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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Penni60

  1. Penni60


    GOOD FOR YOU!!! Keep it up. Those pounds are melting away.
  2. I am sorry Betty. I won't quote you ever again. I applaud all the weight loss and want to celebrate the losses. I do not think we should put any criteria on the posting of our losses though. Just my humble opinion.
  3. Penni60

    Why are YOU Fat?

    Ok, I have always had a problem with leaving food on my plate. It comes from being told to finish everything no matter what. Also, comes from later in life I had a fear of never having enough food. I had a really hard time after my divorce of making ends meet with four children to feed. I would try and try so hard to make sure they had food but there were times we had nothing but bologna or peanut butter in the house. So my mind keeps telling me to eat now cause you might not have anything to eat later. Isn't that sick? LOL!! Anyone else relate?
  4. Penni60

    Names! Names! Names!

    Dolphin Lover name: Oceania Mariana Tree hugger name: Peach birchwood
  5. Penni60

    I have a summer house. HOORAY!!

    I have to say I am very pleased with the way it turned out. Isn't it beautiful?? Aren't you guys jealous?? Come on over for a visit and we'll make up the bed in the bottom bedroom. It has a nice and airy feeling.
  6. Penni60

    Sabotaging all the good work

    Donali I agree with most of what you are saying. I just tend to look at things the way they affect me. I have developed a DeLarla attitude. IT is all about ME. LOL!!! Do what works for everyone in order to lose your weight. Sometimes the problem is trying to find that "thing" and follow through with it. Even being banded there are times we falter and slide down the fat hill. But for the most part it works. I still love ya donali. You are a wonderful inspiring woman.
  7. Penni60

    OMG An old pic of me!!!!

    Hey Megan we should try to recreate this phenom at the Vegas Bash. First one to do it successfully wins. Um what I don't know but WINS!! LOL
  8. Penni60

    Friday Fun Thread

    Good thread Lisa: Let's get out all the aggression by writing down the names and in a sense purging ourselves of those names. Hmmm? NAW! Too serious. Let's just write em down. ME: Four eyed, ugly, pimple faced, fatso Fatty Patty (even though my name isn't Patty) Lard butt Wide load Someone put this on my back in jr high (caution this person exceeds the weight limit of earth) Jelly Belly Thunder Thighs
  9. Penni60

    Fun Thread - Screen Names

    your first pet's name and your mother's maiden name Ok my first pet's name was Missy and my mother's maiden name was Lewis Missy Lewis Gotta love it. I still like LULU for my stripper name
  10. Penni60

    Good Stocks to own?

    bras, fishnet, hey where is the purple bra and those red gloves! This thread is way too serious.
  11. Penni60

    Very Upset

    Not sure what you are referring to Betty but here is a howl for you too. AHHH WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Werewolves of London!!!
  12. Penni60

    Sabotaging all the good work

    WOW!! Donali, calm down. I have struggled all my life with weight issues. I have not undergone therapy. I have done some heavy soul searching over why I eat. I use food as comfort. It gives me compassion, love, support, kindness, and it also gives me hatred, self-loathing, depression, disgust at the same time. I feel this way everytime I eat something. And it doesn't matter what the weather is doing outside. It doesn't matter if I have lost 5 lbs or 100 lbs. Everytime I put a morsel of food into my mouth I go through the same emotions all over again and again and again. This is what makes our addiction, disease, hang up, whatever you wanna call it different than cancer, diabetes, etc. The way we "deal" with those emotions can determine how successful our journey can be. I too LOVE this board.
  13. Penni60


    Sometimes walking helps. This isn't the type of gas that we associate with flatulence. It is CO2 that was used to pump into the abdominal area so the surgeon could have a better field of vision for the surgery. And that type of gas has to be reabsorbed into the system. It can move to different areas of the body like the chest area, shoulders, even the lower back and be quite painful. It just takes time to be reabsorbed. Heating pads can be helpful at times.
  14. Penni60

