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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Penni60

  1. Penni60

    Good Luck Vera!

    Sending lots of "white light" healing postivie vibey thingy ma bobs your way. Please do come and let us know how you are doing.
  2. Penni60

    2005 Vegas Bash

    Um it's your birthday too that month. And just so you know, "I CAN'T SWIM!" But the spanking and the whipped cream sound kinky and fun. LOL!!
  3. Penni60

    What happens to all that extra skin??

    WINK WINK Paula. I will not let you down. WINK WINK!!
  4. Penni60

    What's your favorite workout tune?

    Let's see: Carbon Leaf's "Life's less Ordinary" (new group saw them on Ellen Degeneres) Queen: "fat bottom girls" "we are the champion" "we will rock you" Hell anything by Queen is good to work out to. Avril Lavigne: Anything is good but I like "skater boi" Steppenwolf: Anything Bruce Springsteen: Anything Aerosmith: Anything
  5. Penni60

    What happens to all that extra skin??

    With all that extra skin we all will have, we could most likely make 5 extra people. LOLOLOL!!!!!
  6. Penni60

    Food Journal Thread

    Tuesday, feb 22 Breakfast: Protein Shake - 450 calories Lunch: Cup of Homemade Chili - ?? calories Dinner: Calories - 450 Fat - 28.5 g Carb - 40 g Protein - 25 g Exercise - 20 min Pilates, 20 min circuit training (5 min bike, 5 min treadmill, 5 min weight bench, 5 min ab lounger) WHEW!! Water - 48 oz
  7. OK got a fill on January 26th. This gave me a total of 2.2cc in a 4cc band. I felt restriction but nothing major. Have had a couple of minor episodes of PB about 2 days after the fill but nothing since till a week ago. Now I have MAJOR restriction. I have a hard time eating mushie foods sometimes. I can't eat hardly any meats unless they are like liquid before swallowing. (Sorry for the grossness but hey,...) I ate 7 cheetos, yes 7 the other day and was FULL to the brink of PBing. I did not drink anything while eating the cheetos. I let them melt in my mouth too. Other than the high restriction I am doing great. I just wonder if all the rainy weather might make the restriction so high? Anyone else experience this phenom? If not do any of you think I might be too tight? And what gives with it waiting till NOW to let me know I am too tight? It has almost been 4 weeks now. I am not complaining too much cause I am eating less but don't wanna hurt myself if I am too tight.
  8. Penni60

    I am in tears now!!!

    I have sorta been in a slump with weight loss lately. On a long long plateau which is normal all you newbies out there. Expect a plateaus from time to time they suck but know they do happen. Anyway, some of you know (DELARLA) that I have hired a personal trainer to come and help me tone certain areas. She has been coming to the house for about 3 weeks now. I didn't think it was working other than making my abs really sore. But I did my monthly measurements just now. Since I was banded here are my results: Breasts 50 pre - 43 TODAY = 7 inches lost Waist 48 pre - 40 TODAY = 8 inches lost Hips 54 pre - 49 TODAY = 5 inches lost Thighs 31 pre - 26.5 TODAY = 4.5 inches lost (one thigh) Calf 21 pre - 18 TODAY = 3 inches lost (one calf) Upper arm 21 pre - 17 TODAY = 4 inches lost (one arm) Total lost to date from surgery = 31.5 inches HOORAY!! Total lost from the 3 week training session 6.5 inches DOUBLE HOORAY!!!! SO yes the tears do floweth plentiuth hereth. LOL!!!!:banana :banana :banana :banana :banana :banana :banana :banana :banana :banana :banana :banana
  9. Penni60

    2005 Vegas Bash

    OK here goes. September 9, 10, and 11 weekend in Vegas for the BASH is set in stone. Plan accordingly. I will be there with bells on. I can stay at any hotel on the strip preferably but I am flexible. I think Excalibur sounds like fun but so do any of the hotels. I might fly in so would need a ride. LISA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Penni60

