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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Penni60

  1. Recently I felt attacked by someone and this type of behavior in the past would have sent me spiraling down into a deep dark depression of binging and purging. I have elected to take the higher road and not let this behavior undermine what I have accomplished to date. I will say that this type of behavior is what I was so hoping to rid myself of. I see now that this will never be the case. I will just have to understand there are these types of people in the world. I can't change their behavior nor can I change the way they treat me. I CAN change the way I react to that behavior. I also choose to not participate in the communication interchange which makes me feel attacked. Again I say I have taken the higher road and will keep striving for the brass ring. Thanks for reading. Just my own personal rantings. I am so happy I have this forum to vent like this.
  2. Penni60


    Bret: As far as a danger with the band I can't think of one. I could be wrong but others might have some input. The smoking is more related to your lungs and how they can be affected. I have not seen any data suggesting that smoking can harm the band. But again others might have more info.
  3. Penni60

    Feb 25, 2005 @ 11:40...

    Hope all is well. Come and report in soldier!!
  4. Penni60

    after the operation.....

    Everyone is different when they wake up from anesthesia. Some people are sick others are just groggy. I was in some pain but they were quick to give me medication for that. I was really groggy afterward and only wanted to sleep. I was up and around the next day most people are up and around the same day. My surgery was late in the evening so I was just put to bed and slept off the anesthesia. I got up the next morning and was sore but with a nice comfortable pillow for support of my abdomen I was fine. Just take it slow and easy. Don't try to run a marathon after surgery. I think a week would be OK. I would have been able to go back to work after a week. In fact I did. I help my boyfriend in the office of his production co.
  5. Penni60

    Diary of a madman cont'd

    YES BOBBY, COME OVER TO THE DARK SIDE. (ok you have to imagine darth vader and his breathing thingy). LOL!!! Seriously come on over and join the challenge
  6. Penni60

    Mind-bending NSV!!!

    What a great NSV!! I think you should wear the ring. IT is a symbol of your parents. Not so much that the marriage didn't work out but to me it represents your parents union and out of that union you were produced. SO wear that ring proudly. Put a positive spin on it.
  7. When you get the ticker page with all the url's pick the first one on the list. I think it is vbb code. That is the one that works.
  8. Penni60

    Weightloss Challenge

    Sounds to me like both ideas are good one. I think the actual weight loss should be the why to declare a winner. Just my opinion.
  9. Penni60


    Hey Kristi: Come on in, take yer shoes off, sit a spell. OHHHH second thought put yer shoes back on. EWWWWWWWW!!!! LOL!! Look around do searches and you should find lots of topics to read. Glad to have you on board
  10. Penni60

    Weightloss Challenge

    SIGH!!! Did I say that loud enough? No! OK here it is again. SIGH!!!!!! My weight this morning is 242 back up two lbs. WHAT GIVES?
  11. Penni60

    Check out my hole

    OK Vera I am tired and it is late. I read your title to the post and immediately LULU came out of me. I am so glad that you were able to get your tubing repaired and maintain your band. Happy you are home.
  12. Penni60

    How much weight have you lost?

    The only reason to lock this thread is so people won't get confused as to which one to post their weight loss on. We don't want to have two lists going in one month. IT is hard enough to keep things accurate on one post. Did I explain that well enough? Sometimes this late at night I get myself confused. LOL!!!
  13. Karen: when you copy and paste the url code use the first one on the list. That one is the only one that works. I think it is the vbb code.
  14. Penni60

    Rated PG-13

    OK my response here is strictly meant as informative not to offend anyone. If it might then don't read any further. You have been warned. LOL!! Considering the capacity of your pouch is anywhere from 10cc to 30cc after surgery, I would consider the end result of fellatio to be dangerous for an episode of PB. As I have never actually measured what was expelled at one time I would be concerned it might fill the pouch to capacity. Although it could be considered part of your Protein intake I would still be careful in that respect. I have heard this has been dispelled as a myth and that it carries no nutritional value. Someone have any current info to add? And Lisa, I think it would be considered a thick liquid which could also hamper the passage of the liquid. OK I grossed myself out.
  15. Penni60

    How much weight have you lost?

