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Posts posted by Karina150

  1. Personally, I don't think you need to tell him yet. It's too early in the relationship to share those personal things. For me, I haven't even told family members and friends and it's been 2 years! They ask if I have had surgery or what have I been doing to loose the weight and I say, "I had a life style change." Too many people think that WLS is the "easy way out" and I couldn't disagree more as it is a truly a life style change for every day living. I do not want to explain myself to them or feel like they are watching everything I eat with the "She had surgery. Can she eat that?" Your dating partner might feel uncomfortable as you go out to eat if he knew as well since it is early in the relationship. See how it goes at first and your will know if you should share or not. I have shared my experiences with some family and friends whom it felt right to disclose this journey with.

  2. 2 years since surgery (98 lbs loss) and I would recommend go for a walk to get things moving in the right direction. It is very uncomfortable I know and I find that adding more into my system such as anti-acids or something else just adds to the discomfort. I hope this helps!

  3. I agree with Pink Dahlia...eat the good stuff first (protein) and then if you still have the craving have a little of the "fun foods". It will take time for your thought process to catch up to your physical changes. One thing for me is that once I started having my previous foods give me a hard time (getting stuck, feeling uncomfortable, or not making my scale move in the right direction), I slowly changed eating those goodies. Don't get me wrong, I still love Peanut M&Ms and have NO problem getting them down but I can definitely tell when I get on the scale that they don't help me. One motivator for me is when I see no weight loss at the doctor's visit and I can hear another patient with "5 lbs loss" or something similar. But I also realize that I have my own path and I will lose what I have gained in my own time. As long as I don't gain, I am pleased with myself and I know that I am learning what is working for my body. This is a slow process and everyone is on their own speed.

    I found that Pinterest helps to keep new ideas in my head for eating low carb items like cauliflower mashed "potatoes". Great ideas to be found on there so check that out if you haven't yet. I also try to use MyFitnessPal to keep track of food intake and get motivated by others posts.

  4. Congratulations! A nice Christmas gift to you! I agree with Kll724 with walking around as much as possible. I ate bean-o to help with the air pockets too. I hated the clear liquid phase but I made the Japanese Onion Soup and it was a life saver for me! I also love and still drink every week Isopure Grape or FruitPunch Protein drink. Your liquid phase will be over soon enough so don't get frustrated with and know that good things are coming like smaller clothes! :)

  5. I do not regret doing this surgery at all. I did go through the emotional crying spells during the first month as I couldn't eat like I did before. I realized how much our society is focused on food and I had to adjust to it. I still have to adjust to it as I can't eat bread, I have to eat VERY slowly and with small bites, and sometimes it is painful because I wasn't paying attention to what I was doing. I have to be very aware of my eating when I am with friends as I tend to not realize my bite size and things get stuck and I am in pain. Very few people know I had surgery so I have to remain calm and excuse myself from the table.

    BUT, there is something so rewarding that I can not put into words about going clothes shopping now! Looking in the mirror is wonderful! I can actually run on my treadmill now where once I could barely walk. I am going to an amusement park with my family on Thursday and for the first time I am super excited because I know I will fit in the rides! I can go on the rides with my children instead of standing on the sidelines pretending that it doesn't bother me.

    This surgery is a life style change but it was also a life style change without it as I couldn't do the simple things: cross my legs; be physically active without breathing real heavy; having a variety of clothes to choose from; not fitting in standard size chairs or worrying that it may break (sometimes it did too), and most importantly, feeling good about myself. I had surgery in March 2013 and have lost 58 lbs. I could have lost more if I worked even harder and pushed myself harder, but I am happy with my progress and more forward every day knowing that I am never going back to my old ways with the help of my lap band. This is a tool to help with weight loss and one does need to be mentally prepared to deal with the commitment. I do get frustrated like this evening when my family was having an awesome holiday dinner with so many of my favorites and I could barely eat it. When I did take a bite of something I shouldn't have, I paid the price and had that horrible feeling of being stuck. It is my partnership with my lap band reminding me to not do that and stay the course of reaching my goal weight. Is it frustrating, yes! But when I am on that roller coaster on Thursday, it will be soooo worth it!

    This forum is very helpful and looking at the posts above, sounds like there is some more reading that may help you out with this new journey…. Much success to you!