    Fun Thread - Screen Names

    Hey Jamie is your name supposed to be Losing or Loosing? LOL Just curious!! Forgot to mention what my name means. Um Penni is my name and 60 is my birth year. So you see I am creature of simplicity. LOL!! I should change my screen name to PenelopeLee since that is my real name. Becky I share your middle name. How cool is that?
  11. Awww, Twernt nuttin! By the way, Jamie your little girl is a cutie!! What a doll?! Glad to hear your gallbladder surgery went well and you are recuperating nicely. The next few weeks will fly by.
  12. Penni60

    I am in tears now!!!

    Mine is pretty inexpensive actually. She charges me $80 a week. She does aerobics, toning, yoga, pilates, free weights, etc. She begins the 1 hour session with stretching then cardio/aerobics with and without free weights then progresses to the toning and whatever else WE decide to do in the remaining time. Then about 5 min of cool down. She also happens to be a good friend of mine so we laugh alot along with the session. With others you can get more specific with what you want. It is IMPORTANT that you find a trainer that listens to you and gives you clear idea of what would be realistic and attainable for you. The trainer should push you but not to the point of being like a drill instructor. After all YOU are paying them to get you in shape. THEY work for you and if you don't feel comfortable with them then keep looking. My trainer, Andrea, has been in exercise business for 20 years, experienced in Pilates, Yoga, and is a certified reflexologist. Just ask for credentials and get some personal recommendations from either current or past clients. That was probably more info than you wanted but get your monies worth is important. If you are gonna sweat then get some benefit out of it. Happy sweating and losing and shrinking.
  13. Penni60

    2005 Vegas Bash

    Cruise = fun Vegas = fun Anywhere with Lapbanders = fun I am so there!!!!! OH and to everyone reading this post EVERYONE is invited to the LAPBAND BASHES. EVERYONE is invited. GOT IT!!??!!
  14. Penni60

    2005 Vegas Bash

    Megan: Making out? ???? What is that??? Hmmm might have to look up the new slang terms. LOL!! Way cool. And yes we could do some damage. And yes again "what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas." LOL!! Ya know I don't really care where we stay (NO HO JO!!!) as long as there is taxi service to and from Lisa's because I ain't driving if I am drinking. AND I am drinking!! Gonna be celebrating my birthday (which is the 5th, presents accepted) and will be in a size 14 by then for sure. I am hoping anyway. I wouldn't mind staying at Excalibur, Mandalay Bay, Luxor, NewYork, Paris, Venetian, Harrah's, Strastosphere is ok too but someone's gotta go on the rides with me at the top. WHOO HOO!! Vegas here I come.
  15. Penni60

    Food Journal Thread

    SUNDAY Feb 20th Breakfast: 1 scrambled egg - 65 calories 4 pieces of bacon - ?? calories Coffee - 0 calories with Equal Calories: 65 Fat: Carb: Protein: 7 g Water: 24 oz Exercise: 20 min Pilates
  16. Penni60

    How much weight have you lost?

    There ya go Nancy. By the way, I submitted all this wonderful weight loss to OPRAH. Let's see if she does anything about it. Most likely not but who knows. Betty 54 Paula 43 Kelly 65 Becky 77 Carol 102 Alex 110 Nana 49 Rich 20 Larae 22 Maureen 73 Marie 56 Wyld Blu 73 Penni 54 Vera 60 Darcy 59 Kelly 39 michelle 135 mary 65.4 greg 77 Sharon 35 Tricia 60 Darcey 23 cindy 88 Melissa 39 Michelle 80 Jonathan 27 Lisa 70 Lauren 23 Babs in TX 150 Bright 82 Jamie 5 Megan 60 Katie 29 Bobby H. 46 Estela 23 Angela 37.5 Terri 43 Teresa 86 Kristie 187 Pat 26.5 Carmen 98 Rica 60 Deniseg 35 (It was 50 but, started gaining now losing again) Sue 101 Nancy 71 Total:2818.4 WOW<!-- / message --><!-- sig -->
  17. Penni60

