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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by burnsun

  1. Please don't compare the dosages. but before surgery 850 mg X 2. I had to chage to 3 1/2 500 mg pills 4 x day to get it through the band (it sucked crushing it and really tasted so bad and gave me really bad lows when crused (and I don't take the XR). I know takke 2 1/2 500 mg pills over course of day still 3 times I also take 2 Calcium pills (chewable and one childrens Vitamin and I am takinging a folic cupplement.

  2. I have it- I have done really well with the weight loss. PCOS doctor didn't think I would do as well as I have. I have been able to cut my metformin in half- I tried cutting it all out- but I lost my cycle again. I will say or warn you- I had a period ever 13-16 days for the first 9 months of my banding. Doctor felt it was due to the losing weight then "dumping" the estrogen stored in that fat therefore causing the hormone spike that starts your cycle. But after 10 months I am finally back to normal (well as normal as I could be)

    I occasionally still have spikes- my acne is slightly better- but I think the met did more of that and I still have hair in weird places- but it isn't falling out (however could be do to Protein intake)

    I also had a baby before banding- 13 years of trying then two adoptions baby out of blue then another adoption. SO I am up to four. If we get pregnant again I will be happy- because I really want to look pregnant- I never looked pregnant just fatter! (I actually lost 50 lbs when pregnant- but 330 to 279 didn't make that much difference)

    Good luck!

  3. I like the pro perfomance 95 from GNC. 25 g soy Protein + the amount from the skim milk. Icould eat three a day and not want to kill every human. The taste was good for me- I liked the vanilla, choclate - but there are other flavors Cookies and cream and bannana and strawberry.< /p>

    I have mixed in berries or cinamon or 1/2 teaspoon instant coffee or a bannana to vary the flavor and get me some more carbs (I was nursing at the time) or a punch! I occasionally still use one when I am to tight (for what ever reason about 1/3 the time in the morning) or when I am making shakes for dh and the kids with ice cream.

    I am a big believer in soy protein! And occasionally I need it to keep my protein above 75 g (again - I am nursing still)

  4. Krystal- I wish you luck in your journey! Ihave four children and live in the STL area too! Thank the lord our zoo doesn't have many hills, I am forever pulling them in the wagon there (we moved from TN and our Knoxville zoo is on the side of a small mountain - ok large hill)

    I hope you get your call back soon. An aquaintance of mine just had the bypass, (I tried to explain the benfits etc- but insurance only paid for this & they appoved her plaxzstics already too- oh to have her policy on that). The docotrs here are really great, but I went to Mexico and am so happy weith my loss. I am really doing great (or so everyone tells me)

    Wishing you the best!

  5. I hope it works!!!!! Remeber what goes up can and will come down (except mayber in CA- you guys are just crazy!!!))

    I think I have lost what you will gain- but somebody gets to get - I am glad it is a bandster!. our farm in TN has been for sale for four years. (We lost all of our industry- etc) We finally have an offer almost 400K less thans appraised value 6 years ago! But I can pay off the bank and get out from 4 years of two payments (there and STL).

  6. My goal by BMI for my height is 125 to 164 lbs. I decided on 160 lbs myself. I have a huge frame and bones and have been overweight for most of my life - so I have high density (yeah no osteoporosis)! My OB thinks I should be about 175 to 180 not pregnant (so who really knows)

    I would go with what you want. I figure when I get to 160- I may re=evaluate also but I know that less than 145 would look ridiculous cause I have a big but and I would be so bottom heavy that it would not be curvy

  7. My mother in law and I got banded on the same day. (possible regret) It was good and bad. We have someone to ask questions of (ok- she has someone to ask questions of) We went back for one fill together and she has had one fill here in STL.

    My only regret is really not being able to do it sooner. I got pregnant (after 13 years of trying) while saving the $$$ UP THE FIRST TIME. wAITED ALMOST 2 YEARS then was able to do it.

    My small little problem is I am a great looser (if all goes well I will be well over 100 lbs lost before my 1 year anniversary- same as expected on bypass) Mom is not doing as well she is a very slow looser ( but if she followed any rules she might do better- her worst is the alcohol/wine every night & she refuse to do an exercise. She is closer to 45 lbs loss now. But it is still a loss.

    She is mad at me because I am in size L or 12/14 and she is still in 18's (I was 3x before). She also started out with miuch quicker losses before our first fill and I felt like a failure then. So I guess it evens out!

