Good morning all, I'm a newbie to your site. I'm just now considering having the lapband surgery and I'll attend a seminar on Tuesday the 26th. I had an appt with my Primary Health Care Provider yesterday for my annual exam and mentioned to him what I was considering, well first off he said I'm a perfect candidate as I have many health issues. The reason for me considering this is that I have just been diagnoised with Onset RA and my weight is a big issue with this diagnoisis. Then he proceeded to say that he would support me in whatever I decide HOWEVER he is not a fan of the surgery, he feels that it's a cop out so to speak for those that just don't want to diet and exercise and that the patients that he has seen that have had the procedure are very sick for the first two months after the surgery and that most gain all of the weight back that they lost plus more. I have to tell you I was so excited at the possibility of having the surgery and now after talking to him....well all I can say is now I'm not sure. I'll still go to the seminar next Tuesday but I just wanted to find a place where I could talk to others that have had the procedure (which he suggested by the way) to see what the experience has been for those that have had the surgery. I have numerous health issues, that my weight has contributed to. I've tried numerous diets to no avail. Any response would be greatly appreciated!!