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LAP-BAND Patients
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  1. subsweetiems


    Hello everyone. I'm looking for other banders in the Philly area to workout with. I was banded nov 2011 I've Done great through my journey lost 80 lbs. but haven't really worked out much and would like to. Anyone interested
  2. subsweetiems


    I was put on the Prilosec because they though I may have a ulcer which I don't. But I was eating fine would just get occasional pain in the center of my abdomen. Right above my belly button. I was eating fine before the Mexico I was just wondering if anyone else has had any problems like this after starting Prilosec its the only thing that has changed.
  3. subsweetiems


    Hello I was banded in nov 2011 I have just recently started taking Prilosec and have been throwing up at almost every meal before I started the medicine I never threw up has anyone else had this problem.

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