I can't thank "each" of you enough for your welcome as well as the compliments.... It is bittersweet since I have an ex-husband that left me because as he put it, " If you looked like this in High School (he was my HS sweetheart) I would have never DATED you much less married you... " So now that I have reduced and I seem to look better, I can't help but feel joy ............ I by no means am an expert at any of this, but I find that as months go by, I probably know more about the "after effects" of the band than my surgeon does.... lol..... He was excellent at the surgery, but lets face it, I have had 14 months experience at living with it. I learn something new everyday, and as you all know, we are flesh and bones and sometimes we have to learn over and over again what to do and what "not" to do with this band..... If I could only tell you "one" thing I wanted you to really listen to, it would be not to get to frustrated over how long it takes or not losing this week or gaining a few lbs here or there. That is going to happen........period..... Watch it if you gain, but don't get wiped out... As time goes on, you will know what to do, what is real weight and what isn't. Overall, think of it like this.... where would you be if you are one week, one month or one year out... where would you be "without" the band.. I can't imagine how large I would be right now... so whatever the progess is, or however small the success, the key here is just that....success... and Rome wasn't built in a day... right... good luck