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LAP-BAND Patients
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    ANewMe428 got a reaction from 2muchfun in 2nd fill... first vomit   
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    ANewMe428 got a reaction from brianb in 2nd fill... first vomit   
    I've had my 2nd fill this week on Monday.
    I'm up to about 5 cc in a 10cc band. I just attempted to eat what I ate the day before my fill & I vomited for the 1st time half way thru. I was attempting to eat a small salad with fat free dressing & a turkey sloppy joe sandwich on a whole wheat thin. needless to say I'm staying away from any bread & salads. I was ok eatin the sloppyjoe alone... did I do something wrong?
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    ANewMe428 reacted to goalseeker in Thank you Lap Bad!! Reflections after 9 months   
    Recently, I began to ponder all the amazing things this surgery has given me. I absoutely would get a LapBand again if I had to go back in time. It has been the best thing that has ever happened to me...with the exception of hubby and kids obviously. So I thought I would make a list of all of these things. I know that reading stuff like this helped me to encourage me when I was starting out.
    Thank you LapBand for...
    1. self-confidence-I now look in the mirror or at picture and am happy with the person looking back at me. Seeing the results of my efforts is priceless...I have reached goals I thought were just dreams.
    2. control- I no longer feel controlled by food or the need to eat. Not being hungry or feeling deprived has allowed me to make good food choices MOST of the time.
    3. health- I am healthier than I have ever been. My resting pulse is in the 60s, my blood pressure is low, my cholesterol is improving.
    4. the desire to exercise- I exercise 6 days a week and have gotten to the point that if I miss my workout my day just doesn't seem right. I love the way it makes me feel and the way it is reshaping my body.
    5. energy- I have so much energy to do active things with my children and family.
    6. the ability to wrap a towel around myself after a shower!!
    7. the ability to bend down and tie my shoes or buckle a pair of cute sandals without too much effort...and painting my toes is easier too.
    8. not being hot and sweaty all the time
    9. shopping in any store I want and any department of that store.
    10. wearing a bikini...even if it is only in the back yard with my hubby and kids.
    11. crossing my legs under a table with ease.
    12. cute clothes...I've become a bit of a shopper as of late
    13. knee high boots!!!
    14. shopping at victoria's secret
    and of course I know there is plenty more that just won't come to mind.
    I started out at 255 and am now 175. I have 25 to go!!
    I have lost a total of 57 inches over my whole body...10.75 in my waist, 8 in my hips, 7 in my chest, 3 in both arms, 3.75 in both thighs, 2.75 in both calves, (it doesn't add up cause I'm not listing it all).
    I couldn't be happier with the results. I look forward to reaching the next 10 pounds lost and then onto the final goal....It can be done. Don't get discouraged!!

    What do you thank YOUR lapband for???

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    ANewMe428 got a reaction from catfish87 in 2nd fill... first vomit   
    Yes I had liquids for 48hours. Catfish yes it was above the band. Yes I did learn. I know its a LONG process
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    ANewMe428 reacted to catfish87 in 2nd fill... first vomit   
    Sounds to me like you did something RIGHT! You paid attention to what you did, and LEARNED. Good job! It'll take some time, but to be successful, You will have to do just what you did....learn and adjust. Congrats!
    Hopefully, you're referring to the food that was above/stuck in your band coming back up. True vomiting the food below your band is a bad thing.
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    ANewMe428 reacted to Justaprettyface in Proud of me and you :)   
    Well, had my surgery today! I am feeling remarkably well, and I'm so surprised & thankful. My prize - will be NO MORE GRANNY PANTIES My aunt, she sent me a cute note today - she said she's going to be the one to take me to Victoria's Secret - I can't wait. Then the other prize, health, it will reduce my risk for a cancer recurrence, and overall - self confidence boost! Hugs to all!
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    ANewMe428 reacted to bindi in Proud of me and you :)   
    Two and a half weeks post op and could not be more proud and happy with my decision !!! And hope that you are as well. This last week has been so hard because of being hungry but my will power has been great ! Go for my first appt today and looking forward to the next stage. Have lost 20lbs keep up the good work everyone and keep your eye on the prize! My prize will be a new bathing suit. What will yours be?
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    ANewMe428 reacted to B-52 in My dr insists that I'm in the green zone, I'm skeptical   
    In the beginning when we were getting my band properly adjusted, my Dr. would point to this chart he had hanging on the wall and ask me to point EXACTLY were I though I was....he would then ask a few questions, look at my weight loss/gain since last visit, then make his decsions.....
    So, looking at the chart...are you NOT hungry? Do you have GOOD weight loss? Good Portion Control? and most of all Patient satisfaction...are you happy?

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    ANewMe428 reacted to Britneygirl in 103 pounds gone!!   
    I was banded November 2011. I'm barely at my sweet spot/Green zone. I'm at my goal and see my surgeon Dr Au every month. I thank him and hug him at every visit. I feel without him this would not have been possible.

