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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by stephanie0456

  1. stephanie0456


    I finally got my letter from my psych saying everytging it needs to say, I hope! But now in concerned because I'm on subutex becuz I have severe arthritis and have been on pain mess for a while and was tired of taking them n wanted to stop but I was on them for so long that when I tried stopping them I was going threw withdrawl, so I spoke to my dr and he put me on the subs so I could get off all that pain medicine... Long story short he said he wouldn't put being treated for opiate dependency and he did... Is this going to mess everything up now? I'm not on if becuz if illegal drug use I was simply just trying to get off all the pain meds from my rheumatologist... Now I'm worried about this! Does anyone have any experience with this? Or kno if this is going to effect my approval for surgery?
  2. stephanie0456

    Great tip

    So I had my first fill yesterday. He put in 4cc right now I can't really tell a diff probably becuz I'm back to liquids but I hope the 4cc helps.... Anyway I asked my dr if I should be measuring my food, and he told me no!? He said don't measure, buy a smaller plate eat your proteins first if your still hungry eat the veggies. But I never thought of it the way he explained. If you out a little food in a big ol plate you feel deprived. But in a much smaller plate it looks full and your brain will think you have a nice full plate if food! I thought it was a pretty cool idea!
  3. stephanie0456

    I watched a video

    I was terrified yesterday! I felt a little inch and then that's it! He goes threw the incision becuz the nerves are all dead and numb on the incision... After the got it in and found the port I even watched what he was doing. I had some air in my tube that he was showing me how he was getting it out and then just pushed the saline in... I did hold the nurses hand tho! Haha he told me alot of the the time with injections it's the medicine that's in the needle that hurts more then the needle itself! And in our case the fluid is just basically water and it's not going into us, it's going into the tubing! I promise you'll be ok!
  4. stephanie0456

    Any bandings in May????

    Lol I wouldn't want them saying that either! I guess it just kind of freaks me out knowing there's some kind of port under my skin that they have to poke and it's my stomach lol I'm sure I'll be ok tho...
  5. stephanie0456

    Any bandings in May????

    I havnt had my first fill yet either, 2 weeks till my first I'm kinda worrying myself due to the fact I hate needles! Does it hurt? Or do they numb the area first?
  6. stephanie0456

    Dont laugh at me...

    I did the same thing! I wore a really loose sundress and flip flops to the hospital along with granny panties lol didnt want the nurse seeing me in anything else! Haha when u get there they will make u take everything off including undies, afterwards my mom helped me get dressed and the sun dress was perfect! I also lived in nightgowns and really big t shirts... I'm 2 weeks post of tomorrow and that's what I'm still wearing, I still don't like the feeling of anything right around my incisions... Yesterday I tried jeans and it hurt... My port incision is still bruised and VERY sore def invest in sum cheap nightgowns, I say cheap becuz before u know it they will be too big!
  7. stephanie0456

    2 weeks post op

    I'm 10 days post op and I'm starving... I'm hoping once I get my first few fills this will subside... Also does anyone with polycystic ovaries still have a hard time losing the weight? That was always my problem and the medication that was given to me for this is also suppose to help lose weight becuz of the insulin resistance but this medication has awful side effects and I hate taking it... Ugh I hope there's light at the end of my tunnel.....
  8. stephanie0456


    Well the little incisions the dr said the things woukd come off in the shower and they did.. I think there actually glued closed... The 2 bigger incisions are still covered with the steri strips..I just don't want any infection on the 3 small wounds
  9. stephanie0456


    Should I put some antibacterial ointment on these open cuts? Just had surgery Thursday...
  10. stephanie0456

    Barely qualifies through insurAnce

    I'm in central jersey... By the "jersey shore" lol I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!
  11. stephanie0456

    14 days before surgery diet

    It's weird we have the same dr and he didnt require me to do a pre op diet at all... Which I thought was odd...
  12. stephanie0456

    Any bandings in May????

    Steph, I did it from my phone, when your in the reply screen where you type there is a little + sign on the top left corner by the send button... Just click that and just click add picture from camera or phone... It gives some options... I just figured it out this morning lol
  13. stephanie0456

    Barely qualifies through insurAnce

    My bmi was right at 35, I have high blood pressure, severe arthritis, pcos, insulin resistant... The list goes on lol I'm only 28... But I was really worried about not getting approved becuz I was in the low end of the bmi... But everything went smooth and from my consult in march to my surgery that was may 30th was smooth sailing... Do you have any comorbitys?which insurance do you have? I'd def check with your insurance.... I have horizon nj direct, there pretty good
  14. stephanie0456

    The two week wait

    I will def keep my fingers crossed for you! I drove myself crazy waiting.. Thankfully they submitted the paperwork on a Monday by Friday morning the surgeons office called that I was approved! But I know the waiting sucks.. Good luck Hun
  15. stephanie0456

    Any bandings in May????

    Thanks... I'm just trying to do everything right... When was yours done? And how are you feeling?
  16. stephanie0456

    Any bandings in May????

    That's mine before the one came off... Excuse my swollen tummy lol
  17. Ksaug, I also used dr kipnis! Was banded on the 30th! I really like him alot and his staff is really friendly... Where are you from? Anywhere around here?
  18. stephanie0456

    Any bandings in May????

    It was a white strip... The 2 big incisions are covered with gauze and then with this plastic wrap over them, the other small ones just had that strip on them... The dr said it was ok if they came off so I guess it's ok, I think they may be glued? I'm on day 4 now and still have horrible gas pains! And I can't even get down one protein shake a day....
  19. stephanie0456

    Any bandings in May????

    I just showered and one came off.... I'm freaking out, it's not bleeding or anything but it hurts like hell...
  20. stephanie0456

    Any bandings in May????

    Honorsmom, I know exactly how you feel! I was banded on the 30th also and was told I could shower today and take the small incision adhesives off but I'm also afraid the steri strip is going to come off... And the gauze on the 2 big incisions look gross.... I can't wait to shower but I'm def nervous... And it still hurts to get up and down!
  21. stephanie0456

    Tomorrow is D-Day, anxiously nervous

    Chez, everything went well and I'm banded... Just didnt expect the pain and tightness to be this bad! I'm a baby when it comes to pain lol and my situation with the subutex I take I think it's still blocking the pain meds even tho I stopped it on Tuesday... I don't feel much relief from the Percocet... I'm hanging in there tho, I hope everyone else did well! And is resting comfy!
  22. stephanie0456

    Any other May 30th Banders?

    I'm keeping the pain meds in me and I'm still in pain everything feels so tight! I was up all night I hope this is worth it!
  23. stephanie0456


    So I just got home, I'm officially banded and in PAIN!i honestly didnt think it was going to be this bad...and I'm thirsty and hungry I just want a ice cold sugar free Italian ice! And my Doberman who sleeps in bed with me is crying at my bedroom door, because she can't sleep with me, I feel so bad... Please tell me this gets better!
  24. stephanie0456


    I've been sipping, but don't feel full at all.... Is that weird? I'm actually hungry
  25. stephanie0456

    Any other May 30th Banders?

    Banded today I hope this pain gets better!

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