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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by teeney66

  1. I am 60 days post op and down 30#. I can no longer tolerate ground beef, re-heated foods. I gave up Starbucks - my chai tea latte is no more. cheese is out completely. Breakfast is a Protein Shake. Followed by 30 oz of Water. lunch is a small salad with Jenny Craig dressing. I can tolerate mashed Beans, so I will have a 1/2 cup too. 45 min later another 30 oz water. dinner is mostly out for me. I have a hard time keeping down the food. Most nights I will have a sugar free Popsicle. I had a few baby carrots and hummus today. That seemed good. I stay away from all white/brown carbs... They don't work! bread, rice, Pasta and all potatoes. Pirates Booty is ok for me. Good luck!

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