  6. Congratulations March LapBanders! We made it until the end of the month!!! How is everyone doing? Adjusting okay? Are you happy with your decision thus far? On Monday it will be 4 weeks since I was banded and down 20 lbs. Now I have to get moving with the exercise goals so I can wake up some muscles that have been asleep for quite sometime. I am happy with my decision and almost regret not doing it sooner. However, I am on the right track and surrounded by fellow banders like you to make this journey a little more enjoyable! Happy March to you all and we are off to April! Hugs!!! :wub:

  7. My current stage is the mush super soft foods. Cream Soups, farina, pudding, etc. I actually can't wait to have a salad! I have had a few foods that weren't on the list this week but all has been well. I have been listening to my body and figuring out the new signals to listen to. Monday will be 4 weeks post surgery so I can move into another stage of more solids. How are things with you?

  8. I have had the lapband for 10 days and it is a life changing journey that is VERY challenging. Emotional moments, food cravings beyond what you could imagine, body adjusting to lower amounts of food/liquids, and feeling like you are alone in the moment really tests you. However, this forum provides such amazing support, ideas, and understanding it helps you feel like you are not alone. People here get it. They understand the food cravings, hunger pains, and so many other things regarding our journeys to being healthier. You will go through challenges and you have to keep your eye on the prize and why you wanted to go down this path in the first place. Set small goals for yourself and they will add up to great rewards in time. Best of luck to you and keep moving forward....

  9. I'm a few days behind you guys' date=' banded today, now home resting. They said I could have a very liquidity Protein shake, as well as clear liquids.I'm also looking forward to having Tomato Soup in a few days! I hate broth!!![/quote']

    Congratulations and welcome! I hope you are resting well! I used to like broth and now I loathe it. I actually dumped out my broth tonight because it was making me sick. So tired of it. Tomato Soup isn't on my list of approved items just yet but I would be thrilled to have it right now. I have 2 more days to have my follow up so I hope that my menu is upgraded. Keep in touch! :)

  10. So I have decided to name my band "Brandi". Her and I have been getting along for the most part. She thinks she is the boss and is VERY vocal about it all day long. She did this great little magic trick this week in making 13 lbs disappear from my scale. I am not sure if this is a good amount for one week (too high or too low) but needless to say, I am listening to her and giving Brandi only the Clear liquids that is required. I am pretty much hating broth now but know that mush like food is coming soon.

    I have also discovered that I am stronger than I thought I was with this whole will power and determination. I have gone to restaurants this week (only ordered clear Soup and drank only the broth. Hated to waste food but it had to be done) and I went food shopping for my family as well with all those lovely smells of pizza, fresh baked bread, and other wonderful smells that made Brandi scream! I have learned to walk around with a bottle of Isopure to keep her quiet when I am in situations like that.

    Last night I was extremely dizzy and not sure why this occurred so this will be a conversation on my Wednesday follow up meeting. Curious in knowing what to expect for my 1st check up? If you are reading this, please share your experience. I have my grouchy moments just because hunger sets in. I am looking forward to not having that feeling or at least lessening that feeling once fills begin.

    Only my immediate family members know I did this surgery (5 people) because I didn't want my family and friends to think I took the "easy" way out. Well, I couldn't be more wrong! This is NOT the easy way out but rather a HUGE committment to a lifestyle change that you can just fall off today and redo on Monday. I am concerned about stiches popping, liquids passing through, getting enough protein/water, and etc. It is a life changing moment which is NOT easy by any means. To all my fellow LapBanders out there....we are a unique group of people who are strong enough and dedicated enough to our well being that we have the inner strength to make changes so we can thrive and be happy from within!

    So I begin week 2 with Brandi and feel better than I a week ago. Still hungry. Getting my stamina back slowly and looking forward to another magic trick by Brandi soon.....

  11. You know...I had dreams of food as well the first few days out of surgery but was too afraid to post anything here. (I thought the LBT police would take me away!) My dreams are that I am in situations in which I need to make decisions about family get togethers with the comfort foods that are often found at BBQ's or holiday gatherings. Seeing as no one in my family knows I have had surgery it is difficult to explain why I don't want to eat anything in my dreams. So everyone piles up my plate real high and I want to run. I end of waking up feeling grateful it was only a dream. My dream will become a reality when the warmer weather hits but by then I will be down some pounds and the craving to have those "dream" items will be replaced with other new foods that help and not hinder my life.

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