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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Tawnya777

  1. Hello. How have you been? How is the liquid diet going? We are going on June so soon you will get to progress your diet. I'm excited for you. I know all liquids can be hard, but you have been doing an awesome job!!! Hope all is well with you.
  2. Today I just did shakes and a sugar free pudding. I had gained weight from eating stuff I shouldn't have and now it has been up to me to get back on track and so I have without any help from the dietician who still never called me back. I had to stop and think about why I got this surgery and eating the same way I was is not the plan for me to lose weight. I'm back on my treadmill and taking walks with my kids. I lost my focus, but found it again in all of you. I will weigh in tomorrow to see how much I weigh. I can do this!!!
  3. I know how you feel. My husband and kids had all kinds of goodies and it was hard not to eat them. At first I would crave them so bad, but then the desire just went away. Your welcome. I'm here if you have any questions or just want to vent or talk. Congrats on starting your new journey!!!
  4. You can do it. I'm not going to lie its a little hard at first, but it's worth it. Just make sure to have some Tylenol on hand.
  5. Congrats on starting your new journey. I drank the total lean shakes from GNC, about three a day. I also would have sugar free jello, sugar free Popsicle, broth, and I was approved to eat egg whites. I had anywhere between 400-600 calories a day. Oh yeah by the way those shakes are mixed with water. I also have tried Nectar shakes, but I took those with milk until my husband made it with water and honestly it taste the same without the extra calories from milk. Hope that helps.
  6. So these past few days have been full of lots of cleaning and school work. We are moving in July just not sure when yet, that's the military for ya...lol... I have been drinking shakes for breakfast and having mushies the rest of the day. I went for a walk the other day, but I'm going to start a regular walking routine tomorrow. I'm waiting to weigh myself until the end of the month, instead of every day. Still no word from my dietician. Oh well I can do it on my own and when I move I will get a new dietician. Can't wait for my fill on June 13. I know it will take a couple of fills to get me to be restricted, but every bit helps. I can down water and I never feel sick. I really don't feel like I have a lap band. Hope with that fill I feel something even pain so at least I know it's there. I feel like I have so much more energy now days. I guess that's why I have been scrubbing the lights, cabinets, and just about everything....lol... Sorry everyone I have been super busy, I have not forgot you all and will continue posting.
  7. Sorry I haven't been on for awhile. I was having problems with my app on my phone, it would work and then log me out. I had to update and restore me phone. I have been stressed out lately with school and getting ready to move. My oxygen levels have gotten better they are between 91-97. I went on a four hour walk last week and I was so sore and regretting that for a few days. I was having trouble breathing and pain. I got the clear to eat mushies on the 16th and for me that was a down fall, because ever since I could eat I just keep feeling more hungry. I started to eat bread and meat and I have no problem eating anything. I have stopped in to see my dietician, but she was busy with someone else. She said she would call me, but she has not. I have called her twice and still nothing back from her. I really need to get back on track and I really can't wait for my fill. I'm just glad the military postponed our move for another month, and now I can get my first fill here before we move. I'm starting back on shakes for now so I can get the hunger pain gone and then I will try mushies again. I feel more hungry now then before surgery. I bought a pill box so I can remember to take my vitamins and pills. I'm going to keep calling my dietician to see what she says.
  8. Tawnya777

    Peer pressure

    Keep your head up!!! My whole family didn't support me including my husband, but I made the decision for myself no one else. Now I have everyone's support. My surgery went great and I'm looking forward to my first fill
  9. Tawnya777

    Port issues?

    I didn't even know where my port was until my two week check up. I have heard when you do lose a lot of weight you can feel your port if you push on it. I choose lap band, because I can remove it if I want or if there are complications and I need to remove it. I didn't want to chop up my insides and not be able to reverse something that could potentially turn out to be not such a good idea. I like the fact that with the band you can get fills and feel full and not want to eat, but later when you reach your goal weight you can loosen it to eat more calories. Hope that helps
  10. I was just banded on May 1st. I have anxiety and panic attacks and was very thinking about the surgery. I also have sleep apnea. On the day of surgery surprisingly I was real calm until right before surgery, but they gave me something to calm my nerves before I went in for surgery. When I got into the operating room I was so relaxed and then the anesthesiologist said I'm going to put you to sleep now and I was out within a few seconds. I don't remember being woken up in the recovery room, but I know they do that. I just remember waking up in my room still out of it and very sleepy. I did have oxygen on, but it was just the two little pieces that go in your nose. They will not put a big sleep apnea mask on you, because they do not air getting into your stomach. The surgery really wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Good Luck and Congrats on your surgery!!!
  11. Thanks. I'm feeling better. How are you doing?
  12. It's more like when I get up to do anything I get real winded and its hard to catch my breath. It did get a little better, but then I started using the treadmill and the next day, which was last Friday, I was just sitting down and felt like I really couldn't breath. I kept gasping for air and even tries coughing I used my inhaler thinking it was asthma, even though I have never had an actual attack. My husband came home from work and took me to the ER and they did a bunch of test, one which came back positive for some sort of gases in my blood which means a blood clot so they started treating me with blood thinners and then they did a CT scan which came back with no blood clots in my lungs, which is not to say they are not else where. My oxygen levels were also low so they had me on oxygen, they wanted to send me home with oxygen, but my insurance won't cover it without a specific test. So now I see my physician in the morning to get a referral to a Pulmonologist to see whats going on with my oxygen levels. Sorry that was really long. Did you have a hernia repair? I think the pain from taking a deep breath is normal after surgery especially more if you had a hernia repair.

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