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Everything posted by Cami1908

  1. Cami1908

    Tidewater Virginia (Hampton)

    Oh ok. So how's it going 6 months after surgery? I haven't had mine yet. Possibly next month. I started trying to go thru Dr. Salzberg and riverside as well but had horrible luck and interactions with his staff. They were giving me wrong information and basically got and attitude when I tried to correct them (concerning my insurance). So I'm going thru Chesapeake Regional and I'm soooooo much happier with them. Sent from my iPhone using RNYTalk
  2. Cami1908

    Tidewater Virginia (Hampton)

    Hi! Yes it's nice to see people that are nearby and share experiences. Have u already had surgery? If so, which doctor? Sent from my iPhone using RNYTalk
  3. Cami1908

    Tidewater Virginia (Hampton)

    Hey two months out...how is it going? How much have u lost? Did the time fly by? :-) Sent from my iPhone using RNYTalk
  4. Cami1908

    Prayers needed!

    Prayer sent!! Blessings to u on ur journey. Just keep in mind that the insurance company is not the decider...God is!! Sent from my iPhone using RNYTalk
  5. Cami1908

    Insurance issues

    Did u have insurance that didn't lapse before ur husband's new job? I ask bc I had the same thing happen but when I called the insurance company they waived that time period bc I had insurance before. They waived it for my husband too bc he had insurance prior to starting his new job. It's worth asking I thing so u don't have to wait so long. Thought I'd share that. :-) Sent from my iPhone using RNYTalk
  6. Cami1908

    Tidewater Virginia (Hampton)

    Congrats on the weight loss!!! Oh and for moving to soft food!!!! It's the little things....LOL!!! Sent from my iPhone using RNYTalk
  7. Oh wow. I hope the RNY works out for u. I'm sure it will. I keep reading more and more stories like that about the sleeve but it means more to me to really hear it first hand. Sent from my iPhone using RNYTalk
  8. Hi ladies!! I was considering the sleeve until the last seminar I went to. The surgeon there wasn't a fan bc he said the long term results/data wasn't there and he didn't have confidence in it for, say, 10 years out. May I ask what u all were dissatisfied with in ur sleeves? I'm going to get RNY but was curious about ur experiences. Sent from my iPhone using RNYTalk
  9. Cami1908

    Tidewater Virginia (Hampton)

    Went to my first support group meeting at Ches. Reg. They had a plastic surgeon speak for most of the time. I enjoyed the question and answer period at the end with those that are post op. I'm excited about going to these meetings bc they seem very informative. I like hearing from those that have had the surgery already and are at different stages in their journeys. I'm starting to make some changes now like they suggest before even having surgery. How are you two doing? Sent from my iPhone using RNYTalk
  10. Cami1908

    Tidewater Virginia (Hampton)

    Not at all!! I'm 37. (Every time I say that it shocks me. LOL. I feel like I just turned 30.) I have friends that are not "for" surgery and I've chosen not to bring it up with them until afterwards. I don't want nor do I need u trying to talk me out of something u really know nothing about bc u haven't lived one second in my body (a body that has been overweight its entire life and that has tried on her own to lose weight only to regain more ultimately). So I can relate in a sense pre-surgery. A good friend of mine (who is 29) had it a couple years ago and she's been a HUGE support thru this whole thing. I could definitely benefit from having a friend who is closer to the same place I am in on this journey though! Sent from my iPhone using RNYTalk
  11. Cami1908

    Tidewater Virginia (Hampton)

    Hiiiiiii!!!! I'm so happy to meet people nearby!!! I don't know why that makes a difference but it does. How r things going for u over a month out?? I'm hoping to have mine in June. And that's more my decision to wait until then (they haven't given me any date options yet) bc I am in the school system so that works better for me. I'd rather do it and not go back to work after the surgery until next school year (Sept). That way I'll have the summer to get accustomed to things. Sent from my iPhone using RNYTalk
  12. Cami1908

    Tidewater Virginia (Hampton)

