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    I wish we still had Wendys in St. Louis!!
  12. janiebug

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    Well I am back. Had a very very sleepless night at my sleep study!! They kept waking me up and telling me to sleep on my back. I tried, but I guess when I fell asleep I went on my tummy/side. So they said that if I want to sleep on my back I need to come back because they couldn't get it right. I told them that I don't sleep on my back and this would be just fine. They did say I kicked over 40 times an hour and I have to get my B-12 and iron checked, gave me a script for a blood draw, but they don't do it there. Frustrating! I like the one stop shopping deal, I did try to go someplace and they said the script wasn't valid that when they tried to copy it it was invalid. I am going to take a nap, and worry about that later!!! Thanks, Jane
  13. janiebug

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    Well I am off for a night of people watching me try to sleep! have a good night!! I am going to miss One More Day, but I am going to tape it. I bet it is sooo good!! Love a good tearjerker!! Jane
  14. janiebug

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    I JUST UPDATED MY TICKER AND HAVE LESS THAN 100 POUNDS TO LOSE!!!!!!!!! THAT IS GREAT MOTIVATION FOR ME!!!!! i AM GLAD I LOOKED!!!! A VERY HAPPY JANE question, can you make chocolate chip cookies with egg beater instead of eggs??
  15. janiebug

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    Well I normally step on the scale on Mondays but I have that sleep study tonight and then a vaginal ultrasound after that, and then some shopping so I won't be home till way after I eat so I stepped on the scale today. WOW is all I can say! I was 239!!!! I have been struggling to get under 240 for a few weeks!!! Now, today I am going to do all the things I was supposed to do yesterday! No excuses!!! Have a great day!!!! Jane
  16. janiebug

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    Kat we must have been posting at the same time. Rick and his buddies are in my prayers for the safe return. I am getting ready to watch that movie at 8:00 (central) on lifetime. I hope you have an almost worry free night!! Jane
  17. janiebug

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    Judy I hope you feel better soon!!! You seem to have a lot on your plate and I am sure being sick is not on the menu!! Kat, once again jealousy strikes!!! Congrats on the wrapping! I had my fill thursday, and I really don't notice a huge difference with eating except my hunger is less. I like that a lot!!! I told myself that I wouldn't be on the computer tonight, but here I am. I did wrap my ss gift! I shrinkwrapped it!!! I LOVE SHRINKWRAP!!! It looks so pretty now, I hope that it fairs well in the mail! So whoever is my SS if it is a mess when you get it, remember how pretty I said it was before I sent it!!! One year I think all my presents were shrinkwrapped. You can get so creative!!! People still joke about standing still around Christmastime because Jane might shrinkwrap you! Okay okay off I go to do stuff I NEED TO DO BUT DON'T WANT TOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! Jane
  18. janiebug

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    Terry, you seem there! You can really tell how much weight you have lost and hopefully you can see the light and need sunglasses!! YOU LOOK GREAT!!!! Judy, hope you feel better!!!!!!! Michelle, isn't it fun to have a nothing kind of day!!!! Enjoy!!! Tracy I hope you daughter isn't coming down with something. I hope you can enjoy the weekend!!! When I saw my Dr. Thursday she said just try not to gain any weight this month. That would thrill her. So I guess in a way she was telling me an occasional treat during the holidays was fine, just don't go overboard. Well need to hop in the shower and get ready for work, today will be busy like yesterday!!! Jane
  19. janiebug

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    I have sleep apnea, and use a C-Pap machine. I haven't had a study in 5 years and they won't let me have any more filters for my machine until I get another study, so it is either sleep with dirty air, or get a sleep study. So it is the study I chose!! Sneaky way of dealing with me!!! Jane
  20. janiebug

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    Gina, you look GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You must feel so good to look at the difference between those two pictures! I am jealous of everyone gettig their cards and shopping done. I have to go Sunday night for a sleep study, so since I probably won't sleep mcuh I might take my cards to do. thanks for the card Pam!!! Jane
  21. janiebug

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    Denise---TOOO CUTE!!! Jane
  22. janiebug

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    Too funny Michelle!!! Went to Dr.s today and weighed 241, so I was down six pounds since I saw her last month. She went ahead and gave me a fill! I am excited that I have the fill for the holidays!! Love the picture Tracy, it is almost 10 p.m. and we really don't have a lot, making a lot of noise with the sleet, but it is not sticking on the streets. I hope I don't have too many cancellations tomorrow. I looked at my book and it only looks like one or two might be the canceling type!! Pam, I hope Suzanne feels better soon!! I am sure you need a hug right now too!! Have a good night!! Jane
  23. janiebug

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    Wow that is so much fun!! A girls weekend!!! Have a blast Tracy!!! Jane
  24. janiebug

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    I smoked for about 15 years and tried to quit about every 6 months. Never worked, but the last time I tried it worked. Nothing special that I am aware of, maybe the stars were aligned just right. I didn't have a problem at all. Never really wanted another cigarette. I always thought that would work with my eating too, one day a diet would finally work! I think my setpoint will be around 220 to 230. I am about 240 right now. Then I think I will have another problem around 180. I weighed about 225 for about 3 or 4 years and then before that was always around 180. It is so easy to get discouraged, I have so much to lose. I do have the pictures that Tracy was nice enough to put together that helps me see where I have been. But I am over halfway there, so that helps too!!!! I ramble sometimes don't I!? Here in St. Louis they are calling for ice and snow tonight! Don't mind the snow, but hate the ice. Plus I am so booked tomorrow that if we have bad weather I will be slow, and I need the money!!! Okay off to start my day!!! Jane
  25. janiebug

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    Tracy sorry to hear about your sister!! How scary!! You must have been totally on edge til you heard she was going to be okay. Plus what a scary place to pass out Wal Mart at Christmas time!! Laura, here is hoping the fill works well for you!! You deserve it after all the B.S. with your band!!! I go to the Dr. tomorrow and don't know whether I will be getting a fill or not, have to see. Well by the time a lot of you read this it will be morning, so remember Thursday is CTC Day!!! Jane

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