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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Bandedlove

  1. Bandedlove

    3 days post-op and dragging

    I am taking chewable centrum because i wad told not to take a gummi vitamin, the docs said it is missing a key vitamin
  2. Bandedlove

    No prescription pain meds post op?

    All my doctor prescribed for me was liquid Tylenol with codine...i did pretty fine with that, the first night, next day i went out and bought childrens Tylenol so i wouldn't be drowsy during the day...my friend is a nurse on a bariatrics floor and she said they prescribe their patients liquid Percocet but i think what it comes down to is the doctor and everyones individual pain tolerance. For me personally the gas pains hurt more than the incisions, but still the gas pain was tolerable but really really annoying....by day 3 the incision pain was there but not horrible, I'm day 5 i have slight gas pain didn't take any of my Tylenol yesterday or today..but again everyone has a different tolerance to pain
  3. Happy Easter everyone...so today marks 5 days post op and my stomach is being very vocal, rumbling everyone minute and when i lay down it makes weird noises...is anyone experiencing this? The protein shakes are not cutting it, i am drinking 2 oz every half hour and say i take a sip at 11:30, my stomach starts growling like 11:45, my hunger is not satisfied at all...on top of it my mother is cooking in the kitchen and i smell it, I'm trying to isolate myself in my room which is petty depressing but I know its for my own good...but God it sucks
  4. Bandedlove

    5 incisions??

    I have 5 incisions total... [ATTACH]26283[/ATTACH] (1 above my belly button which is where they put the port and it's about an 1 1/2 inches) one is right below my ribs which is about a 1/4 inch which is where they put the liver retractor, then 3-1/2 inch incisions (2) on the right side of my port (1) on the left
  5. Bandedlove

    Two days post op hurts to eat!

    I was banded too on tues (3/26) and the worst pain so far is definitely from the gas pain (it's in my left shoulder and under my ribs) I told the nurse that called to check up on me the day after and she said ooh don't worry it usually goes away after a day...yea right! Its worse than my incision pain..I'm really hoping it goes away soon, but i only seem to be getting it towards the end of the day :/ and are we supposed to be going #2 if we are i guess I'm constipated too lol
  6. I just got banded too, yesterday 3/26...i have gas pain under the left side of my ribs and behind my left shoulder that i wish would go away..i don't feel hungry at all which is good since at this stage we're surviving on liquids lol..how are you feeling?
  7. Bandedlove


    I started using nectresse by splenda its all natural, can't taste it like you could with Splenda..cuz i used to use splenda...also be careful with things like crystal light, check the labels..i know crystal light in particular contains aspartame..not sure about the other brands

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