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Everything posted by JACKIEO85

  1. If i were you I'd find out First what is going on with the Band, a Revision to sleeve doesn't have be done at the same time a band is removed. Also if your Surgeon is saying he thinks the band has eroded, Then a Sleeve revision MAY NOT be possible? Then your going to have to consider another form of WLS. personally I'd start researching all the options (why wait). The literature states that a Loss of restriction is a sign of erosion, and epigastric pain, where others experience nothing. What happened that you Failed the Barium swallow? Did the Surgeon see the flow of Barium going somewhere other than through the esophagus/stomach? OR were you just unable to tolerate drinking the Barium? I ask because this is a Concern for allot of Banded ppl. Any information can be helpful. In regards again to the Revision, Get on the Phone call the Insurance company, then get them to send you a hard copy of the policy to explain your Bariatric coverage, it varies greatly and you can't always trust the person that answers the phone to explain it correctly. BMI isn't the only factor that the insurance approves a revision, if Co-mobidities are present those are also factored in the decision. Good Luck!! So Sorry that your having band complications, Please keep us Posted and i hope all works out in your Favor!!
  2. If your Surgeon is replacing JUST the port then usually NO, and if they said just fasting after Midnight sounds like a good plan, from what i understand a port replacement is done outside the abdomen , they don't need to open you up like when the band was placed, just cut where the port is remove it and replace it HTH.. GOOD LUCK!
  3. JACKIEO85

    Anyone take Lisinopril for high BP?

    I've been on Lisinopril for years, 20 mg at first currently on 40mg working on lower that dose back to 20mg, Sorry i don't have any issues with a Cough Dry or otherwise. Ask your Doctor about switching meds, it's not uncommon, and quite easy to do . If the Cough persists I'd check with your Band Surgeon it May be band related.
  4. JACKIEO85

    fluid loss without a leak???

    The Lap Band and tubing is a Close system Not sure how Saline could evaporate from that?
  5. JACKIEO85

    I lost my job today

    I understand your desire to have the band, but this is one time I have to agree with Mis73, One thing to consider is that complications can occur by filling a band prematurely as others have mentioned. that can result in a SLIP. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3038361/ You can read the complications from the link above. and No Doctor that is Ethical will Pre bill for something that he didn't do it's called insurance Fraud. Good luck in your decision, I hope you find an answer to your insurance problem!
  6. Do what is comfortable for you, It doesn't matter if it's a Surgical Center OR A hospital..Just because it's a hospital doesn't mean it's going to be any more sterile then a surgical center, for anyone to suggest this is just ludicrous There isn't any guarantee that just because you go to the hospital that they will keep you overnight either that is between YOU and YOUR Surgeon. GOOD LUCK
  7. JACKIEO85

    I was afraid this would happen...

    So Sorry Scorpio Girl that you had the issues that you have had with your Band and that your Post Got High-jacked ​I'm pretty sure the only thing SG was doing here was Sharing HER experience. When Actually, if anyone has ever read the Allergan Complications lists they will see that In DEED Esophageal issues are a complication with a band. Esophageal Dilation, Delayed Esophageal Emptying GI perforation, Dysphagia. I'm not saying just because they list it everyone is going to experience it, But they have to list it in order for the FDA to had approved it. And sounds like SC had a few of these problems AND she had a Band And we all know the LB only causes %5 of the complications the other complications are from Non- compliance....lol (YEAH RIGHT) .A LB after 2007 NOT high pressure? I'd love to see that proof. NO one will argue that AFTERCARE is important, But I'd have to agree that almost everything you said to SC was a personal attack, because unless your her Surgeon how do you know what she went through? Scar tissue is a FACT with any surgery, it happens, unfortunately they can't determine the severity until they open you up to view the abdominal cavity. QUOTE:Scar tissue forms around the lap band anyway because it helps hold it in place long term along with the sutures. ​I'd love to see the Study on this as well, because if that's the case why bother to suture? We can all just pray that the scar tissue hold the band in place apposed to causing problems.
  8. HOPE your Doing well Please Keep us all posted as to your recovery as we/I like to keep updated as to complications that occur with the Band. May I ask how the band slipped ? Good Luck in your Healing and starting over
  9. JACKIEO85

    Maybe the grass isn't always greener

    Your correct this is an Old post so why Kick a person when their down? Why exactly are you here again? for support I think that Road works BOTH ways. Karma is a good thing ..
  10. JACKIEO85