    Sabotaging all the good work

    I tend to agree with Lisa. I am fat regardless of the weather or anything else actually. I eat because I can and it fills a perceived NEED my subconscious plays with my conscious. GET IT??!! LOL!!!
  15. Penni60

    Feeling Down

    Melissa I can soooooooooooo relate. I feel like I have been stuck in the 240ish range for the last 10 years. When in fact it has only been for the last month. But it seems like a lifetime. One thing to remember is that yes your friend lost boat loads of weight fast but the key word there is FAST. This slow sometimes agonizingly slow process is the safest way to lose. It doesn't make the lack of scale movement any less tolerable. Take this time to look at the victories that don't require we measue the successes with a scale. You already mentioned the decrease in clothing size. What about walking without getting out of breath. More energy. Fitting into a chair without feeling like you are squeezed into it. Feeling sexier. Looking healthier and feeling healthier. Go get a manicure or pedicure and pamper yourself. Take a day or at least 15 min for YOU. Give yourself the praise that you deserve. We are all special and we will succeed at this journey. It will come Melissa. I have faith in all of us to accomplish our goals. It will come.
  16. Penni60

    Favorite Grandparent Memories

    blossom one family story that has been handed down from generation to generation on the Merrick (father) side of the family is about bees and beehives. The Merrick's settled in the area known as Black Hawk at the tip of the county in Harmony District. They came in covered wagons. They tipped one over and used the canvas cover for shelter till the log cabin was built. They brought with them two queen bees. The first thing they built was not the cabin but beehives for the queen bees. They made their livelihood off the honey till the farm was established. Whenever a son or daughter would get married they would give them a beehive and $500. Now back then that was a fortune. Somewhere along the way the farm was more about livestock and the bees took a back seat. But the table was never without fresh honey. NEVER!!
  17. Penni60

    what would you do??? OT

    Bubba Me the only thing I would have done would have to find out who the D.A. is for the county where he is accused and send them the flyer and deposit slip. They might can use that info you never know. Gut instinct told me to say that.
  18. Penni60

    Favorite Grandparent Memories

    Father's Parents: O'Daddy and O'Momma O'Daddy was a farmer, lifestock hauler, jack of all trades. I have very fond memories of walking his fields with him and holding his weathered hand in mine. He would look down at me and smile that HUGE smile, pat me on the head, and say, "Penni the lord surely blessed me in having you as my grandchild. Now let's go get O'Momma some blackberries before she skins us alive." I ate more than we would bring home and O'Momma would act all mad but then I would see her smile in her eyes. O'Daddy would take us to the local grocery store (actually it was a small country store with wooden floors and a glass candy display case) in his 43 Chevy wooden sided truck he used for livestock hauling and would put fresh hay in the bed so we could sit in the back nice and comfortable. He would buy me and my sister each a coke with peanuts and I would get Lay's potato chips or cheetos and my sister would get a candy bar. We were not supposed to tell O'Momma about the candy, chips and coke. So this was our little secret. But I knew she knew. When my cousins would come to visit from "up north" O'Daddy would let all 6 of us ride his mule, TED. What fond memories I have of my country grandparents. O'Momma was the best cook in all of the surrounding counties. She would win all kinds of prizes for her dishes. The Merrick clan was known for it's prize honey. The table was always set with fresh honey. Every meal there was honey used in some way. Fresh homemade biscuits with warm butter and honey at every meal. Not left over biscuits from the morning breakfast but FRESH with each meal. When she passed she took the recipe or she used to call it "receipt" for her fried apple pies. I have tried to make them and they just don't taste the same. One very fond memory that comes to mind right now is related to my first pet cat. I had been wanting one for a long long time. My grandmother knew I was wanting one. She asked her neighbor to bring one of the new litter to the house. I picked a white calico female for my kitty. I named her Missy. She grew up and was pregnant and delivered her 9 kitties while I watched and was just totally fascinated. My grandmother explained what was happening and I think I was all of 5 or 6 at the time. Well my grandmother new something wasn't right. She shewed me into the living room saying that the momma kitty needed some quiet time with her babies. Little did I know that the momma and her babies were dying. Within an hour they were gone. All 9 babies and momma. O'Momma told me they had to go to heaven to make way for more babies. I was so upset. I was 5 now remember so I wanted to have a funeral. My dear sweet grandmother found a shoe box, put some of her quilt scraps in there to cushion mother and babies, then took some roses out of her garden along with apple blossoms and put on top of the box. We got all dressed up in our "sunday best" and she sang "amazing grace" while we carried the box to a shallow grave that my grandfather dug for us. He was there with his "sunday best" on and read the 23rd Psalm from the bible and then we buried them. This was a special couple of people that would do anything for anybody friend or foe. I miss them terribly.
  19. Penni60