    But if they take my band- I would just cry and cry!!!! and probably make them wire my mouth shut.

    My only other regret is I can't enjoy a salad yet. It just sucks and tastes crappy after all that chewing. But when I get closer to goal- if I can't eat it then I will have some taken out!

  8. From one who went to school has a BS and MS in Physics and taught for 11 years and did semi profesional theater as well as high school and college theater while I was teaching. I do now love staying at home with my kids. But that was and is my choice and not that of others. (though I never at 23 or 26 thought that at 38 I would love this!!!!)

    I also have my monster in law living woith us (she even got banded at the same time) - but she wlives with us- not the other way round! It does have a few advantages- I can run to the store in the moddle of night with DH and she doesn't have to be driven home after she babysits or holidays etc.

    I lived for a while in Mexico and saw this as common for most families untill they built up enoguh $$$ to get their own house/apartment etc. However all the people I knew doing it had small houses on the family house or studio apartments, etc.

    Good luck and wish you all the best

  9. You hit the nail on the head with your question about the size thing. I finally bought new clothes this past weekend. I was really wondering this too!

    (future reference if your ever in STL area and see a stressed mom shopping with 4 kids running in three carts in a department store stop and ask her if she wants help- IT IS ME!!!! I have never taken the kids anywhere where you had to go in to get carts new surprise and not so fun- moral I will shop with two and only two if I am by myself!

    I got mostly 14's but 2 sixteens and 3 twelves. bUT ALL LARGES (THOUGH i THINK A MEDIUM MIGHT HAVE FIT) So I am so confused (but the only pair of gap jeans I ever owned and fit - size 14 still can't even pull up past mid thigh (from 1989 or 90 my one skinny month)


    My new NSV was to go the Fox theater, have plenty of room in the chair and be able to comfortable cross my legs and not crowd dh or my neighbor!!! ANd BIG RIVER WAS AWESOME!!!! Though a co worker of DH recently go back after 4 months abroad for work and saw our new family photo and asked Eric if he got remarried. I think that was good!

    Anyways congratulations and have fun!!!

  10. I have been in the "obese" catagory my entire teenage and= adult life (except for a skinny week t=here and there). I also taught high school for almost 11 years- Kids are mean!!!! They were mean to me and I have seen many kiddos on the brink of suicide because of this (the tteasing the people who threw things at them from moving cars, put stuff in their lockers , etc)

    I am really concerned with ever telling Adrian I had surgery for that very reason. I don't want her to think I took the easy way out and so can she. I want her to make healthy choices and do so appropriately- but gosh darn it wendy's fries DO taste better than the fruit!!!! Sorry but they do. She is my little one and I already see her ability to have my thighs (Oh how I was hoping for dad's legs)

    I hope to educate her a lot more on BMI (if she asks) I know half of my problems could have been corrected if I had thouroughly understood I was " not that fat" - because of warped understanding of what was/is normal

    Would I want my child (or any other) to undergo that teasing (and it is really bad!) or unecessay years of pain while waiting for surgery and age 21/

    No probably not. I also have three children with whom weight will definetly be an issue and this is never going to be an option for them! I just keep running them around (or they run me - I am not sure)

    But we can't even get insurance to cover most adults, who decides who gets it and who doesn't and I sure don't want to tell a MO child that they have been declined when there hopes are high there is an end in site!!! Been there done that and gained it all back with some friends.

  11. I was just thinking about posting this topic today! I was looking at my Sillouttes catalog an loving some of the new dresses- and realizing the XL would just fall off. I can't find that dress (or a few others) in another small person catalog.

    At Walmart the other day- I couldn't believe all the things in the plus size I liked and they would never fit and that there was nothing in the 12-14 range I wanted. (thank the lord my butt is still a 16/18 - i think?)

  12. Oh- i understand about the bat wings!!!! Mine are huge almost 6 inches. I used to teach ap physics and other science- so I determined the other day they were long enough to show the direction accereation by their movement on a ride at six flags and I didn't need to take my portable one if I was interested in knowing (not sure which is worse- that I want to know or that I can now use my arms)

    But I agree with Alex. It may resolve a little to a lot depending on how long you have been overweight (mine won't) and even DH said surgery would be fine for those. I figured I save the tt for when I was out of child bearing age or I just got so disgusted. It can be toned but the hanging skin is something that is just plain annoying (I can't fit in smaller shirts cause of arm flab now-poo!)

