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Everything posted by janiebug

  1. Well I got together today with some friends, and like Pam went to lunch at Maggianos (I really deserve to GAIN tomorrow when I weigh) and then a movie P.S. I Love You, but unlike Pam it was COLD!!!!! We drove with my sunroof closed and the heat ON!!!! It is nice to get together with friends, these two girls are my best friends, and we rarely get together as a threesome, so it is nice!!! Came home turned the TV on and American Gladiators?!?!?!? Don't I remember that from when I was in High School? When did this start up again! Have a good night!! By the way Michelle I really liked your tips yesterday for our low calorie tips when craving Chocolate! Great idea that I am going to have to try!! Jane
  2. Off to church have a great day!! TracyK are you feeling better today?? I hope so!! Jane
  3. Michelle, if you don't mind my cpap you can be my roommate. I think it is quiet, but then again I am asleep. Jane
  4. Judy I am choking I am laughing so hard!!!!!!!
  5. I am not in for the $68 tour of graceland, but I am in!!! I was there about 15 years ago for a wedding and it is a hoot, I was never a serious Elvis fan, but oh my....When you get to the end of the tour and the graves............... There is also Beale Street in downtown Memphis that I remember as being sort of fun at night, so maybe we can make graceland and Beale street a day trip!! Jane
  6. Judy, I do have a couch that you can sleep on, and getting you to and from the airport is not a problem. I do have a second bedroom, but there is no bed, just a big desk and loveseat, but my living room has a great couch!! It really is the perfect sleepin couch!! Same goes for anyone else can arrange to pick up and deliver and I have a pretty good on time record! (Except at work!) Jane
  7. Laura totally off subject but how did your fashion thing go?
  8. Suzie, that is one of those jokes I am going to think about for days and chuckle out loud when I think of it!! Thanks!!
  9. Kat, I was surprised reading these posts since last seen this am. I am a little worried about everyones happiness. For the record I am a non smoker, I would prefer people not smoke in my car, otherwise I can sit next to a smoker or whatever and it doesn't bother me. jane
  10. WOW!!! I think I missed some posts!!!:smile: If we go to Tunica I will be driving there, so you can fly into St. Louis or I can also be a driver to pick people up in Memphis when I get there. It takes about 4 - 5 hours to drive from St. Louis. I have a small car so it seats four people with not a lot of luggage. I have a hyundai elantra 4 dr. I hope I didn't start anything this morning about people not going. I just wanted everybody going that wanted to go. I hope everyone has a great night and I am making tomorrow the OFFICIAL STRESS FREE SUNDAY!!!!! Remember I have a car available in St. Louis and Memphis. Jane:smile:
  11. well the 250 deals really aren't the 250 deals are they? I didn't check but from the conversations. Plus depending on where you live the 250 is not good. So is there going to be anybody that DOESN'T go if we have it in one place or another, if that is the case I think that should be the deciding vote. Jane
  12. Tracy, take every pound you get!! You earned it!!! Are you going to get to goal first?? I don't want to go to work, I hit the sleep button so much. But, I have to get ready now!! Have a good day!! Jane
  13. Actually don't you look thinner with a wind blown look?
  14. Judy you look great!! Laura, if I could figure it out and not work tomorrow I would try to be in the audience. Keep me in mind for a later date, and will try to figure it out! I am kind of excited to find out where we are going! It is like a prize!! Kat I hope all is well with you and your family (dad). Tomorrow is a long day at work and then babysitting my neice tomorrow night. She has a fairly severe case of Autism so she is not the easiest to handle, she is 6 1/2 and is so cute!!!!!!! Well off to bed, hopefully I will wake up and find out where I am going in May!! Jane
  15. Michelle you are too funny!!! but, way to go Tracy! Fridays are Laura's day!!! Jane
  16. Wow that was a fast post, I don't know how that got there, but it did. Anyways congrats Pam!!!! I sold some laptops for my wonderful nephew on Ebay, but now he went back to school early to be with his girlfriend and I am shipping them out. It would be nice if they all paid at one time and I could ship them out at once,but nooooo, I was there yesterday, will go back this morning to post office and whenever one more pays. Seems like a crazy person bought one, and still hasn't paid for it, but asks me two million questions a day!!! I hope she pays today!!! Well I better get to the Post office and work, which requires me to hop in shower!!! By the way good luck tonight Suzie at Mexican Restaurant!!!
  18. I have decided to go on the trip. So let me know when and where!! I sent my vote to Michelle!! Jane
  19. Michelle, that is great losing that weight and in December to boot!!! I seem to have been at a stall. Losing very very slowly, but at least I am not gaining. Tracyks hope tomorrow is a better day!!! Well off to get some things done, I wish I was more like Suzie right now, I just got home from a long day at work and parents, both before and after work, and still need to do laundry!! While my sheets are finishing up I should clean!!!!!! But will I???? Probably not! Jane
  20. Congrats Haydee, the only thing I get consistenly stuck on and no longer eat is rice. I don't know why, but it makes me pb everytime I eat it!! Prayers for you and your family Kat!!! Okay got to run, just got a call on something I need to do before work!! Have a good one!!! Jane
  21. I don't teach those kind of bang lessons!!!! Where is Judy with the fainting smilies!!! Jane
  22. Was a good idea Jen, they must have something going on that weekend!! It looks neat and really offers a lot of different things!!
  23. I just checked into the Mogegan Sun like Jen said in an earlier post and it is sold out for Friday th 16 and Saturday the 17, plus it is WAY WAY expensive for Sunday!! Jane
  24. Haydee---He says that I don't give him his place as a man? That is crazy!!! Hugs!!!!!! Tracy great news on the weight loss and the tooooo big shirt!!!!! I came home from work and just cracked up with the swing saga!! I too missed the post, by the time I got home it said blah, blah, blah! You guys are too funny and LOVED three fainting smilies from Judy!! Have a good one!!
  25. I found two things of value, one was a short quote and the other an article on our choices. Will Rogers Even if you are on the right track, you will get run over if you just sit there. ******************************************************** "Life is all about choices. Whatever we choose, we look like, feel like, and live like. Choose to move more, nourish yourself with whole foods, and chill out to de-stress. Every moment, we alter our destiny by making better choices." OK, it’s time for the wake-up call. Stand up and hop out of that food and couch coma and look into the mirror. Not just the glass on the wall, but the one in your mind as well. Where have you been? It’s the right time to make a change. Let’s ditch this mindless way of living and choose to really live life to the fullest. Dump the baggy hide-it clothes and celebrate new found fitness and energy. But wait. I know what you’re thinking. “I’ve been down this road before.” And then within a few weeks or months, your good intentions are circling the drain. Staying focused is the key to sustaining the momentum to keep the healthy living plan going. Remember how I asked you to look in your mind’s mirror along with the long glass in your bedroom? It’s a mind-body thing. That means to start you need to get your head straight about why you want to do this. Yea, the cool clothes are a great motivator. But go deeper. You can’t wear the clothes if you’re not here. Being here, and enjoying the experience, is where it’s at. Don’t worry. We going to be teaching you how to navigate those inevitable stress speed bumps, and keep you on track. As a first step, write down no more than five reasons why you want to change, listing the by priority. Study them and make sure these are powerful enough to combat the tendency to self destruct. If they are, your head’s in gear for change. If not, keep working it until you do find the focus. Be patient. You’ll get there. The above article was written by Dr. Pamela Peeke on the National Body Challenge. Jane

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