    Fill opinion.

    the First fill @ 6 weeks is just a guideline. I too was traveling and had to wait 12 weeks for my first fill, but why stress yourself out on what is supposed to be the happiest place on Earth!...lol Enjoy your vacation, you don't want to be uncomfortable, I honestly don't think that would happen for a first fill but why take the chance It's going to take some time to get where your going with the band, another week really isn't going to make the difference. ENJOY YOUR VACATION!!!!
  11. JACKIEO85


    Do you have Fibro? I do know some people that have had a band and have it. But the manufacturer (Allergan) states that bands are contraindicated in Patients or family members with a known diagnosis or pre-existing symptoms of autoimmune connective-tissue disease such as systemic lupus erythematosus or scleroderma. Also it's not recommend for anyone that needs or takes NSAID's. Due to the possibility of developing Ulcer's That being said, I know people that have also developed Fibro after being banded. Good Luck !
  12. I haven't had a bypass But I do have a band, what type of pain are you experiencing? pain or discomfort is normal, it's major surgery and usually it's not the band itself causing pain, in most cases. It's from the CO2 gas that they put into the abdominal cavity to raise the abdomen to see around the organs to do the surgery. That will cause pain in the Left shoulder and in the stomach in general. The incisions of course will hurt as well. The best thing to do is WALK WALK WALK it helps to dissipate the CO2. I hope this helps, and if it's really too much to handle call your Doctor!!
  13. JACKIEO85

    Need to have my band removed :(

    Best of LUCK EllieMae!!!! You will do Great, I belong to a band Group on FB and they say that having the band removed is sometimes easier than having it placed. They explain it as minor discomfort, anywhere from 3days to a week or less . Some Dr's Don't use the CO2 gas, so no shoulder discomfort, and minimal pain meds, and pre-removal post removal diet is limited. They also have good groups for WLS Or regain/revision even if your not considering it, still good information/support to avoid regain
  14. Acid reflux: One in four people in the U.S. suffer from acid reflux, but just because it's so common doesn't mean you should ignore it, says Dr. Carson Liu, board-certified surgeon. "Acid reflux can cause heartburn, dental erosion, and asthma-like symptoms when stomach contents are aspirated into the lungs," he says. Plus, it can lead to esophageal cancer. "Popping a few pills doesn't seem like a big deal, so the quick fix is the go-to for the vast majority of people suffering from the condition," he says. This quick fix is only masking the condition. Acid reflux is a progressive disease and becomes wore as the anti-reflux valve in our esophagus deteriorates. Talk to your doctor about the best treatment for you. http://shine.yahoo.com/vitality/7-health-symptoms-never-ignore-203200563.html
  15. JACKIEO85

    Need to have my band removed :(

    Your Correct!! as Usual.. but then Since they only started to do bands in the US in 2001 the studies are limited. and since they do have to remove bands, because "people don't follow the rules" just quoting here NOT MY OPINION. Some people choose to Revise instead of getting another band. And since the study says that High secondary failure rate of rebanding after failed gastric banding. This must have been only the 4cc type and we all know that those have higher complications, funny those complications are the SAME as all the rest of bands But If you have a study that differentiates the 4c band complications from the "newer" less invasive band complications I'd love to read that Thanks
  16. JACKIEO85

    Need to have my band removed :(

    ElieMayClem and lisabenband Sorry that you went through band removal just an FYI the studies show that Rebanding has a High secondary failure rate. Probably the reason people that can get a revision to another form of WLS do, instead of getting re-banded. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17593435
  17. NO reason to Be Scared, just follow your Doctor's recommendations. People come here for support and to report band problems, THAT isn't going to stop and attacking/calling them names isn't going to make them go away, probably make them even more persistent Everything here is personal experience, nothing changes that, some think it's Gospel, it's not. NO matter what WLS COMPLICATIONS are a Risk we ALL agreed to take.
  18. JACKIEO85