    I don't have neighbors in visual contact- but plan on those 3/4 sleve sets they had many cute ones at target and Walmart that were cheap enough for one year if you loose more. I got a couple of cute light sweaters to cover up when I leave house for sun dresses etc. But I may eventually give up and let it hang when it al gets to hot.

    FYI- I got the worst sunburn on the hanging part this weekend- I don't think it had ever seen the sun before and I was mowing lawn and forgot to put extra sunscreen there (never had that problem on the "under area before"

  13. Great job MIchelle!!!!!!! I am so happy for you (I say that as I am eating a choclate chip cookie my daughter brought me)

    Thank God for the band because before I would have eaten 10- now one is a lot, but I doubt I'll get to a size 10 my but is so big

    BUT YOURS LOOKED GREAT IN YOUR Before/after photos!!

    Way to go!!!!

  14. I find that I had to find a new way to sit every 10 -20 lbs. IE - Sit proper or my port had fat/ flab rubbing against it. The more I sat wrong the more it hurt like your describing, As I lost weight it has gone away (unless I slouch at the computer screen a lot).

  15. My DH and I talked at great length about this this past weekend. I got my tax return back and paid off the loan for the band. He called it the best 10K I had ever spent. I sort of cried. I asked him if he was mad at me because I couldn't take it off (and keep it off) with programs like you mentioned.

    He then said the following. You never have been "diet crazy with this"; "you're the cheapest date now"; and I know you would not have done it if you didn't think it was the only way".

    I know he is right, but I too still feel like a failure. But I never never never could have stuck to a low calorie diet this long!!! My little friend lets me have what I want in just little amounts and I can eat just one oreo now (not the whole bag- never thought that was humanly possible & still don't buy them) or share a piece of cake with my three children at a party in stead of all of getting one so I can eat the extras. We can order an appetizer and I can share with dh and kids and don't need anything elso. I don't urges to want to kill anyone who can eat celery and carrots without dip or Peanut Butter, etc. anymore either

  16. Colin & I have to take one (and so will Miranda) because we have heart issues (me rhuematic fever/scarlet fever and COlkin and Miranda- repaired issues with heart). THe doctor's thinking is that the "release" of bacteria that can occur when cleaning or during dental work can cause an infection to settle in any part of the body. Usually it is somewhere that has been compromised for some reason (specifically heart).

    So I took mine- glad I did to, this last trip in Feb- caused me to get in infected salivary glands and lymph nodes really bad and really painful and happened so quick. (29 hours after)- it took a different one to get rid of it,

    In theory - it could attack the band, but my primary care said there was about a million and half other places they would go first if band is in good condition and working order and since blood does not flow or a part of the band working process and the interior of stomach (if you swallow the bacteria) destroys it.

  17. The only thing the band or my kids or having been pregnaNT OR GETTING CLOSER TO 40 THAN AWAY FROM IT or what ever has done. Is I really find myself looking for reasons to get off the couch and exercise. I never thought I would say that- but I am bitchier and nastier and more easily angered by my kids the days I midd exercising (or heaven forbid I miss about three- and dh will suggest maybe it is time for the treadmill or to go to the Y for a swim)

    Other than that I have learned that I can beat this too- but I wish I felt I had given myself the will power to stick to a 1200 calorie diet for as long the band has! But I couldn't do it and at least now I can eat the good stuff and the bad stuff (never thought a happy meal would make 2 or three meals for me in my life)


  18. I found the pre op diet the hardest part of my surgery and post band life!!!!. It was not required by my doctor, but I chose to do it because our follow up doctor recommends them and I was really concerned about making sure I could recover quickly!!!

    I used a GNC Protein drink properformanace 95 ( all soy protein) and skim milk with it and a little fruit, plus the jellow and the tea stuff 10 days 13 lbs and all ready for one last little meal in Mexico and it has been great since then!!!

  19. I thouroughly understand your joy an enthusiasm (mom w/ two little ones with heart issues- and upcoming open heart procedure for littlest one in June). The day I found our Colin's l(patch through leg) had worked and he wouldn't need full open was one of the happiest of my life!!!

    Kiss him tonight for me and mine!

  20. Oh- I wish it were a problem. My band lets the following things through with no stoping or fighting back:

    1) popcorn

    2) RECE Peanut Butter CUPS ( THOUGH i ONLY EAT A MINI)



    5) ICINING

    I thank the lord I usually don';'t keep much of that around house on any regular basis. But catch me at the wrong time of the month and I'll eat it all!!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
