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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by es1120

  1. es1120

    5 weeks, 30+ pounds

    You will do as good, if not better! A huge help for me has been to see other's progress pictures. I had a "bad" day yesterday - high calories and sugar so I posted this pic to remind me how far I have come. Best of luck!
  2. es1120

    5 weeks, 30+ pounds

    Thank you both! I do notice a difference - especially in my face and clothes!
  3. es1120

    First Compliment!

    It does feel good!
  4. Tomorrow is my one month "bandiversary" and today a coworker (who I don't see daily) said "you're face is looking skinny! Are you losing weight?" I said, yes, thanks, I'm trying. And she said you look great! First compliment from someone who didn't know about my lap band. ((((((GRIN)))))))
  5. es1120

    how do you know when you're full?

    I get cramps on my left side when I eat too much and/or too fast. I believe it's pressure against the vagus nerve but I may be wrong. Sometimes it radiates up to my shoulder. If I feel that and I'm still eating, I know to stop.
  6. es1120

    March 2013 Bandsters

    I completely empathize! Today is the first day I started to weaken and give in to cravings! My first fill is next Tuesday which I'm excited about but today was a wake up call - no more caving in!
  7. So the pollen in my area has caused me to have complete laryngitis. Dr recommended hot liquids, I.e. tea/coffee. Right now, all I have is chai tea (not decaffeinated). I know we are supposed to avoid caffeine because it is a diuretic but if I drink extra Water, is it harmful to have 3-4 cups of tea? I can't actually "talk" to anyone so I'd like to hear everyone's opinions. TIA
  8. I was banded on 3/28 and my surgeon won't tell me what size my band is. He says it's so I don't focus on the size, fills, etc. I can understand that but shouldn't I know in case of emergency?? Anyone else's dr do this?
  9. es1120

    Silly ? Regarding caffeine

    My post-op packet advises no caffeine but I honestly think it's because most caffeinated drinks usually means lots of sugar. Obviously I'm not getting an XL coffe with sugar and sugary flavor etc. Thanks for all the input!
  10. es1120

    Band size

    I trust my surgeon completely. However, I still feel like I need to know for emergencies. I go for my first fill on the 30th so I'll prob bring it up again. Never got a box or anything regarding the band.
  11. es1120

    Silly ? Regarding caffeine

    Thanks! Feel better knowing I'm not alone :-)
  12. es1120

    Awesome Book!

    NP! It really spoke to me. It's really good for teens with weight issues too!
  13. es1120

    Awesome Book!

    If you are a bibliophile like me, you will love "Skinny" by Donna Cooner. It is about a 300+ pound 15 year-old girl who decides to have gastric bypass surgery. It is amazing how much I related to this character. The journey she goes through is inspirational. I recommend it to everyone who has dealt with weight issues. Disclaimer: I don't work for the author or publisher and I am not being compensated for what is wholly my opinion.
  14. es1120

    March 2013 Bandsters

    I was banded on March 28 so it's been 16 days. I've lost roughly 7 lbs since surgery and became frustrated today when I weighed in and the scale hasn't moved! However, I reminded myself that I'm still healing and still working on portion control and exercise. If I hadn't had the surgery, I would probably still be gaining ( or at least 30 lbs heavier like I was at the start of this journey in Jan) so I'm trying not to get down on myself and work through it. My first fill will be April 30 and I hope that will help some. Good job March bandsters!
  15. *the price is worth it* (what I meant to say, lol)
  16. I agree, everyone's insurance is different. I just don't want anyone to be misinformed like I was. It's the one thing I regret about the surgery; however, it's the price (to me) for my healthier lifestyle! :-)
  17. Very inspirational! Thank you for sharing :-)
  18. I had BCBS of NC and I had approval in less than one week. The whole process from first consultation to surgery was three months (part of that was my schedule). Also, you mention it is fully covered - be sure that means you don't have to pay out of pocket. Mine was covered as well but I still had a 20% copay plus hospital fees. I just don't want you to get sucker punched like I did because I didn't fully understand what "covered" meant. Best of luck to you and congratulations on beginning a healthier life!
  19. I was a flavor seltzer water girl too but I've found the liquid Crystal Light drops help a lot. The first week after surgery I was drinking plain water and it was hard but as soon I started using Crystal Light, I was drinking more water. Best of luck!

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