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Deleted Account 2

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Deleted Account 2

  1. Deleted Account 2

    Share ideas, What did you eat today ?

    I really want to eat yogurt, but can't get past the bitter sour taste. I've tried a couple of the flavored greek kind. Anyone know of a yogurt for people that hate yogurt lol? Breakfast: Mcdonald's Fruit and Nut Oatmeal (I only got half of it eaten, so about 4 oz) Lunch: Salad, balsamic dressing, a package of chicken of the sea ready tuna in some flavor like lemon pepper Dinner: crabcakes more than likely. We are going out so I usually always pick a fish dish since I don't really do red meat or chicken. Snacks: Prepackaged sea salt almonds, skinny cow cheeses, cottage cheese (another thing I hate, but when paired with pineapple, I'll eat), imitation crab legs (good for protein too!).
  2. Deleted Account 2

    Is my band too tight?

    See I said the same thing but the True Results people said because I had an unfill and because I couldn't keep things down before and have been on soup FOREVER that they wanted me to do only one meal after liquid and then start eating things like beef and chicken. They said if they would have put Fluid in, it would be different. I doubt very seriously I eat steak. I've had no beef in forever and I'm actually pretty much a pescaterian. Is that even how you spell that? Whatever. I pretty much only eat fish. I had gastric in 2005 and since then I don't do really any meat. But you are right - no steak. I'm not going to chance it regardless of what they said. I'm going to go about it more slowly. Thanks for the concern:)
  3. Deleted Account 2

    Does anyone take ambien to sleep?

    I take Ambien. It does make you do crazy things if you aren't careful. I was off of it for a long time because I realized I was sleep eating on it. So now I make sure I notice how much of everything there is before I sleep to make sure I know if it's happening again. Isn't that crazy?
  4. Deleted Account 2

    Plano Area Or North Dfw Metroplex?

    Alright peeps. If we are going to start a group - then let's start! What days and areas work best? I work in the Plano area 6-3 during the week so I'm available anytime after work to meet and I think we should. I'm near Frisco. Give some feedback and let's get this thing rolling. There's a need so let's get together and discuss!
  5. Deleted Account 2

    Gurgling with liquid 2nd fill

    I had an unfill yesterday and what I was told (and I'm seeing everyone on here is different on everything) is that gurgling like you are doing WITH discomfort is not normal. All these people that are saying they gurgle all the time - she's talking about a different type, not the normal type we all get. I wasn't just gurgling - I felt like something was stuck in my throat all the time after my last fill. I waited two weeks to go back and they said yesterday that I should have come back in the next day after the fill if I had discomfort. There's restricition and then there is hurting - and that is NOT NORMAL. You are too tight and you should probably have a cc or two removed. I had .5 removed and I feel so much better. I'm getting now this is what it should have felt like after a normal fill. Please call the Dr!
  6. Deleted Account 2

    Battling Head Hunger

    It's true - find the thing that triggers it. I watch a ton of food Network and duh....I would eat while watching it or I find myself getting even hungrier after dinner watching Hell's Kitchen and wondering why. I'm watching food! So I either don't watch it or last night during my show I started braiding my kid's hair. Just something to keep my hands busy and totally forgot about being hungry. If it's actual head hunger, a little rationalizing goes a long way. I also find writing down everything you eat sometimes helps to. Helps your eyes to see that just an hour ago I had Breakfast, so I'm ok and won't starve to death!
  7. Deleted Account 2

    I really miss diet soda!

    I promise as a Diet Coke a holic - it does get easier to let it go. I didn't cold turkey it, but I severly cut back and found a nice iced tea that tastes great with some splenda or sweet n low and then only allowed myself say one diet coke a week. Then I just sort of forgot about it. I'm not saying I never ever have some because I do. But it really does cause a ton of gas and it doesn't taste the same after banding at all to me. It's just not really worth the pain anymore. I only ever have it now usually at the movie theatre and I always share it with my boyfriend. He usually drinks it all before I can do any damage. Set a realistic goal, and then decrease. You'll do great!
  8. Deleted Account 2

    Is my band too tight?

