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Gastric Bypass Patients
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About BlueMoon~T

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    Junior Guru
  • Birthday 05/26/1973

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  1. Godspeed, my friend!

  2. BlueMoon~T

    Fruit after bypass

    I was big with strawberries and Greek yogurt. It didn't cause me any issues with my RNY. The Greek yogurt helped with my Protein levels. Good luck!! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  3. I'm going to post some before and after pics too! Just in case anyone is wondering. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  4. BlueMoon~T

    Clothing changes?

    It is hard to say. I would say buy leggings and things with some stretch that you can wear while your losing. I'm almost a year out and I started at a size 24 and now I'm wearing a 5/6. The lower your weight goes the faster you'll see your size change. If that makes sense. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  5. BlueMoon~T

    I will be the first to start

    I know this is an old thread but I had my Bypass on 11/2/15. I had a revision from a lap band to RNY, my insurance covered it, thank God! I'm 5'7" and my highest weight weight was 340. I now weight 152. Two more pounds and I will be in the normal weight for my height. It's been amazing! I haven't had any complications. I hope you all are doing great! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  6. I know it's been so long since I was on here. I had my RNY on Nov 2, 2015. It was a long time between my removal and my Gastric Bypass surgery. I'm coming up on my year anniversary and I wouldn't change a thing. My weight loss has been substantial. My highest recorded weight was 342. I am now down to 152. I feel amazing. I haven't had any complications. I'm using an app on my phone and I need to update my profile. I look so much different now. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  7. That's so awesome. I'm coming up on my year anniversary and it's been the best year of my life! Congratulations! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  8. BlueMoon~T

    I Failed My Band

    I've been MIA for a long time from this site because I sorta feel like a failure. Here's my Story... In August 2014 my band was too tight. I went to the the Dr. and they removed a tiny bit of fluid and had me drink some barium and asked me to do a swallow test. With tiny sips the water trickled through. I should have asked them to remove a little more but the weight was dropping off me fast because I could hardly get anything down. My mistake, but I feel like my Dr was somewhat responsible as well. It was just too tight! I was fine for two days, then I woke up on Friday morning and I couldn't drink my protein drink. i couldn't even swallow my saliva. I got the slimy yucky foamy stuff for most of the day. I called my Dr. office and had to leave a message. Nobody called me back on Friday. Saturday I woke up suddenly feeling very sick and i threw up blood. Several times Saturday I would throw up blood. My tummy would feel full and I hadn't eaten anything and I would throw up and it would be dark blood. Foolishly i waited until Sunday to go to the ER. By this time I was very dehydrated and my potassium was extremely low. Just a side note: If you ever have to have Potassium Intravenously infused it hurts so bad. I'm not exaggerating. It's very painful. Anyway... Luckily, the hospital I went to has a newly opened WLS clinic and the surgeon who i was speaking with knew about the Lab Band and how to look for slippages. He even said he wanted to see if he could try to save my band for me. Unfortunately my band had completely slipped and was wrapped around the middle of my stomach. So, it had to be removed. After he left the room I sobbed I was so upset! Flash forward to August 2015,I have a regain of about 40lbs. so i decided to have a revision to RNY Gastric Bypass. I found a new WLS Dr at a new Center that has really put me through the ringer. I had to go to a specific place to take my Psych. Evaluation. That was a little pricey $800 the Dr. was out of Network. Then I had to be approved by the surgical board to determine if they thought I would follow the program. Now, on September 15th, I am going to my preoperative class that takes all day long and I have to bring someone from my support group. I will find out my surgery date which should be in about 2 weeks because I will have to do the liquid diet. Then I will officially be an RNY Gastric Bypass Revision Patient! Revision's don"t lose weight as fast as newly operated on patients. I've heard there have been complications with revisions from the band to the sleeve. I'm not versed enough to speak to all the complications because I am sure there are plenty with the RNY, too! When I spoke to my Dr about his opinion on what he thought would be best for me he said, " Honestly, I prefer the RNY, because it has the dumping". I thought for a moment and decided that he was right and that would be another useful tool. I mean if my body rejects sweets and greasy food, then heck yeah! Here's to an awesome HONEYMOON PERIOD with my bypass surgery. I'm hoping I will continue to get support from my friends and make new ones in the process. I'm trying to look at this as a positive thing. Thanks for reading, ~T
  9. Lost my Band in August 2014. Revision to RNYl within a month! I hope this doesn't make me lose my cool Lap Band Friends!