    Symptoms of Band Slippage

    ASK YOUR DOCTOR to do an Upper G.I. The patient usually presents with dysphagia, vomiting, regurgitation and food intolerance. The diagnosis is made by upper gastrointestinal series. Complications related to band slip include gastric perforation, necrosis of the slipped stomach (type-V prolapse), upper gastrointestinal bleeding and aspiration pneumonia. this is from a link to http://www.ncbi.nlm....les/PMC3038361/ Complications associated with adjustable gastric banding for morbid obesity: a surgeon’s guide Sure hope you get some answers GOOD LUCK
  19. I appreciate you all sharing the good, bad and ugly with me. What I don't like is the demeaning and condescending tones some of the posts have had. This is a support forum, so we should support and respect everyone's views because hopefully they are all based on experience and not hate stemmed from your own decision. So, I must say that I value the opinions of those that have had the band longer (regardless of manufacturer) than those that are less than 5 or so years because I'm looking for long term support. ~~~~~~~~AMEN~~~~
  20. I'm curious HOW a person goes about causing these problems? Since it's often said here that only 5% of band problems are caused by the band and the rest is from non-compliance? When ALLERGAN states these as ADVERSE EVENTS in their own literature Table 1: Serious Adverse Events Considered Related to the LAP-BAND® System for the US Pivotal Study in Severely Obese Adults Band Slippage, Pouch Dilatation Stoma Obstruction Gastroesophageal reflux Esophageal Dilatation Cholelithiasis Incisional Infection Abdominal Pain Gastroenteritis Nausea and/or Vomiting Port Leak Delayed Esophageal Emptying GI Perforation Hernia Band Erosion Chest Pain Dysphagia Infection Asthma Atelectasis Dehydration Headache Abnormal Healing Hiatal Hernia Improper Band Placement respiratory Disorder Thrombosis Thyroid Disorder Death All Adverse Events that Occurred at a Rate of 5% or More for the US Pivotal Study in Severely Obese Adults Nausea and/or Vomiting Gastroesophageal reflux Stoma Obstruction Constipation Dysphagia Diarrhea Abnormal Stools Abdominal Pain Asthenia Incisional Infection Infection Fever Hernia Pain Chest Pain Pain Incision Band Slippage/Pouch Dilation Port Site Pain Port Displacement Serious adverse effects; Lower BMI Study Abdominal Pain Shoulder Pain Dysphagia Medical Device Complication (Band Erosion) Gastric Outlet Obstruction Vomiting And I KNOW we ALL received this information Prior to getting a band And ALL WLS has risks but to blame someone for ALL of these complications seems a little naive. And just so I don't gt accused of making them up her is the Link to Allegan http://www.allergan.com/assets/pdf/lapband_dfu.pdf
  21. Interesting article on Med page today ...things that make you go hmmmmmmmmmm Children who were punished physically had higher risks for cardiovascular disease, arthritis, and obesity in adulthood, researchers found. http://www.medpagetoday.com/TheGuptaGuide/Pediatrics/40451
  22. I'm truly sorry that you've had a negative experience with the band. It's TRUE it happens I've found that AFTERCARE is soooooooooooo IMPORTANT!!! And again it's a Fact that so many Doctor's feel that their part ends when the band is placed. Sounds like the LB has paid off in SPADES if your doctor has a nice new office, sounds like he's placed enough of them and get's quite a fee for Fills to have paid for his new office on the pain and suffering of his patient's. wondering if this is one of the 1-800 GET THIN clinics If so they have a current lawsuit against them. (just a thought) ​It's true some people Don't get results or lose with with band, but I'm not telling you anything you don't already know ..sorry. Also, Sorry that you or anyone else that doesn't have the "perfect band" experience can't be open to THEIR experience without being called a Troll. It's called Fear of Reality Good Luck!
  23. JACKIEO85

    long story need opinions

    I'm curious as to what the POINT of the study was? For me personally after a fill I didn't always feel a lasting fullness until I was closer to 7 cc in a 14 cc band. ( hope that makes sense?)and then after a fill my feeling of fullness wasn't until days after the fill and lasted for weeks until the next fill, hence the reason for another fill. Were they trying to see if the brain changes were physical or psychological? Like others have mentioned you need to relay this information to your doctor, I'd read numerous posts that other banders have had these same issues after small un-fills and then experiencing a re-fill. As far as a Slip, unless your having issues swallowing, vomiting,regurge or unable to eat (classic symptoms) I wouldn't get overly concerned at this point......Keep us posted please and good luck!
  24. It shouldn't because those pills are usually small enough to swallow, Been there done that Off them now. The thing is anti-depressant's don't usually work in a month's time, doesn't matter what one your on SO ask your doctor if he's thinking it's going to help in such a short amount of time? GOOD LUCK

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