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Mr. Yoda

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Mr. Yoda

  1. I picked Cher because her mustache is bigger...(Mmrraa hahahahaha :evil: Evil laugh) at least S&C aren't as bad as some that could have been offered.. Mutt & Jeff Ren & Stimpy Lewis & Martin George & Gracy Lewis & Clark Hans & Chewie Frodo & Sam Ethel & Lusy Rebo & Zooty Just to name a few. Boy the battle over whos who there would be epic!!!
  2. Mr. Yoda

    Oldtimers thread

    This is one I can answer as I am in the hospitality feild!!! You can think of it this way as well... "how much are they making from your App and Wine? is it more than if you didn't order anything? or if you didn't go? YES it is! So it is you who are doing them the service of visiting their establishment. And if they give you a hard time about your order, you can come here and tell ALL of us! and look at ALL the patron they WON"T be getting! You are going to enjoy yourself, don't let some SNOOTY :huytsao server ruin it for you!
  3. :) :) :rant: Somethings just burn my cookies and the Holiday Inn on Bloor st. has done it this time. Yoda called on Saturday about the price for staying and was quoted $119 for the "medical rate" for the day of my Banding. Then today when she calls back to book the room, she is told the price is $139! :rant: :rant: :rant: When called on it with the Saturday rate, the reservation guy wants the name of the Saturday guy (which we don't have because we were fishing) and flatly refuses to honour the quoted rate.:rant::rant::rant: So now I have to call, to see if I can get them to give the rate they quoted. Why can't business treat people like customers like we are instead of the bad guys? :rant::rant::rant: It's like the game has become who can screw whom first. It just sucks that when a loved one is going under the knife, their family still has to worry about this CRAP on top of everything else!:rant::rant::rant: That is my rant:rant::rant::rant: PHeW!
  4. Mr. Yoda

    I know we don't dump but?

    I thought it was what you were called when you ruined a nice walk in a beautiful feild... "You sure Golfballed that hike!" or when you feel like you were wacked around the course with tools ill equipted for the job..."After last night's party, I felt Golfballed this morning!" But alas I am not yet Banded and I am sure that when I am I will learn what "the 'flaming golf ball from hell' scenario":second: (as JACk says) truely means...:fear: Heaven Forbid!!! :pray:
  5. Mr. Yoda

    Complete this sentence...

    I would have gone through the proceedure when my wife did and be a new man by now... :doh: instead of just starting the journey...
  6. Mr. Yoda

    Baby steps...

    Had my consult at TLBC in Toronto yesterday. Took about an hour and a half and it went well and they had an opening for the 4th of May. So in a little less than a month I will be turned to the Banded side. :bandit The journey will not be easy! Oh no! The PTB have already set an obstacle to trip me up. They gave me a directive, a 10-day pre-op diet:hungry: that is designed to weaken the strongest and most powerful of humans. I speak of the Yoghurt and clotted cheese diet, the very dietary bane of the lactose intolerant . I may find this doubly difficult as I have access to many more delectable and tasty morsels, as I cook for my diners, but I shall endeavour to resist this evil and stay on the true path. So I am a combination of nervous and calm, excited and relieved, with a dash of terrified and glad. But there is always that tiny voice of dread and disaster that I can’t shut off. That Jiminy Cricket with a blow horn,:director: the naysayer that always plays devil’s advocate pointing incessantly at the danger and woe that can always befall any decision made. But this time I will not listen :lalala: for I know all will go well and the band will work with me, like the thousands of others before me and the multitude that will follow me to the Banded side. The single step has been taken and the first test to see if I am worthy to join the Brethren on the Banded side. With no hesitation I move forward and despite (or because of) JC screaming in my ear, I continue on the path... (and stayed on my feet!)
  7. Mr. Yoda

    Baby steps...

