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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by LL112

  1. pizza. i do take a fork to it once in awhile and eat the toppings.
  2. LL112


    maybe i'm not understanding your story correctly. I do have a quick question: what is the reason that you needed a lapband if you were under-eating massively?
  3. Krispy Kream Donuts!!! not the fluffy ones, but the dense, fritter yummy deliciousness...come to think of it, i miss anything fried. mmmm county fairs and their giant turkey things.
  4. LL112

    Feeling dizzy

    hahaha *tear* trying to keep from laughing really loudly at work
  5. Syntrax Matrix - Cookies and cream flavor, with almond milk, sometimes half a frozen bananer, mmmmmm
  6. LL112


    journey from 217 to 160. * phew*
  7. I've read tons of comments made by viewers after the show regarding Rachel losing too much weight and i tend to agree that she no longer looks healthy and strong like she once did. Some of the viewers even went as far as guestimating Rachel's caloric intake: anywhere from between 800-1200. Can't help but to feel self conscious about how little bandsters eat....i guess i've always wondered about the long term effect calorie restriction would have on our bodies. I eat very little, i work out tons and i have the results to show for it, but being bombarded by media that dictates no less than 1200 calorie a day, the doubt will always be on the back of my mind.
  8. LL112

    My thermostat is broken

    i'm freezing at 60+ degrees here in california! but i sweat a ton and super easy when i work out, and then soon after, its back to giants coats.
  9. LL112

    Banders Exercise

    uuurrrgh still sore from monday's sprint intervals, i really did it this time....managed to do 60min kick boxing last night followed by hot yoga: sweaty and sore, hoping yoga helps with the soreness
  10. LL112

    Banders Exercise

    I always start out my day planning my workout regime and psyching myself up with the best of intention. 5 min right before heading out to do it, i get discouraged and think what is the point.. (i'm in a stall)? After pushing myself out of the door, completing a 60min crossfit, + 60min kick boxing yesterday, i feel like i'm on top of the world again. Annoying mental cycle... today 8K jog after work.
  11. LL112

    working out=hungrier

    I've read recently in several articles that high intensity interval training curbs appetite vs steady state workout increases appetite. Here's one of those articles http://blog.womenshealthmag.com/scoop/appetite-control/ Personally, i notice that after a walk i will want a snack, but after 60min spin class with climbs and sprints, last thing i want to do is eat.
  12. LL112

    protein for hot drinks?

    i know heat pretty much causes proteins to denature, like an over cooked egg (protein will clump, aggregated when heated) and at certain temp, it will lose its function...
  13. LL112


    I sympathize with the poster in this matter. My initial 3 years with the band, the band did fail me. I was in a similar situation, i had the 14 cc band, and after 13 fills or so, i was at max volume and still felt no restriction. I've had fluoros done many times and the operating doctor couldn't figure out why there was no restriction and basically told me it was my fault. "diet better".... I did manage to lose some weight b/c i was tired of being overweight by eating healthier and excising tons, all in the while with absolutely no restriction. it wasn't until i switched surgeons, that he determined quickly the band was placed around a piece of fat tissue and was never actually around my stomach....!!! my new doctor redid my lap-band and for the first time in 4 years, i actually know what restriction feels like...i'm just saying, sometimes the band can fail you, in my case...my ass of a surgeon.
  14. LL112

    Carb Cycling- An Experiment Gone Right!

    when you count carbs on low carb days, do you use net carb counts? where you subtract the dietary fiber from total carb count like the way atkins do it?
  15. LL112

    Finished insanity on to round 2

    you look fab! i'm half way done with month 2 of Insanity and its getting so repetitive (i miss the high energy music from zumba or turbo fire). but i have a question, how many calorie are you consuming while doing insanity?
  16. LL112

    I give up!

    here's an interesting short version of my story, i was banded in 2009 and had a 14cc band. I had mine adjusted to 14cc and still felt no restriction. After many tests and barium swallows, finally found out in 2012 that the band was never AROUND my stomach.... It was not eroded or slipped, it was just simply placed around a piece of fat tissue and NEVER around my actually stomach!!!! ridiculous you say? i thougt so too. I'm so thankful that my current surgeon discovered this, because even with the normal xrays, it was almost impossible to tell the band was placed incorrectly. So i had my surgery redone, and FINALLY restriction =D
  17. LL112


    does dry sauna help with loose skin and have other health benefits as well? my gym does not offer wet sauna sadly
  18. LL112

    What's the Scoop on Bananas?

    A ripened bananer is medium to high on the glycemic index compare to other fruits such as apples and cherries. This could cause drastic fluctuations in blood sugar and insulin level? But i agree, it's filling and yummy.
  19. I used to despise any type of exercise. One day while sitting in front of the TV and munching on snacks, i felt extremely bored. I decided to try out the Beach Body 10min workout DVD (great for while traveling btw) that was collecting dust on the shelf. That was what jump started my almost 2 years long workout regime. Since then, i've done numerous at home videos, joined a gym for zumba and circuit training, completed several 5k obstacle course, picked up hiking, biking, jogging...yoggaing? I get bored easily, i think its ADD.. . I think you just have to keep trying new and different things until you find your niche. For me, I really appreciate group exercises because the positive energy that just oozes out from everyone around you. I've learned that i can't wake up in the morning and workout to save my life, so i do it after work. The trick that keeps me motivated was alll the different activities and trying something new gives me warm fuzzies :wub:. i'm going rock climbing this weekend for the first time, i love to see what my leaner body is capable of in comparison to my former self..
  20. LL112

    Asparagus is NOT my friend anymore...

    haha, i had this happened to me recently, it was definitely yummy going down, but nothing like seeing stringy green chunks in reverse mixed with slime.... not to mention the pain. I will avoid it like small pox from now on.
  21. FRUSTRATION!! I have been at a plateau for the past 6 months or so. Every week i'd go up and down the same 5-6 lbs. i eat around 800 calorie Monday through Friday. Only on occasions i'd fall of the wagon on the weekends and eat things i'm not suppose to but still not going over 1400 calorie. I exercise 6-7 days a week. I'm not talking a stroll in the park, i'm talking 1hr circuit training + 45 min interval training (insanity). I have been reading A LOT on line regarding plateaus and have read that maybe 800 calorie intake is too low (especially if i work out). I expressed my concern to my surgeon and he assured me that 800 is good if i consume protein first and foremost. I do feel really fit these days, i can jog 5k with no breaks, i dont think i'm losing muscle tone. I'm just extremely frustrated that with how "good" i behave with exercise and eating through out the week, and having it all undone on a weekend of semi "bad" eating....I guess my main concern right now is: is 800 cal too little and be the problem even though my surgeon, whom i trust is adamant about it? He also recommends only 3 meals and no snacking, i know some sources recommend light snacks between meals? i've also tried upping my calorie to 1200 for a month and still, nothing....
  22. :wub:Happy Friday all!! thanks for the responses and the support. Went in for a fill yesterday, now i'm at 11cc in a 14cc band. My surgeon is still adamant about not going over 800 calorie a day, while choosing lean protein and recommended that i only weigh myself once a week instead of once a day like i have been. He also reminded me that women go through the plus and minus of 5lbs due to menstrual cycle alone. So here's to not weighing myself until next Wednesday. I can't wait to check in here, can't believe i waited so long to seek support from this community...

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