    Oh u did!!! His office is near me. A friend of mine (well her husband) had his there also summer 2012. I was going to go thru them but his office staff was not cooperative. (Long story - tried to tell me secondary insurance wouldn't cover it if my primary didn't. The rep from the insurance company called to tell them this wasn't true but they still insisted - actually got an attitude with the rep Bc I was on the phone too and could hear). So I dumped them and went to Chesapeake Regional where I had had another procedure and enjoyed their service. Sooooo enough of my yadda yadda...HOW R THINGS GOING FOR U SO FAR, almost a month out?!???? I can't wait to get this done. I have two appts this Tuesday and another two on the 24th. Then it's lab work.
  13. Cami1908

    Sooooo upset.

  14. Cami1908

    Primary and secondary insurance question

    Now I just have to revisit which procedure to have. I was set on the sleeve (hence me joining this group LOL) but the doctor there is pro-bypass I can tell. If anyone had any points on either they'd like to share if be open to them.
  15. Does anyone have any experience with this or a similar scenario: I have Anthem *** as my insurance thru my job. There is no WLS rider. I recently got married. I was added to my husband's insurance for his job and it is BCBS PPO and WLS is covered. In order to be put on his insurance I had to KEEP my insurance thru my job and use his as a secondary. That being said, one doctor's office I contacted about having WLS told me that if my primary insurance doesn't cover the surgery then my secondary will not either. However, I called my husband's insurance and the rep that answered told me that wasn't the case; they needed to submit the pre-authorization form and go from there. Any experience with primary and secondary insurances. I've never had a secondary ins before. But I REFUSE to take their no for an answer. I need to get turned down by a few more offices with the same reason bc I don't c how the insurance rep would be wrong? Any help would be appreciated.
  16. Cami1908

    Primary and secondary insurance question

    Well I have heard back from Chesapeake General. Sooooo glad I did not settle for the insane information the other center was giving me. Chesapeake General says its a go to start the process. I told her what the staff at Riverside Weight Loss told me and she even told me that it was not true (that secondary insurance wouldn't pay if the primary insurance didn't cover it). She even went as far as to tell me exactly how the paperwork is submitted. She also said "Wow. Well that's good bc that means we will get more people." I agreed. Because AS SOON AS I have my procedure I am calling them and making sure I personally let the doctor know that his staff is turning away people (and doing so with nasty attitudes) bc they don't know how to work the insurance aspect of things!!! He needs to know who he has on his support staff don't u think!!! Thank u two for ur responses. It really kept me motivated to seek services else where. And I won't even get into how much more informative and helpful Chesapeake Regional has been in 3 or 4 days than riverside was in over a month's worth of back and forth phone calls!!
  17. Cami1908

    Primary and secondary insurance question

    Thanks SC3. I just don't feel that their answer is THE answer. I am currently trying with Chesapeake Regional. I've had a procedure there before and I feel they are better equipped for working with insurances. They definitely are more professional, helpful and informative!!! I'm also lucky enough to have a friend who has had a WLS surgery before and who is one of the best supporters I know! Thanks again for your response. I will definitely post my journey and any answers I receive.
  18. Cami1908

    Primary and secondary insurance question

    Amen to that!!! Their customer service left a lot to be desired.
  19. Cami1908

    Primary and secondary insurance question

    Thanks Chaparra. That's what I was thinking. I don't trust that initial doctors office. I had been in contact with them via phone conversations for at least 3 weeks - each call explaining just what I explained above and NEVER did they say that secondary wouldn't cover it simply bc my primary didn't cover it at all. Then out the blue when I'm following up with them about attending their seminar (for the second time - first time I only had my insurance) she says "u do know that blah blah blah". I'm like where is this coming from??? U didn't mention that the other bazillion times we talked!!! An insurance rep from that secondary insurance even called her on three-way to tell her that wasn't necessarily true and she GOT AN ATTITUDE with him. Highly unprofessional. I've since moved on and will attend another seminar and try going thru a more professional hospital. I'm not claiming it and I'm staying positive and keeping the course. I appreciate ur thoughts! Thanks so much.

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