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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Penni60

  1. Thanks Delarla. It took me awhile but it is much better now to just see the pics. Hopefully people will come here to make their comments. LaMadam all I can say is WOW!! What a difference!! I am truly impressed. And Kristie holy hot tamale, Batman! Keep up the great work guys.
  2. Penni60

    I'm still alive..

    Kick that fellow's but didn't you? Good for you! Welcome to bandland.
  3. After nearly crashing my puter I deleted all the comments on the "before and after" pic thread. All comments on those pics should be directed here. That thread will only be for Pics.
  4. Penni60

    Plasticize me please!!

    Go for it. I just wish I was close enough to my goal weight to have my arms, thighs, tummy and boobs done. I need a complete overhaul. LOL!!
  5. Penni60

    Port has flipped

    Lisa: My insurance covered my port revision surgery cause my doc worded it the right way for the insurance to cover it. Good luck. Keep us posted.
  6. Penni60


    Darcy look at that beautiful neck. Holey moley. WOW!! You are so beautiful. Keep up the great work. I dream of onederland.
  7. Penni60

    Please rate...

    Daisy: I have not tried but one of those and that is the Slim-Fast one. I liked it. I use a product from USANA. www.usana.com I take the chocolate protein powder add 1/2 cup of milk, one whole banana, and 1 teaspoon of peanut butter and blend really well. YUM YUM!! They have different flavors as well.
  8. Penni60

    Port has flipped

    Lisa: First I am sorry your port has flipped. Second, it ain't no thang but a chicken wang. Chicken wing. FOOD!! OOPS got sidetracked. Seriously I had a port revision surgery when mine flipped. It was an outpatient procedure and I walked out of the recovery into the waiting car and slept the whole way home. It was some minor discomfort but NOTHING like the initial surgery. Couple of days of rest and I was good as new. And my port is soooooooo much easier to find now. They even used the original incision for the port placement. That was the only incision they had to make too. Mine was easy as Pie. PIE!! Darnit. Got sidetracked again. Gonna go drink some water. YUM YUM!!
  9. Penni60

    I have a story to tell....

    joanie: This gets my dander up. Give me your surgeons number and I will set him straight.
  10. Penni60

    Regarding Belighter.com

    another post bites the dust. This one is locked as well.
  11. Penni60

    Aftercare programs

    Since when do we have to pay to attend a SUPPORT GROUP meeting. Those are volunteer run and from what I understand no one is charged at the one Billy runs. They are FREE. This surgeon is a shister in my book. That is outrageous. It sounds like he is wanting to get paid for what the insurance won't cover on the band by disguising it as his "aftercare program". I would run from this guy. I would also report him to your insurance co and possible the AMA as well. I have ZERO tolerance for these types of doctors now. They are just out for the money and don't seem to want to help the patient. SIGH!! Sorry got on my soapbox there for a minute.
  12. Penni60

    Unbanded beauty ;-)

    I am not sure about in San Diego exactly but some others on here might make a suggestion. Is your insurance going to cover the procedure? If so then your options are large. I see Dr. Helmuth Billy in Ventura for my follow up. I highly recommend him but I know that is a distance for you. If you chose to go to Mexico since you are so close just chose wisely as they do not have the same set of standards of practice as US surgeons. Doesn't mean that are any less qualified to perform the surgery just means they have different standards. I had mine done in Mexico and was pleased with the surgery but the aftercare was lacking. HOpe this helps.
  13. Lisa: I feel so sorry that you are having such pain from this last surgery. But at least the packing is less. Um,... for all us gross people WHERE IS A PIC??? Get Mary to take one then send it to me and I will post it so you don't gotta see it. LOLOL!!!! I love you guys so much that I am taking time out from my weekend with John to post here. ISn't that true love?? OOPS!! Should be true love to JOhn HMMM!!!! We are in San Simeon on the oceanside. Lovely!!
  14. Erosion can happen a couple different ways. One is how leatha mentioned by the band eroding into the stomach wall from the outside in. Another is from where the stomach lining gets irritated and forms an ulcer then continues to erode from the inside out exposing the band. This can be seen on an endoscopy as a white patch in the stomach lining. The misconception is that the band itself actually erodes and breaksdown. That does NOT happen. The band is simply exposed to stomach acids only after the stomach wall is compromised by an ulcer or other stomach irritants. Hope this has clarified things.
  15. Penni60

    URGENT - Before Going To Mexico

    One thing to consider when getting your Operative report is to ask for it in english. Mine is all in spanish and unless your surgeon can read spanish it is worthless. I have mine but it is worthless.
  16. Penni60

    Billy's Girls

    Isn't this the cutest pic???
  17. Alex, I was confused about the programs. I have the home version and not the online version as well. I love that you can put the actually contents into the program. The online version you can't, I think that is one of the things he was referring to. Some people won't know that you can and should include every ingredient in what you eat down to the salt and pepper. LOL!! The "50" items were a general comment. He wasn't implying that everyone only eats 50 items he said most times we can only come up with 50 and of that we can only remember on average 10 of those 50. So use that as a general statement and not literal. Tuna is a food item Mayo is separate That is my understanding anyway.
  18. Penni60

    Billy's Girls

    HUBBA HUBBA!! Hard to concentrate when he is looking at you with those eyes and that smile let me tell you. Now you understand!!!
  19. Penni60

    Digital Camera's

    I have two digital cameras. One is a Canon Power shot A70. That is the predominate pics on this website. It cost about $200 to $300. I have a nicer more expensive camera my sweetie got me for christmas. Canon EOS 10D. NICE CAMERA!!! Too expensive for what you want but a NICE camera. DROOLING!!!
  20. FREEBIES!! Those are always a good thing. I realized I "graze" all day long. I gotta just stock up on fruit and veggies for my grazing. I have to get a trash bag and go around the house and throw away all the high calorie Snacks. I too am on the 1200 calorie diet. I was telling Lisa that I was eating under 1000 when I first was banded. Oh and Alex the Fitday.com software program is a good start to counting the calories but it isn't very accurate and you don't work with the food and see what a serving is and how it all breaks down. So use it as a guideline not an absolute. I was using it as well and I will continue to use it but just adapt it to my needs. I love that you can add a food and then add in the dietary specifics of that food. Pretty cool!!
  21. I live in Southern Calif. Original surgeon was Dr. Lopez in Mexico then have aftercare with Dr. Billy in Ventura, CA. Both are good surgeons. Just make sure you have aftercare set up prior to going to Mexico.
  22. Penni60

    100 lbs

    POR NADA!!!
  23. WHEW!! Ducking from Donali LOL!!! I see your point about the losing 40 lbs prior to surgery and understand your way of thinking. Billy was using a patient of his as an example of why he requires them to lose prior to surgery. He has a 400 + lb patient that was in the hospital for testing or something. When Billy visits him he sees candy bar wrappers and 4 empty pizza boxes in his room. This tells Billy that this patient is not stable enough to be considered for the lapband certainly and maybe not for the bypass either. The patient in order to be serious about wanting this change has to prove that they can at least follow a regime of cutting back on the food intake. This guy wasn't even trying. That is really all Billy wants his patients to prove to him is that they are trying and willing to make the change.
  24. Penni60

    100 lbs

    Hey, Peg leg: You were banded the day after me. OK the comparison thingy mentioned in the Homework thread comes into play now. Banded 1 day apart. I weighed 6 lbs more at the beginning. Peg lost 100lbs I have lost 56lbs. Everyone is different. STOP comparing yourselves guys.
  25. Penni60

    100 lbs

    LapBandTalk.com - Lap Band Talk Forum - Before and After Pictures There ya go

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
