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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by bushbaby

  1. Hey ya'll have a person who wants to know about a Dr. Jose Rodriguez in Acuna Mx. Anyone ever heard of him?
  2. way to go that is soooooo awesome!
  3. bushbaby

    VEGAS BASH 2005 Final Countdown

    I love bucca... we are driving in after I get off work at 2:50 so I should be there in plenty of time... Yea I am so happy I am going to meet most of the lap band fam...
  4. I miss the money in my wallet now that I can shop till I drop and everything fits...why is it when your broke you can find every cute outfit in the world?
  5. Hey ya'll I am going to kick the caffine habit. I started Sunday with only drinking water (propel counts for me) I realized that I have a habbit with caffine. Ilove Chi Tea and Mt. Dew. So maybe this will help with the weight too. Although that is not my concerne. The last time I did this I had a headache for three days. I think it was the de toxing. I felt wonderful after day four. I wonder now why I ever started drinking Caffinated things again. So I choose water because I know there is no caffine I won't cheat. Anyone want to join me? I could use some support buddies.
  6. bushbaby

    Zetacap & my friend the pusher

    I used to take orlistate... I felt the same way...do this for the rest of my life and loose 30 lbs or do what I really needed and loose what I need to be healthy. As for the friend thing... I have quite a few of them that I lost because they were not the "thin" ones anymore... My loss... but it was really theirs. I did not do this for them. so I can't help how they feel.
  7. bushbaby

    One step closer to bandland!

    Yea for you!!! can't wait for you to join us!
  8. bushbaby

    Does everyone take vitamins?

    My Dr. said I did ntot need vitamins and if I insited they should be liquid...(chewables fine) as not to irritate the tummy.
  9. bushbaby

    I'm Kickin Caffine!!! You want to too?

    Well the headache has passed and I am not craving (much) tea... day 3. You all are so wonderfull....anyone going to Vegas in Sept?
  10. bushbaby

    I'm *freaking* out

    Don't let fear hold you back...feel the fear and do it anyway..."dance like no one is watching. " is one of my favorites...if you don't do this then what? If you do ... then there is a maybe.
  11. bushbaby

    Am I not Filled Enough?

    I have a different band...the J and J band. I however have 4.5 cc out of my 11 cc band. It seems to be enough for me, but everyone is different. Also you can take as much as a week or more to feel a fill.
  12. bushbaby

    Enough calories?

    You'll be fine just wait until the fill to worry about calories.
  13. bushbaby

    Going for an unfill

    I have never had that,,probably because I only have two fills...I hope that you feel beter... tell us on Thursday after your apt.
  14. bushbaby

    Nut Exam

    what is a nut exam?
  15. bushbaby

    EXERCISE...is everybody really doing it??

    Daily walker here...around 4 miles. However...I lost the most weight before I began walking around two months ago.
  16. bushbaby

    Joining the hyster sisterhood

    good luck on your surgery... I here that when they leave the one ovary it save a lot of hormone loss. let us know how you are feeling.
  17. bushbaby

    Why doesn't anyone use the chat feature?

    I am ready to chatt when you are!!!
  18. bushbaby

    fruit 2 0 have you tryed it.

    I am a propell fan my self it was on sale and my hubbie bought me two cases of it...
  19. My 2 cents.... I have the J and J band... my Dr. prefered it to the Inamed band...he is a great Dr. .... On the other side I wish I had the inamed band for one reason and one only...I want to go to Dr. Billy in Ventura for follow up and cant because of the band I have. not leagal in the us yet!
  20. bushbaby

    Will it Work?

    Don't be scared...here is what the public does not tell you. The only true solution to weight loss for most people who have been predisposed to obisity is surgery. So we feel like we can succeed at anything. We are failures at all other diets... we don't have the energy or the will power. But it is not just us. It is our body physically demanding more... it is our minds playing tricks on us and our friends and family sabotaging us... because they just don't or won't understand.... This is not a magic solution, however it is a tool to help with all the things I mentioned above. So don't be scared, you are brave and you are worth it!
  21. bushbaby

    I'm Kickin Caffine!!! You want to too?

    Hey great...thanks for the support. I have found that when I am sober...lol I just feel better...but getting past the first few days are hell. I also hear that artificial sweeteners make you hungry.
  22. bushbaby

    Full fills

    gosh my band holds 11cc I not even close...
  23. bushbaby

    Pocatello anyone?

    I went to school in Pocatello....Go Bengals...I lived in Turner Hall!
  24. bushbaby

    Cali Bandsters Unite!!

    Thanks Muffin You have given a lot of information I have also seen your site...it was one of my decision helpers whe I decided to get the band...

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