    Had my consult at TLBC in Toronto yesterday. Took about an hour and a half and it went well and they had an opening for the 4th of May. So in a little less than a month I will be turned to the Banded side. :bandit The journey will not be easy! Oh no! The PTB have already set an obstacle to trip me up. They gave me a directive, a 10-day pre-op diet:hungry: that is designed to weaken the strongest and most powerful of humans. I speak of the Yoghurt and clotted cheese diet, the very dietary bane of the lactose intolerant . I may find this doubly difficult as I have access to many more delectable and tasty morsels, as I cook for my diners, but I shall endeavour to resist this evil and stay on the true path. So I am a combination of nervous and calm, excited and relieved, with a dash of terrified and glad. But there is always that tiny voice of dread and disaster that I can’t shut off. That Jiminy Cricket with a blow horn,:director: the naysayer that always plays devil’s advocate pointing incessantly at the danger and woe that can always befall any decision made. But this time I will not listen :lalala: for I know all will go well and the band will work with me, like the thousands of others before me and the multitude that will follow me to the Banded side. The single step has been taken and the first test to see if I am worthy to join the Brethren on the Banded side. With no hesitation I move forward and despite (or because of) JC screaming in my ear, I continue on the path... (and stayed on my feet!)
  8. Correction!!!! I was mistaken about the date of my Banding! it is the 4th of May (Not the 5th) so sorry, there is proof of that nervous thingy... Susansilver: The hotel was the Delta Chelsy right downtown. The yoplay diet for me :hungry: (yes, yogurt and Cot. cheese). I am booked for a seminar but I fear my work schedual may be a conflict, but I am planning to go if I can, tho the mrs. has been banded for almost a year so there won't be a lot of new info for me. We live in the Barrie area. Irishmist: Love your whiskey !! We will surely save $$$ on the groceries and dinners out!
  9. Hi everyone, we are back from our trip and all is well. The room was small and rather old, the restaurants there were rather crappy and the pool was rather chilly. All that adds up to we would have rather stayed in a better place but cost and location was the deciding factor. The play, We Will Rock You, was… how should I put this? It was… Fun! Moving! :dance: Funny! Outstanding! :high5: Fantastic! :clap2: An incredible experience that if you like :hail: Queen in any way shape or form, GO SEE IT! There were numerous Canadian references that were hilarious! The names of the Bohemians brought tears to our collective eyes. Their salute to fallen musical heroes was quite moving. The actors were amazing. Overall it made up for the hotels shortcomings and the cold crappy weather to make the trip worth every penny spent. We would go again if the opportunity arose. A must see. And you all have currently until September to enjoy the performance. As for the other part of our trip… The consult went well and they had an opening for the 5th of May. So in a little less than a month I will be joining the Banded side. Took about an hour and a half between the consult and the talk with the head nurse. I have a 10-day pre-op diet (the first test to see if I am worthy to join the Banded Brethren). I know all will go well and the band will work with me, but there is always that tiny voice of dread and disaster that I can’t shut off. So I am a combination of nervous and excited, calm and terrified, with a dash of glad and relieved.
  10. Thursday is my Consult. If all goes well I should have a date for the implant. Fingers, toes and everything crossable is crossed!
  11. Mr. Yoda

    For Just Us Guys

    my wife had the same thing... It was cause by the knock out gas they used on her.:notagree It took several weeks for her to finally get back to her own self. If you feel you can't weather the "stewing boil" talk to you Dr. about it, I'm sure he/she can help.
  12. Mr. Yoda

    My Consult and date!!

    Good luck... May the BAND be with you! :clap2:
  13. Mr. Yoda

    Susan's Solemn Silliness

    I know how you feel! As I have my consult in 2 days and with my line of work... I worry about "doing it" all the time. I am a chef and all types of food are around me ALL the time. BUt I have seen the results and some of the troubles, and in the end, it is something I think is worth the time and effort. You will have 2nd thoughts till the day it happens, just try and focus on your goal and it should help.
  14. Mr. Yoda

    In the beginning...

    Monday, April 2, 2007 It has been a little over a year now since I have heard about the LapBand. If you set your wayback machine to February 2006 you will find my wife and a co-worker disussing this new proceedure like a gastricbypass and see the first steps towards the Banded side. Jump forward 2 months to a nervious Mr. yoda at TLBC in Toronto waiting to hear how his better half has done in the surgery. She came through fine with her own little symbiont implanted inside her belly, to help her loose the weight that has plagued her for far too long. With a slight fast forward we see her melt away, loosing over 70 lbs in a little over a year. Health improving and shopping like a 16 year old valley girl with a new limitless credit card from daddy. But alas you will also witness the slight reduction in my weight followed by the explosion of my waist line as I find all her losses like a Hardy boy on speed. This is just one of the many see-saw battles of the bulge that I have waged for as long as I can remember. Always losing in the end. (the battle not the weight). Then as the wayback machine returns us to now, we find that after I have witnessed the effectiveness of the Band, I too am considering it. It is not a choice made lightly(no pun intended). As I am a Chef :hungry:and food is my business. She is my mistress, my second love, my second passion and ultimately my bane. Luckily my first love and passion, my sweet wife, has shown me the benifits of the Band symbiont, and the plus' she has experienced moves me towards the banded side. I have will power that rivals a monk, as demonstrated 5 yrs ago when I quit smoking cold turkey with the realization that I could be spending that time I was wasting with the sticks of cancer, with my wife! and that thought alone was enough to give it up forever (I even appologied to her for wasting that little time several months later). Now I see that with the BAND, I could have even more time with her, and that is more than enough to make me want to turn my back on the Bane of my existance. I am also sure that with my will and her love I can win the battle of the bulge once and for all. I just need a small tool, (men like tools) to give me the edge to lose this extra person I carry around now. This journal will be the record of my journey from obesecity through pudgytown to skinnyville, filled with yammerings, complaints, trials, tribulations and ultimately successes. It is said that a journey starts with a single step! My single step starts on April 5 2007 when I go to TLBC in Toronto to have a consult with their staff to see if I am worthy of the Band. It will all begin (hopefully) in 3 days. "Once you start down the BANDED path, forever will it dominate your destiny!... Consume you it will..." truer words were never written! (in this journal)
  15. Mr. Yoda

    In the beginning...