    Not a problem. I will lock this thread on the 1st and record the initial loss from the previous month. Is that OK with everyone?
  16. Penni60

    Any Smoothie Ideas???

    There ya go Jamie! Glad to help.
  17. Penni60

    I can't wait to be obese!

    Just checked my weight and BMI and HOORAY!!! I am OBESE!!!!!!!!!!!!! My bmi is 37.59. The scale for obese in Fitday is 30 to 39.9. WHOO HOO!!!! LOOK AT ALL THOSE DANCING BANANAS!!!!!!!!!!! :banana :banana :banana :banana :banana :banana :banana :banana :banana :banana :banana :banana :banana :banana :banana :banana :banana :banana :banana
  18. Penni60

    Can U Feel The LOVE

    The carbonation thing is strictly due to the gas bubbles that fill up the pouch is what I have been told. It has nothing to do with harming the band. If you can tolerate the fullness you get with the carbonation then go for it. Just know that you probably won't be able to eat and drink the carbonation without some complications. I have tried to drink a carbonated beverage and then eat too and that was a major NO NO for me. I like Jamaican Rum Cream over ice or Kahlua on Ice or the NEW Starbucks Liquor on Ice. YUM YUM!! No carbonation there. LOL!!! AND YES I FEEL THE LOVE!!!!!!!!
  19. Penni60

    Weightloss Challenge

    Betty I will see what I can do about that picture. LOLOL!!!! MAYBE!!! (Notice I didn't say WHEN!)
  20. Penni60

    Calling All Tijuana Bandsters.....

    Raincheck's R US!!
  21. Penni60

    Positive Thread - Apology

    I wanna start this thread on a positive note. You guys are like my sisters, brothers, family here. I always used to fight with my family. I also admitted when I might have went too far. I can't help it sometimes I just love a good scrapin! Comes from growing up in the country and also from raising 4 kids on your own. Had to fight for everything then. I still have that fight in me at times. I just have to know when to rein it in. To Marie, Betty and whoever else that took offense to my posts, I want to publicly apologize. I did play a part in taking the threads too far. I was in one of my "angry" moods and you guys took the brunt of that. I am truly sorry. It doesn't make it right it just explains why I kept it going. I do feel strongly about certain issues and will always voice my opinion as I hope we all continue to do. There are times when a thread should be closed and finished. I felt frustrated that I was not able to get my opinions out and I aggravated the situation by continuing to post. Thank you Betty for opening my eyes in your very well said and very sweetly and full of love PM to me tonight. You really opened my eyes. Thank you again. Marie, I am sorry for any harshness in my PM to you. I hope you know I do care about you and your journey. Jamie I know you have been upset by some of the posts as well and I apologize to you as well. I can't remember all the others so I will just do a blanket apology here to you, whoever you might be. Now let's get to what this board is all about. Healing from recent surgeries, getting unfills, getting fills, losing weight, and finding that sexy man that keeps popping into our dreams, oops that is my dreams. LOL!! Love you guys. Are we all OK now?:nervous
  22. Penni60

    Positive Thread - Apology

    On the weight loss thread I elected to delete my posts and that way only the positive weight loss info shows. I will look at the other threads to see if closing them warrants being done. Thanks for the suggestion.
  23. Penni60

    Lap-Band FAQ

    Rondalund: My doctor has me on a 1200 calorie diet and to try to take in at least 50 to 60 gm of Protein a day. I admit it is hard for me to get in that much protein but I do strive to reach the 50 gms. The 1200 calorie diet is easy to get too but sometimes in the wrong types of calories. You should ask your band surgeon or ask to speak with a nutritionist or dietician about the recommendations. Every surgeon is different and require different caloric requirements.
  24. Penni60

    Weightloss Challenge

    Awww Man Zoe got me all excited to think of going out and buying those hot pants. I might anyway. Hey I am game to post me in shorts hot pants or no. I think we should start a bathing suit thread in June. Who is with me?
  25. Penni60

    update horror story

    Holy MisBand placement Batman!! Sorry to hear of your dilemma but glad that things are in the right location now. Lawyers can be a good thing sometimes.

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