Dear Balbuquerque,
Thanks for asking. Things took a turn for the worse. Just two days after my post from March, I went to the ER and was admitted to the hospital for 9 days! Turns out that the surgeon (I guess) or the hospital was at fault-- anyway, I got an infection just around the diaphram and my lungs filled with fluid!! The ER called in an interventional radiologist and they drained my lungs. From there, I had to have a chest tube put in and a drain for the infections. Two tubes!!
I am out after a week and a half and on antiobiotics at home. They were considering chest surgery but now it is just wait and see. I have appts. this week with a pulminologist and a thorassic surgeon.
On a good note, I can eat normally again and have lost 12 pounds since having the lap band removed!!!