    Thanks all. I went in and they took out .5cc (which by the way - those fills HURTTTTT I end up having to go under an xray machine after five minutes of being poked at with a huge needle and it doesn't feel good. My stomach still hurts this morning from all the trauma of yesterday trying to find my port!) and I felt an immediate different. I'm at 5cc now instead of 5.5, and it's way looser. I was also told no more Soup lol - I should be eating chicken and even steak without problem if they are small pieces and I chew. I had chicken last night (I'm also dehydrated from all the throwing up stuff) and it went down fine. I'm just concerned because all I know really is that restriction I've had for a while now and I don't feel any restriction now. I was so hungry last night too. It was weird. The moment they took out that little bit of Fluid (hard to believe .5 makes that much difference) I immediately FELT it. I felt hungry though. Like I hadn't eaten in years. I had some grilled chicken and a side salad and felt like a complete pig for eating so much. I ate a cup of diced up chicken on the salad! That's a lot! So I'm practicing today chewing better and making good choices (or at least better ones). I'm also trying really hard not to drink as I eat, which is a huge thing for me. I've always had a drink with my meal and just wash food down that way. So I'm trying to wait at least five minutes or so after I take a bite to drink anything. As the guy reminded me yesterday that unfilled me, if I don't feel restriction, I shouldn't worry. I come back in three weeks and we can always put a little more in until I start feeling it. I don't think I'm at my sweet spot yet. But I feel like I'm pretty close. This morning I'm having McDonald's fruit oatmeal (I ate half a cup and was pretty full) and I'm having a side salad from there with balsamic and a package of tuna on top for lunch. Tonight we are going out for our anniversary to Pappa Bros steakhouse, so I might try some steak, but I'm a little gunshy on that. I really appreciate everyone on here. It's nice to be able to have people to talk to about this stuff!
  9. Deleted Account 2

    I need support- im terrified.

    While I agree with all the posts, the bigger issue is I think the pressure you are putting on yourself. That's not healthy. You are pregnant and bringing life into the world. Some weight gain is to be expected and you have to stop stressing so much - that's REALLY not healthy. Try to eat clean, but don't say "I can never have this again" because you'll fail and then beat yourself up. Pregnancy is a beautiful thing and a once in a lifetime opportunity. Enjoy it and don't be so critical honey! If it helps any (which I doubt it does) I had gastric bypass, lost 100 pounds and then during my pregnancies gained probably 40 pounds. But it came off quick after, even with me eating not so great during pregnancy. I found it really easy to get back on track right after and a lot of my crap eating was craving related. Feel good!
  10. Deleted Account 2

    Is my band too tight?

    Oh I'm sure I'm taking way too much of a bite at one time too. I get so hungry I dive in like the old me would and it takes a minute, food gets stuck and then I go "Uh oh". I find it really hard to chew for one minute. I have my little timer that I put on my desk and I try to watch it but for some reason at about twenty or maybe thirty seconds it's like it's hard wired into me to swallow. Anyone else do that? I'm trying to be more mindful. I'm finding eating now is really exhausting if you do it properly. In the old days, you just ate. Now you have to watch not just what you eat - it's more about HOW you eat it. Lots of chewing. Lots of waiting. Lots of thinking about what you are doing. I only say my band is tight because even when I do chew properly (which is nearly as often as I need to, mostly because I just eat soup most of the time) everything still gets stuck. I tried to eat a small bite of grilled chicken and that got stuck. Nothing of any real Protein goes down and most everything that's not super soft hurts to eat. I feel like there is a pain at the bottom of my throat when I try to do that and I can feel the food just getting stuck. Worst feeling ever. Sometimes it'll go down eventually but it's just so uncomfortable, and I thought that when you got a good fill, you weren't supposed to feel that way - you are supposed to feel satisfied, not uncomfortable. I think. Thanks for all the great advice so far peoples. I really need it:)
  11. Deleted Account 2

    Is my band too tight?

    You could have a totally different experience from me Khris.I'm doing the Richardson location too. They are pretty friendly at least. I am a cash patient, so maybe insurance patients that have to go through the waiting period are different. I just got very little instruction other than "don't eat a lot at one time and chew" and got handed a packet. But thankfully there are wonderful support groups and I'm around if you want to talk too before or after surgery! No worries. I'm learning everyone has totally different experiences with darn near everything:)
  12. Deleted Account 2

    Still hungry!

    I haven't had my first fill yet. I can't eat regular food (boy, I'd I try) so I'm wondering if the fill will help with this relentless need to eat and never feeling full. Is this normal to feel so hungry after being banded!?
  13. Because drinking while eating can Mae the food wash away. You'll eat more and won't feel full as quickly if you keep washing away your food.
  14. Deleted Account 2

    Cramps are killing me!

    I had an ablation one last year so no more periods for me. My ehole stomach area hurts, so I'm calling in!
  15. I got my band 2/13/13. I have my first fill next week. Everything seemed ok until yesterday. Then these MONSTER cramps came on, like contraction feeling almost. They are horrible. Is this normal? It's worse if I eat anything. Also...I'm hungry all the ime. I never feel full. Will that change after I get a fill?

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