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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by JosieK

  1. hi lellow yes i thought i would be a big baby. but i'm really following everything they told me to do. the anesthesia is wearing off...so i have a little pain. but i' taking all my percoset and valium. tomorrow i have to go back to the doctor's for a check up and take the foley out. i will keeo you posted. how are you feeling?
  2. hey sue, loopyland is definitely fun. im sober 21 years so this is fun Ha! i think the lapband surgery was worse because i was so nauseous. he mixes these pain killers with an anti nauseau med and i'm ok in that area. thanks for keeping in touch.' i will keep you posted also cant wait till you have yours....we can compare notes jo
  3. well i made it....surgery went like clockwork. i cant say enough good things about dr adams and his staff...professional, warm and effcient, of course im doped up :mad2: my sister in law is a god send...... god love percoset..... i'll be back later. julie your avatar is great southern missy..thanks for the well wishes,,, josie
  4. hi everyone, well my journey has begun. i just started to fast. i'm actually pretty ok. not really nervous. i tied up so many loose ends this weekend. if i wasnt getting this surgery, some of these things wouldnt get done for weeks ha! i have to be at the doctor's office at 6:15 am and surgery starts at 7:00. thanks sue, mrgrta and shalee for your well wishes. i will certainly keep you posted..... p.s. i took the pre op pics. i took most of them myself and had my boyfriend take the less "gross" ones. i actually didnt look so bad in the bikini (altho' i wont ever wear one in public). love my band for this! josie
  5. JosieK

    They Say I Look Terrible

    hi danimal, isnt that a good problem? i love when that happens one mistake i made.... my history was that i would lose a little weight and stay in the new size forever. i went out and bought a complete wardrobe when i went from size 24 to 18. well i flew through size 18. i then did the same thing when i went into size 12....flew through that too. so i couldve saved alot of money if i had just waited good luck on your surgery tomorrow i am having plastic surgery tomorrow so we will be "under" at the same time
  6. hi i went to my seminar on wednesday and had the operation on friday. i was also self pay and healthy that's the only way to go.....for me! less time to think about things.
  7. JosieK

    Self-Pay Expenses with Chang

    hi mine was 12,900 which included 1 year of free fills, monthly support meetings and any doctor visits for issues. i used dr spivak in houston and he was great
  8. hi panda i'm having surgery on monday and know how you feel. i just keeping thinking about all the people on this website that have surgery and have done just fine. so maybe you can try that? i'm not sure about checking the doctor out. can you do that through the ministry? good luck and best wishes
  9. thanks mrgrta for the info! i really want a cute waist again......but my doctor and i didnt discuss this. he will go over everything before surgery so i will ask him about this thanks again
  10. hi sue believe it or not i bought a bikini to take before/after pics (which no one in the world will ever see me in except the person who takes my pic). i havent bought one of them since i was 20. i'm actually in the northeast right now. i have a summer house in fire island that i'm getting ready to hand over to people renting it for the summer....today i head to manhattan for 2 days then home. it's so funny you say about getting things done before the surgery. i've left some things undone for months. all of a sudden i have a tremendous urge to get everything done. stupid things like cleaning my pantry. what's this about? i jokingly told my sister in law....if i dont make it....god help the person that has to clean out my garage.... anyway not sure if the hotel i'm staying at in the city has wifi. if not...i'll be back on friday night. glad you are my plastic surgery "twin"
  11. hey sue, are you taking the extra Vitamin c now? my sister in law will give me my meds. i'm actually in recovery in a 12 step program so i really cant do my own meds. in my world if 2 is good....4 is better ha! (if you know what i mean) when i had my lapband surgery...the nurse asked me if i wanted a pain shot. i wasnt really in pain but i thought "legal high" so of course i took it. well at 1:00am i was on all 4's throwing up. that taught me a BIG lesson ....lol! i cant wait for 4 weeks from now.... :cool2: as soon as i get back to texas on friday i will take the dreaded before pix (hear that julie?) anyway girls...sleep tight....watching housewives of NYC and going to bed. i'm not sure which one i dislike the most...kelly or ramona? josie
  12. JosieK

    My Story...

    hi hdmdavid, getting help for this problem is just what we all need...and it feels good believe it or not. you wont believe how rich life becomes.... good luck on may 7th.... josie p.s. the only regret i have...is that i didnt have it sooner.
  13. hi mrgrta wow you are doing great! i thought i would be a zombie for weeks.... sounds like you are following doctors orders and coming along great. i have a question...what is fleur de lis? anyway keep us posted on your progress. josie
  14. hi got my biopsy results and it's all systems go for the plastic surgery. i'm starting to get nervous like when you are about to jump into deep Water. by sunday night....who knows how i will be. i just keep reading everyone's post- op stories and how glad they are with their results. i've been going on the makemeheal website ..... i find it hard to navigate that site. but there is alot of good info there. i am in NY this week getting my summer house ready to rent out. so that's keeping me a bit busy. but the weather is yucky. i miss texas! suemagoo......good luck with your surgery. not sure if i will be on the site right after my surgery. we will have to compare notes as we go along..... thanks lellow and mrgrta for the shout outs (hanging with too many teens ha!) josie
  15. JosieK