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    ANewMe428 reacted to Creekwood in On top of the world!!   
    Went for my first fill today. I had 5 cc's put in at surgery, and another 2 cc's today. They said the incisions looked great, and took me off of my blood pressure meds!! It feels great to be off of them! I've been on them for 2 years (I was 26!). Next stop C-Pap!
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    ANewMe428 reacted to malissa63801 in 88 pounds down   


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    ANewMe428 reacted to brokenwings in 80+ lbs down and still hard to believe my size   
    So i started this process a little over a yr ago. I have lost not as fast as some but I have lost 80+ lbs and got bout 65 to go till i am where i think i want to be. Funny thing is I have went from a size 26 to a size 16 and this week got into a size reg 16 not a plus. But i still have a hard time seeing myself as being thinner. Yesterday I went and put on my scrubs once again and they was so big. I was how did this happen. So i pulled out a smaller size and they to was to big. I relized i have lost and lost and lost and stuck with my much bigger work uniforms. So i guess its time i start trying to buy smaller sizes and accept that this is the new me and I love it!!!
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    ANewMe428 reacted to beli in Soups with 11-13 g of protein   
    Hey everyone! So I'm on week 2 of my liquid diet which means I can have Soup with no chunks. I went to the grocery store to look for some that I could have because my doctor prohibits any kind of milk right now. I bought the usual canned stuff but then I found these Soups that have between 11-13 grams of Protein per cup! AND there's no milk or cream in them. Granted, I can't have the real portion so I strained out the soup and then blended the chunks as much as I could. Still, I thought I'd share in case anyone doesn't know about them. They're called Campbell's Go Soups and they have several kinds. One thing I will note is that the Isopure Flavorless Protein Powder I usually mix with my soups didn't mix well with the quinoa and chicken one. Also, the sodium content is high. :\ I attached pics so you can see the ingredients and nutrition info.        

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    ANewMe428 reacted to CHEZNOEL in Jogging vs. Walking on incline (treadmill)   
    I don't do jogging, my knees will not allow it, but I always walk on the treadmill at an incline.
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    ANewMe428 reacted to kristinc1985 in Eating like normal   
    I know that very well too. I was almost 300 pounds. It's so hard. Very, very hard. But remember... All good things come to those who wait... And slow and steady wins the race!!
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    ANewMe428 reacted to cupcakebabe84 in How to learn your full signal before it's to late?   
    My stop signals are always different between fills. The obvious signs that I have experienced are a runny nose, hiccups, a pain in my left shoulder, I sigh heavy or I even just don't want food anymore because I feel like I'm topped off. However, my body sometimes gets a stuck feeling giving my body the full signal to give off and I stop and ill have a PB moment but once that's over I'm still hungry so look for your signals and you'll know once you are there. I think I finally hit my green zone after 4 fills and at 6.7cc's in a 10cc band. Good luck and enjoy the tool we all had put in because it will become your best friend once you know how to really use it.
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    ANewMe428 got a reaction from ChickenLady in How to learn your full signal before it's to late?   
    This is a great post. I seem to stop myself but feel like I can eat more. I have had one fill of 3.5cc an I informed my dietitian & i've been scheduled for fill #2. I've never felt restrictions thus far. It will be 2 weeks since fill 1 on june 3rd & that's when fill 2 will be. Lord I hope I have restrictions cuz I can eat what I want (minus breads) without problems. I know when I go in the scale will say I've gained in 2 weeks even though I count calories & exercise.
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    ANewMe428 reacted to kristinc1985 in Eating like normal   
    You're going to be fine. And honestly, if you gain a pound or two in the process, it's not the end of the world. scales love to fluctuate. Just relax, follow the rules, and enjoy the ride, girl.
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    ANewMe428 reacted to labwalker in How to learn your full signal before it's to late?   
    After three fills my band isn't tight enough for me to get into much trouble if I eat past when I think I should stop. I know I've overeaten in the recent past, so I am very careful to count calories and Protein intake, and to stop when I have the slightest feeling of being full. I think everyone is a bit different, depending on where their band fill is at, and for other reasons.
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    ANewMe428 reacted to Noki124 in 1st post op!   
    Down 9.6 lbs since surgery!! Feeling great and super excited to keep it up!!
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    ANewMe428 reacted to taylor1989 in First person to notice weight loss..that didn't know I had lapband   
    Well Monday I had my first person that didn't know I had lap band ask if I had lost weight :)
    I work with constant people and a few that knew have mentioned my face looking thinner and shirts looking baggy but Monday morning was the first time I had seen one of the construction men working on our building since the week before surgery. He walked in and starts talking to me then mid sentence stopped and asked if I had lost weight.
    I told him that I had lapband on the 7th of this month because I guess I felt he needed to know I hadn't done it on my own.?.
    Anyways since my preop I have went from 243 down to 209 (scale said 208-208.5 this morning when I woke up)
    It felt very good for others to notice. I know my scale is moving but I don't feel skinnier even when my pant don't stay on as well as before..
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    ANewMe428 reacted to jaye282 in 2nd fill yesterday no restriction   
    I just got my 4th fill yesterday and I'm finally in the green zone. With fill 1, 2 & 3 I was basically able to eat whatever I wanted. Smaller portions with fill 3 and steak was a no go, however, with fill 4 I can only handle a very small amount. I'm already down one pound lol. Hey ill take it! I have a 10cc with a 7.3 fill. bread and I are parting ways. See ya later carbs!! Im hoping this shelf is off my ass by July! Today I'm 252.
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    ANewMe428 reacted to kristinc1985 in Eating like normal   
    Be patient. You're in bandster hell. It's going to take a bit to find your green zone. Until then, just be mindful. If you do, you'll still loose.
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    ANewMe428 reacted to donna12 in I'm not to my goal weight yet but bought my first pair of 22's capri's today, woohoo   
    I went into a normal store today and bought a size 22 denim capri's, I was so excited. I think I will try on a pair of size 22 jeans tomorrow. So glad I did this!!!
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    ANewMe428 reacted to GuyMontag in Eating like normal   
    My general rule of thumb was to keep getting fills until I could not comfortably eat a sandwich or a cheeseburger. If you get too tight you will regret it later. I generally eat and get hungry about 4 hours later. My general day goes like this, wake up around 8am, eat around Noon, 6pm and maybe a snack around 9pm. I also make sure to drink liquids nonstop when i'm not eating as this helps me maintain my 'full' feeling.

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