    Having H2O Problems

    Sorry but I have been resisting the urge to post on this thread for a day or two, but LULU got the better of me so here is my post. H2O problem hmmm? Would that be you need some depends or is your kidneys just getting old now. Sorry had to do it. OK Penni here again. I have no problems getting in my water now. But right after banding it was very hard to get in my water. Just take it slow and if you are getting in any consider yourself lucky.
  20. Penni60

    2005 Vegas Bash

    CHUNKY DUNK!!! I am laughing my rather LARGE CHUNKY DUNK arse off. Too funny. Love it.
  21. Penni60

    Favorite Grandparent Memories

    Great thread Paula!! Mother's parents - Grandaddy and Mammie Grandaddy worked for the railroad as a brakeman. His nickname was TURKEY. Not sure why he was so skinny he didn't have the turkey neck you might think either. He was very strict and as a child I was scared of him till I was in my 20's. He and my grandmother went to have a portrait made, the only one they ever had made. He was told to sit on this box with a rug over it, you know what I mean. Well he threw his leg over the box to straddle it and the box fell and he fell. I shrieked and he came up laughing his arse off. It was the best picture they ever had made. BIGGEST smiles!! I laughed so hard. He came over to me and kissed me on the cheek and said, "I am happy I made you laugh." See I was in a bad marriage and he wanted to make me smile. He did it on purpose. SNIFF SNIFF!! Mammie used to take me to babysit me every Thursday while mom got her hair done. I would walk to Mammie's car after school and sit in it till she got off work. Who would think to let their child do that nowadays? We were so trusting back then. Anyway, she would get off work at 3:30p. We would go to Mammie's favorite magazine store. She bought the racy detective magazines that Grandaddy wouldn't have approved of but Mammie bought anyway. Fiesty lady she was. I would get some candy, of course, and MAD magazines. We would each get a coke, in a glass bottle, and a bag of peanuts. You had to have the peanuts for the coke of course. Then we would have a belching contest on the way home. One Sunday we were leaving the Baptist Church and my husband was walking out in front of us. He was attempting to grow a mustache. My grandmother leaned close to me and said these exact words, "I have more hair on my pu$$y, than he has on his upper lip." SORRY if that offended anyone but that was my grandmother. She didn't care where she was or what she was doing. She told it like it was. I laughed so hard I nearly tripped down the steps. She just winked at me. More on my father's parents after I dry my eyes.
  22. Penni60

    2005 Vegas Bash

    Ya know last year, I brought bathing suits that were too big for me and they were used to swim in. So, there might be some there that would fit you this year. And DeLarla didn't have a bathing suit on last year either. Tank top and shorts or underwear are workable. What size are you?
  23. Penni60

    Food Journal Thread

    WOW!! Michelle I didn't know you could take IN two tablespoons of PB. I thought you could only let it OUT. LOLOLOL!!! I am assuming the PB means Peanut Butter. Wednesday, Feb 23 Breakfast: cup of cafe Vienna - 150 calories Snack: One cinnamon sucker - 70 calories Lunch: Tuna - 300 calories Dinner: 1/2 Lemon Pepper chicken breast (approx 3 oz) - 160 calories 1/3 cup steamed broccoli 1/3 cup steamed zuchini 1/3 cup steamed squash Total Calories: 680 calories Total Protein: 33 gm just in the chicken alone
  24. Penni60

    2005 Vegas Bash


PatchAid Vitamin Patches