    1. Mountaingal


      They will still be with you. Plus they will want to know how it all goes as the facts tell us that some of them will face this down the road too. Good luck with your revision surgery.

    2. catfish87


      What happened to your band? Best wishes on your upcoming revision!

  10. Lost my Band in August 2014. Revision to RNYl within a month! I hope this doesn't make me lose my cool Lap Band Friends!

  11. I had to have my Band removed as an emergency procedure. My band was to tight. I went to my Dr and the removed a tiny bit of fluid and I was ok for two days but then I couldn't even keep water down and I began throwing up. I went to bed and woke up first thing in the morning having to throw up and all I threw up was blood. This was back in August of 2014. So, even though my band had been so fickle it was a good tool that helped me lose weight..I actually cried, sobbed actually after the Dr told me I had to have it removed. With all my vomiting the band was half way down my stomach and was actually restricting blood from the top portion of my stomach. Its a long story and I made my mistakes. I got my sickest on the weekend and didn't call my WLS office. The vomiting up blood continuously scared me so I went to my hospital. Long story short, I have decided to do Revision Surgery to RNY Gastric Bypass. I go on the 15th for my final class I will get my surgery appointment set for two weeks from that date and begin my liguqid protein diet. Has anybody in this group had revision surgery or have thye considered it?
  12. BlueMoon~T

    Banders Exercise

    Hey everyone! So, I've had a set back. My kidneys are NOT cooperating and to top it off I have something new (bad new) going on with my back. MRI is scheduled for the 24th. I'm not a happy panda. :*( I'm doing good to walk most days lately. Anyway, on a positive note, my daughter had her baby on the 16th at 2:35 am. 8lbs. 2oz. 19 inches long. Sweetest thing I've ever laid my eyes on. I even got to cut the cord! Keep me in your thoughts. Dialysis makes me deathly ill and I'm much too young to have the back I've got. I wanna RUN!! But reading everyone's posts on this thread keeps me motivated to get there. You all are Killing It!! Happy Hump Day!!
  13. BlueMoon~T

    It's My Blog I'll Say What i Want To

    LOVE IT!!!! The first surgeon I had a consult with told me he would only do the RNY on me. I found a different surgeon. I've been successful, too! Not goal weight yet, but I'm still losing. To those people and Doctors who think if you have a 100 or more pounds to lose can only do sleeve or bypass to be successful, I call BS...It can be done. Look at all the people on this site!!
  14. BlueMoon~T

    Banders Exercise

    My back and leg got the best of me. Last night around midnight I went for a mile walk with my pregnant daughter. The weather was beautiful and she's so uncomfortable. She's dilated 2cm and 50% effaced, so she's ready!!! and so am I ! Anyway, when it woke up this morning I couldn't get out of bed. Grrrr! I'm limping around now. Just gotta slow things down a bit for the rest of the week. I may be down, but I'm definitely NOT out! I hope everyone is enjoying their day!
  15. BlueMoon~T

    It's My Blog I'll Say What i Want To

    I totally agree. The band takes work and commitment and there are those of us who can be successful. It really makes me uber cranky when I see other bandsters being disrespected. I'm going to start a new campaign called, "Stop the Band Bashing". People come to the site for encouragement, knowledge and just to share their experiences. They don't post stuff to be judged! Just my two cents!

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