My extended family has gathered in and amongst three family owned lake front homes for the past 100 years. One branch of the family is, well, stinkin rich...and have done amazing things--one of my cousins travelled thru europe for a long time, studied art in Italy--lived in NYC (and still does) and is VERY VERY sophisticated......a tiny bit intimidating when we have to chat about what we've been doing with ourselves---she just seems soooo glam.
Well, I was in nursing school, so early 80's and whatsherface had just returned from Italy and blah blah blah, fake accent and alll, I was ready to puke...... a friend from the lake was asking her all about her trip.....some how they got to talking about where the lady was from and the topic of conversation turned to Vermont.......She asked whatsherface if she had ever been to Vermont. Whatsherface replied, 'No, I have never been out west.'
I nearly died. I choked on my drink, had to get up, nearly peed half running back to our house. My mother, always the essence of decorum, laughing, spewing peeing right behind me!
Still cracks me up after all these years......