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Everything posted by Cami1908

  1. Cami1908

    June surgeries!

    Up and waiting on my husband to get dressed. Hospital is about 30 min away. But it will be a nice peaceful drive at 5am. I will report as soon as I can. 730 surgery....keep the prayers coming! Pray for the surgeon and his staff as well as me. :-) Sent from my iPhone using RNYTalk
  2. Cami1908

    Tidewater Virginia (Hampton)

    Surgery has been bumped up from 10 to 730 tomorrow!!!! Yay! Sent from my iPhone using RNYTalk
  3. Cami1908

    June surgeries!

    OMG Surgery has been bumped up from 10 to 730!!! Yay!! I feel bad though bc they said it was bc the person before me who was in the pre-op class with me got denied by her insurance. :-( Sent from my iPhone using RNYTalk
  4. Cami1908

    Tidewater Virginia (Hampton)

    I'm not really nervous surprisingly enough. More nervous that I'm going to forget to do something before surgery. Last night I had a dream I forgot not to eat the morning of surgery and I had a full Breakfast. LOL. I'll keep u all posted on how it all goes. I know it will be fine too! Thanks LB!!! Sent from my iPhone using RNYTalk
  5. Cami1908

    June surgeries!

    It's saying I need and email or u have to be fb friends or contact in my phone. Sent from my iPhone using RNYTalk
  6. Cami1908

    June surgeries!

    WBW, u didn't have to do a pre-op diet either? My doctor just told me to "eat light" three days before. So I'm trying to stay as close to a liquid diet as I can. We had Pizza Hut last night actually and I did eat half a pizza roll from my husband's plate of leftovers today. I also got some watermelon so I could chew something. outside of that its been broth and an Isopure juice-type protein drink. I figured this is all pretty light. Sent from my iPhone using RNYTalk
  7. Cami1908

    Tidewater Virginia (Hampton)

    Thank you! Sent from my iPhone using RNYTalk
  8. Cami1908

    Tidewater Virginia (Hampton)

    Hey!! I watched ur latest video (5 week update). What foods r u eating now? And thanks for the Isopure idea. I keep hearing how awful isopure tastes so I had not planned on trying it; but I liked the Apple Melon one. And it's sooooo nice to have a break from milky protein drinks!!!! They r just so darn expensive BUT post op I guess it may not be so bad since I can't drink as much and as fast as I can now. Sent from my iPhone using RNYTalk
  9. Cami1908

    Tidewater Virginia (Hampton)

    Well I have 2 more days basically.....surgery is Wednesday in Chesapeake. I can't believe it is here. My doctor only required me to "eat light" the three days before but I'm doing liquids. I'll post as soon as I can after surgery to let u all know that I'm am well and how things went. Sent from my iPhone using RNYTalk
  10. Hello post-oppers. I'm having surgery June 5th. I was wondering if anyone had any good ideas to share about what I should be doing now to prepare 1) for my hospital stay and 2) for my first week back when it seems (from checking out others who have recently had surgery) I will be less up and about. I have no children; just my husband and I at home. I also am an educator so when I go out for surgery on the 5th I'm done going into work until mid-August. Just in case that help someone tailor their tips to me. Any advice is greatly appreciated. Sent from my iPhone using RNYTalk
  11. Cami1908

    June surgeries!

    SURGERY BUDDY!!! How r u feeling today? Better I hope! I am a non-pre-op dieter. I was only instructed to "eat light" 3 days before surgery. I wanted to try and do 4 days. So that means I start tomorrow. Tonight my husband and I went out for one "last" time to a seafood restaurant I'd never been to. It was GREAT!! I never really had a plan to have a "last supper" nor did I come up with a mental list of things I wanted to make sure I got to eat before surgery. But tonight came REALLY close to a last meal. I'm still full now! LOL. So tomorrow I will try to get in three protein shakes and maybe fruit and veggies. But at the very least I will for my instructed three days. Oddly enough my appetite has changed (which I'm sure is a mental thing) since my pre-op appt. I haven't gone back for seconds and my choices have been much more sensible. I'm still unnerved by the surgery. My thoughts and energy have been on preparing for the lifestyle following. This is such a HUGE deal!! I still can't believe I am having RNY!!! I NEVER thought this would be something I'd do or even NEED to do. Just another example in my list of many of why I should never say NEVER. LOL. #4moredays Sent from my iPhone using RNYTalk
  12. Cami1908

    June surgeries!

    Good info from a other thread I'd like to pass along:
  13. Cami1908

    June surgeries!

    Well in 6 short days I will be preparing for surgery. I'm so glad I only had two weeks between my surgery and when they gave me the surgery date. Any longer and it would have felt like an eternity. And I'm not even nervous. I'm worried about the new lifestyle after but not at all about the surgery. And I use to be suuuuch a bundle of nerves about stuff like this. But I know where my help comes from and I'm ready for JUNE 5th!!! So to all my 6-5ers, our countdown starts NOW!!!! :-) Sent from my iPhone using RNYTalk
  14. Cami1908

    Pre-op to do list

    Thank u all for ur recommendations. I will be at the hospital at least two days. And I don't want to take unnecessary stuff. Looks like there isn't much I need to get for afterward since my "tastebuds" might change. So I'll play that by ear I guess. I'll have broths and sf Popsicles on hand though for sure. And Water or course. LOL. If you think of anything else please let me know. Sent from my iPhone using RNYTalk
  15. Cami1908

    June surgeries!

    LOL I did have the same thoughts last week bc I was getting over strep the week before but was still on the penicillin. And the sore throat didn't want to leave me. But last week was better and this week is great. LOL. So I feel u!!! June 5th here I come!! Sent from my iPhone using RNYTalk

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