    OH Juli's Plastic Surgery

    hi julie, i love your honest posts.....it helps me to be brutally honest as well. sounds like the surgeon you chose was perfect...especially when it comes to scar healing... keep us posted on your drain/seroma situation.
  16. JosieK

    Only lose 50% of desired amount of weight?

    My doctor told me these statistics as well when i was banded. All it did was motivate me to prove the statistic wrong. I followed the people that went before me that took responsibility for their results....they fully achieved their goals the band cannot do the whole job. in fact it is 1 of many tools i use.... exercise and healthy eating being the most important. but i will say....i did take my eye off the ball at christmas and regained 14 lbs. so i've gone back to basics ie...exercising regularly, journalling what i eat, etc.....once again the band is helping me to get on top of this once again.
  17. hi actually i've lost my bootie since losing weight. so when i have plastic surgery i am going to have some of it augmented. not major...just having fat injected there..... wish i did get a rounder one....but it didnt happen
  18. mrgrta, how are you feeling? tracymom, good luck on your surgery
  19. ha! julie + mimilou ....you are both right..... i did not take before photo's before lapband and regret it. i keep thinking..."this time next week....i will be in nah-nah land" julie....i'm psyched you were able to take spin class so soon. i will probably start there when i am able to go back to exercise. well i'm glad you and lellow are doing so well. i will definitely keep you guys posted once i have my operation. the only thing i have to find out is my biopsy result on thursday morning. so if that's ok it'a all systems go. thanks for your "gentle push" on the photos josie
  20. thanks julie.....glad you are doing well. i have been concerned about pain meds. when i was banded...they gave me a pain shot and i was on all fours for 12 hours sick from it. yesterday the nurse said they mix alot of anti-nausia meds in with the pain meds. thanks for the heads up on the crackers and soup. please keep me posted on your progress....i'm reading all the platic surgery threads with baited breath. hey sue...i bought a bikini (which no one in the world will ever see me in ha!) to take before/after pics. now i'm too embarrassed to ask anyone to take the "befores". but i think it is important to see the progress. thanks for the great info you have given me. well girls....thanks again and have a great weekend josie
  21. hi lellow, i read on another thread where you say how great you are doing....very happy for you. this is very encouraging. your exercise ability at this stage makes me very happy. i had my pre-op yesterday and they stressed the need to get up and moving to aid in recovery. i'm so afraid of blood clots that i think i will do this. either that or my sister in law (nurse ratchett) will get me going i'm happy you feel so well. thanks for the info
  22. hi sue, my pre-op was very similar to yours. the only difference i'm not going into hospital. he has his own surgery center. i didnt meet with the doctor this time. it was the surgical nurse and i felt so comfortable after our meeting. she had a TT 10 years ago and said she would do it in a heart beat again. she went over the good, bad and ugly and didnt sugar coat it. i was glad because i think i have a clear pic of what to expect. they showed terrible pics of what happens if you smoke after surgery. i've never smoked so it isnt a problem but the pics were pretty scary. i'm getting excited too....i actually wished they would have knocked me out then and there and did the surgery....wouldnt have to worry. altho' right now i'm not. but closer to it i may be i have one potential issue but dont think it will occur. i had to have a biopsy because my pap came back a little funny. the gyn doesnt think it's anything but if it was (i find out thursday) then of course i would have to revise this surgery. anyway when i was a kid, when we jumped into a deep pool...my friends and i would hold hands and jump in. so we can jump into this surgery together. oh one last thing...my doctor likes you to sleep in a recliner for the first days. it helps the blood flow which in turn helps healing in the belly area. i tried to rent one to no avail...so i bought one online last night. hope it comes in time. anyway take care josie
  23. JosieK

    Texans Bandsters

    hey everyone, i'm from Katy, Texas banded 3/30/07
  24. JosieK

    mrgrta's tt in 2 days!!!

    hi mrgrta's keep us posted. i will be closely following your progress.....my surgery is in 2 weeks best if luck josie
  25. hi Due to severe weather here in Houston....my pre-op has been postponed until Thursday. Sue...so keep me posted on your pre-op and i will do the same for you. thanks

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