    2005 Vegas Bash

    Megan: Like I am so there!! TOTALLY!!
  18. Penni60

    2005 Vegas Bash

    OK either date is good for me. I will most likely drive in but not sure just yet. John might be on the road then but can't say for sure. I will be in VEGAS baby. Can't wait to see you all again. This time we need a HUGE GROUP PIC. Meant to do that last time. SHESH!! Too much margaritaness. YUM YUM
  19. Penni60

    DeLarla's Weekly Fun Thread

    Don't know if any of you remember or have heard of this diet or not but it was called the "Grapefruit Diet". I called it the "develop an ulcer while losing tons of weight diet". It worked but man all that grapefruit started giving me stomach issues. Too much acidity in the stomach. But man did it melt the pounds off. Of course as soon as I stopped due to the bleeding (minor but scary) I regained everything I had lost (30 lbs in two months) plus 15 more on top of that. SIGH!! Lisa, my grandmother was in a constant state of depression and a nerve pill addict in her younger years. The family had to commit her at one point and they did the shock treatments on her. It never worked for her. She finally just stopped the pills herself and the family just supported her and she got through it. She was my strength and rock when I was growing up along with her daughter, my mother.
  20. Penni60

    Food Journal Thread

    I do that to foods too so I can't eat them later. So you are not alone. If I am in a restaurant I will put salt pepper and whatever seasonings I can find plus pour some of my sweetie's drink on it and then put my napkin over it to keep me from picking at it more. So you are definitely not alone. Breakfast: One scrambled egg - 65 calories Cafe Vienna coffee - 150 calories Snack: One cinnamon sucker - 70 calories Lunch: Tuna - 300 calories Split pea Soup - 200 calories Hot tea with Equal - 0 calories Calories: 785 Fat: Carb: Protein: 63 g Water: 48 oz Exercise: 20 min Pilates
  21. Penni60

    I know I should know this but,...

    Thanks everyone for your input. Just goes to show you that you can always learn new things with this journey. Michelle, I think that you hit the nail on the head. This is TRUE restriction. Before I had some but not like this. This reminds me of when I was first banded. I am getting in my protein just really really slow. LOL!! And believe me I am taking it real slow these days. NO reflux and no heartburn either thank goodness. If that starts I will go back to liquids and call Billy for an unfil. And No I am not hungry between meals. NOT AT ALL. I am waiting longer between meals now to allow the pouch to be more empty. Anyway, thanks for all your input. I will keep you updated.
  22. Penni60

    I know I should know this but,...

    There is that fine line between good restriction and being miserable isn't there! I will just be more diligent over the next few days and wait till this front rumbles through and see what happens. If it doesn't improve after that I will go have some taken out. SIGH!!
  23. Penni60


    I just dusted off my Pilates tapes and found that certain stretches can irritate the port area. I just stay away from those exercises. I also do some work on a Yoga Ball and some of those can irritate the area as well. Just learn what works and what doesn't and you should be fine.
  24. Penni60

    LapBand Video

    These videos seem good and very informative but newbies have to understand that they don't all pertain to the LAPBAND. For instance, we do not have JP drains after surgery. I assume that would be for the Gastric Bypass patients. So view these videos with the idea in mind that they are not ALL related to the LAPBAND surgery.
  25. Delarla wrote on another post the following: "I think I'll make a goal - right here, right now. I want to wear a size 16 on my one year Bandiversary. Hmmm, do I smell a challenge?" Lulu's bandiversary is in April. Delarla's bandiversary is in May. Anyone know how we can do a challenge that is fair to both so that when one reaches the goal of being in a size 16 by their bandiversary they are declared the winner? And what is the prize? Thoughts? Ideas? Suggestions? Lulu smells a victory coming on. LOL!!!!

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