    Monday, April 2, 2007 It has been a little over a year now since I have heard about the LapBand. If you set your wayback machine to February 2006 you will find my wife and a co-worker disussing this new proceedure like a gastricbypass and see the first steps towards the Banded side. Jump forward 2 months to a nervious Mr. yoda at TLBC in Toronto waiting to hear how his better half has done in the surgery. She came through fine with her own little symbiont implanted inside her belly, to help her loose the weight that has plagued her for far too long. With a slight fast forward we see her melt away, loosing over 70 lbs in a little over a year. Health improving and shopping like a 16 year old valley girl with a new limitless credit card from daddy. But alas you will also witness the slight reduction in my weight followed by the explosion of my waist line as I find all her losses like a Hardy boy on speed. This is just one of the many see-saw battles of the bulge that I have waged for as long as I can remember. Always losing in the end. (the battle not the weight). Then as the wayback machine returns us to now, we find that after I have witnessed the effectiveness of the Band, I too am considering it. It is not a choice made lightly(no pun intended). As I am a Chef :hungry:and food is my business. She is my mistress, my second love, my second passion and ultimately my bane. Luckily my first love and passion, my sweet wife, has shown me the benifits of the Band symbiont, and the plus' she has experienced moves me towards the banded side. I have will power that rivals a monk, as demonstrated 5 yrs ago when I quit smoking cold turkey with the realization that I could be spending that time I was wasting with the sticks of cancer, with my wife! and that thought alone was enough to give it up forever (I even appologied to her for wasting that little time several months later). Now I see that with the BAND, I could have even more time with her, and that is more than enough to make me want to turn my back on the Bane of my existance. I am also sure that with my will and her love I can win the battle of the bulge once and for all. I just need a small tool, (men like tools) to give me the edge to lose this extra person I carry around now. This journal will be the record of my journey from obesecity through pudgytown to skinnyville, filled with yammerings, complaints, trials, tribulations and ultimately successes. It is said that a journey starts with a single step! My single step starts on April 5 2007 when I go to TLBC in Toronto to have a consult with their staff to see if I am worthy of the Band. It will all begin (hopefully) in 3 days. "Once you start down the BANDED path, forever will it dominate your destiny!... Consume you it will..." truer words were never written! (in this journal)
  16. Hello all. This is Mr. Yoda finally posting for himself. I am looking to jump on the BANDED wagon in the near future. I know you all gave such great support and help to Mrs. Yoda. Looking for the same I am!!! Talk to you all again soon...:fencing: that is if I can wrestle the computer from Yoda! More to follow as my saga continues... or maybe begins...
  17. Say!?! Since this is Yoda's Yammerings, and I am MR. Yoda, are these my yammerings too? Or maybe I sould make another jedi journal, but call it MASTER JJ since That would me aptly discribe me...? I wonder... But on the WWRY (we will rock you) thread, I have been a Queen fan since about 1975, that about when I was old enough to know I liked music. And even got to see the actual band play in Toronto in the late 80's :rockon: (I think, dates are not my strong point) and It was amazing! If the theater show is anything like the real deal, It may just be a little slice of heaven right here on earth. To say I'm looking forward to it is a very, very big understatement! Yoda suggested we go,:clap2: and the hotel!:whoo: It is no wonder I love her to bits!!! Oh well... Off to the movies... :pop2:
  18. Mr. Yoda

    For Just Us Guys

    Hey there fellers... First off... You guys need to type slower as I can't read very fast and I've lurked on your thread for about a week now trying to catch up with the posts. :nervous I too am hoping to waste (or waist) away to skinnyville, (or atleast Puggyville) as I have a consult at TLBC in Toronto CAN on April 5. My wife (Yoda on this site) has been a banded member since April 06 and her results are one of the reasons I am looking into this (also I have the fund$). So let me introduce myself. My story is variation of all of yours. A tragic tale of love(for food), lust(for calories) and loss(fad diets), gains, losses and more gains. I have been large all my life and for health reasons I need to loose 100lbs or so. My major problem being that I can loose 20 to 30 lbs on my own but I gain back 30 or 40bs soon after. I want off this see saw! (Also I like that LEAD/PENCIL thingy :whoo:you guys mentioned earlier) I am a Chef, so I am thinking this will be one of the more difficult things I do. I haven't seen too many others of my profession here But I am sure with will power and support from Mrs. Yoda and advise from all you Sages from time to time , I'll do just fine. You are all an inspiration and I hope I can contribute in the future.
  19. Mr. Yoda

    Hello From MISTER Yoda!

    Thanks for the welcomes...:nervous I have a consult appointment at TLBC on the 5 of April. if all goes well I will post more as I get it.

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