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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Penni60

  1. Penni60

    Food Journal Thread

    February 18, 2005 Friday Breakfast: Starbucks Venti Caffee Mocha - YIKES 490 calories (That sucks) Lunch: chicken Breast Strips 2 oz - 60 calories Honey Dijon Mustard 1 teaspoon - 8 calories coffee 2 cups - 150 calories Snack: one cinnamon sucker - 70 calories Dinner: Ha ha ha ha ha that is funny. One of two things are happening. Either I am way too filled or the weather is playing tricks on me. I can't seem to eat a decent meal meaning keep it down without PB'ing. Snack: Total Calories: 708 Total Carbs: 54g Total Protein: 29g Total Fats: 27 g Total Water: 32 oz
  2. I just emailed Alex to ask what happened with some of your edit buttons. Mine is still there so maybe it was either deleted when the "rep power" was gotten rid of or only Moderators will have the Edit power now. Just guessing till we hear back from the "great and mighty Alex".
  3. Penni60


    Here is my version. LOL!! Please forgive me. LOL!! Victorious Delight Weight loss Happiness Kicking skinny girls ass!
  4. Saying prayer right now. Keep us posted.
  5. Penni60

    Bandiversary Challenge Anyone?

    the FREE gym visits are overwith now. IT was for a month. That ends tomorrow. So IPOD commith. LOLOLOLOL
  6. Penni60

    Bandiversary Challenge Anyone?

    Boy she cracks a whip doesn't she. Guess we better get to working on the challenge. SIGH!! WORK?!!!!
  7. Penni60

    Happy Birthday Donali!!!

    Donali, come on in the Water is fine here at 44. 44 you don't look a day older than 21. Happy birthday woman
  8. Penni60

    Google and your privacy

    My picture, profile, and posts are not that private to me. If they were I would not have started participating in this forum. I just chose what to divulge in my profile.
  9. Penni60

    "EDIT BUTTON" dilemma

    Here is Alex's response to my inquiry about the "edit button." Gotta like the INDEFINITELY Part HUH?? Hi Penni, I set this option to allow users only 10 minutes to edit their post. I've changed it now and all users should be able to edit their posts indefinitely. <!-- Converted from text/rtf format -->Best Regards, Alex B.
  10. I hear ya on the GAS part. I think that was the worst part for me too. I was in some pain but it eventually subsided after about the third day. The pain persisted for alot longer. Now the Gas is just embarrassing at times. LOL!! Keep up the good work. How much do you want to lose?
  11. Penni60

    "EDIT BUTTON" dilemma

    Hmmm Vera never seen that "30 min warning". But would it take 30 min to edit something?
  12. Penni60

    Bandiversary Challenge Anyone?

    Here is my digi pic of my scale.
  13. Penni60

    How much weight have you lost?

    Make sure you copy the WHOLE list when you add your name. I corrected the count so now it is accurate. Betty 54 Paula 43 Kelly 65 Becky 77 Carol 102 Alex 110 Nana~49 Rich 20 Larae 22 Maureen 73 Marie 56 Wyld Blu 73 Penni 54 Vera 60 Darcy 59 Kelly 39 michelle 135 mary 65.4 greg 77 Sharon 35 Tricia 60 Darcey 23 cindy 88 Melissa 39 Michelle 80 Jonathan 27 Lisa 70 Lauren 23 Babs in TX -150 Bright - 82 Jamie - 5 Megan - 60 Total LOSS: 1975.40 lbs
  14. Penni60

    How much weight have you lost?

    Betty 54 Paula 43 Kelly 65 Becky 77 Carol 102 Alex 110 Nana~49 Rich 20 Larae 22 Maureen 73 Marie 56 Wyld Blu 73 Penni 54 Total 798 Lost WHOO HOO!!! <!-- / message --><!-- sig -->
  15. Penni60

    Food Journal Thread

    February 17, 2005 Thursday Breakfast: Usana Protein Drink -- 450 calories (Blended two scoops of powder, one teaspoon of Peanut Butter, and 8 oz of milk) Lunch: 1/2 cup tuna -- 300 calories Snack: One cinnamon sucker -- 70 calories 7 Cheetos -- 140 calories Dinner: One half breast of chicken -- ?? calories Cup of Rice -- ?? calories Snack: NONE Total Calories: 960 Total Carbs: 40 g Total Protein: 25 g Total Fats: 28.5 g Total Water: 12 oz
  16. Yup all gone. Wonder what happened? The scale fairy came and took it away and didn't even leave any money. Bad Fairy!!!
  17. Penni60

    Food Journal Thread

    UPDATING MY INFO February 16, 2005 Wednesday Breakfast: Usana Protein Drink -- 450 calories (Blended two scoops of powder, one teaspoon of Peanut Butter, and 8 oz of milk) Lunch: Pot roast 3 oz salad with Honey Mustard dressing on side - 1/2 cup Potato cheese Soup - 1 cup coffee - 2 cups with Equal and creamer Snack: TWO cinnamon suckers (140 calories) Dinner: Taco salad from Taco Bell (I know I know ugh the calories) Snack: ONE cinnamon sucker (70 calories) Not sure on my caloric intake for the day. Will have to work on that part. Tomorrow is another day. Total Calories: 660 (but have to add in more stuff) Total Carbs: 40 g Total Protein: 25 g Total Fats: 28.5 g Total Water: 68 oz
  18. Penni60

    DeLarla, How are You Feeling?

    Awww Lisa when you told me about that little so in so I wanted to kick his arse my own self. I would call the AMA and report his actions as well. He is an insensitive snot in my book. Of course they don't really "teach" sensitivity to the medical profession. OOPS!! Let me clarify this last statement. The Medical Profession I am referring to are doctors NOT nurses. We nurses are taught the compassion and respect needed to treat a patient. Somewhere along the line the doctors, surgeons, and some Physician Assistants were absent the day it was taught. Or they all banded (no pun intended) together and decided that was unnecessary frivolous dribble that isn't worth their time. SIGH!! I have run into some docs and surgeons like this. I usually quickly put them in their place. Love that part.
  19. Penni60

    Food Journal Thread

    February 16, 2005 Wednesday Breakfast: Usana Protein Drink -- Not sure of totals will have to update that at lunch. (Blended two scoops of powder, one teaspoon of Peanut Butter, and 8 oz of milk) Total Calories: Total Carbs: Total Protein: Total Fats: Total Water: 24 oz
  20. Penni60

    Help posting my before/in progress pic

    Cindy I would be happy to resize and do a side by side for you. Just send them to Penni60@aol.com and I will be happy to help.
  21. Penni60

    3 Cheers For The Monitors Of LBT

    SHHHHH!!! OK OK I will drop it to $75 but that is my final offer.
  22. Penni60

    3 Cheers For The Monitors Of LBT

  23. Thanks Vera found the comments. Too bizarre. Wonder what this will accomplish, other than some fun competition between some of our egos. OR should I say alter egos. LOL!!!
  24. OK I am so lost. What comments are you guys talking about? Where do you see them and how do I post a comment? For a moderator I know NOTHING HUH?!!!!

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