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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Penni60

  1. Penni60

    East Coast Bandster Bash???

    The link states that you have to organize the walk. I wouldn't mind participating but what are the specifics? How long is the walk? Where is it? What is the registration cost? I couldn't find that info. Too confusing.
  2. Penni60

    East Coast Bandster Bash???

    Alex the bash definition is what we did in Vegas. IT was a blast. We meet that first nigth when we all arrived and ate somewhere. The next day we went to Lisa's house for an all day of socializing. The next day some of us met for brunch then we went our separate ways. So yeah no speakers or "planned" events. WE just sorta hung out. Those dates are GREAT for me. NEW YORK or NEW JERSEY either one is OK with me. If we stay in Hoboken we can take the ferry across the river to New York. That would be fun. LOL!!
  3. Penni60

    Wow! Must be fate.......

    Laura's getting banded banded banded,WOO HOO!! Oops sorry got carried away with the thrill in the air. So excited for you. I remember that feeling. You will succeed at this, I have faith.
  4. Penni60

    East Coast Bandster Bash???

    Throwing this date out and you guys see if it is doable then we can decide what to do. September 23 Friday September 24 Saturday September 25 Sunday Any of those dates work for you guys?
  5. Penni60

    Size 18/20

    I am in that size right now. Well size 18 anyway.
  6. Penni60

    East Coast Bandster Bash???

    Let me know where and when.
  7. Penni60

    No personal attacks

    As stitch would say, "OH HANA, That means family."
  8. Penni60

    No personal attacks

    Just one more thing Greg then we can stop. LOL!! Love ya too. I don't agree with your statement about "we have to agree to disagee about a moderator's function". Well particially I don't agree. LOL!! Yes we can agree to disagree but we, meaning you and I, cannot on the issue of moderator's function, because I have to follow those functions and you, meaning the site, I hope would understand we as moderators have to abide by those functions. You might not agree with the functions but it doesn't matter because only the moderators are affected by them. You guys can voice your opinion all day long and unless the moderators agree to the functions/guidelines it doesn't matter. Did I thoroughly confuse you guys now? LOL!!!
  9. Penni60

    No personal attacks

    NO we are not. I do it for the love and fellowship. LOL!!! Is that humble enough for you? LOL!!
  10. Penni60

    Considering this procedure

    ARe you kidding of course I would do it again!!! I just wish I had known about it sooner.
  11. Penni60

    East Coast Bandster Bash???

    I am going to the Vegas Bash for sure in Sept but if we planned it late Sept then I would rush off to the East coast as well. Bright any ideas or suggestions? I think we should look at something closer to the Northeast actually but that is just my opinion. Not sure how comfortable Bright is travelling down the coast to North Carolina or Virginia or even DC from New York.
  12. Penni60

    East Coast Bandster Bash???

    Bright, I would fly to meet you too. Let's plan something.
  13. Penni60

    No personal attacks

    I hear what you are saying and to a point I agree. We do take an active role in the moderating of this board and we do watch the posts. But this is the problem with "having the power to control out of control people." Some people (and I am NOT accusing anyone of this) might abuse that power. How do you regulate that? You can't till after the fact. You can't know who will abuse that power till it is too late. I agree that there needs to be a way to enforce the guidelines the moderators put in place. We are still discussing that. Deleting of a post or thread without the authors permission is not something I am comfortable doing. I would hope that just locking that thread would be acceptible enough and give the author the chance to remove the thread on their own. We cannot force someone to do the right thing. We can only strongly suggest it with guidelines we will put into place. By locking the thread we can discourage them from continuing to do the "wrong thing" and to prevent it from getting out of control even further. As the latest events have shown in the end the person or persons did do the right thing and delete their own posts or threads. Or they asked a moderator to delete their post or thread. Most everyone inherently knows what the right thing to do is; sometimes it takes longer for them to realize what that "right thing" is. In the meantime, I will not as a moderator edit or delete a post/thread without the express permission of the author of the post/thread and only then after discussing it with the moderators first. I will as a moderator, help maintain the loving atmosphere that abounds on this site as much as I possibly can within my boundaries as a moderator. I will review posts that are brought to my attention. I will review any questionable posts with other moderators and come to a consensus as to what form of action to take based on our guidelines. I love all you guys. As Stitch would say, "OH HANA! That means family!"
  14. Penni60

    I'm addicted to the Food Network!

    Megan I feel your pain. I used to watch the Cajun Gourmet all the time. Guarantee!!! Imagine a Cajun accent saying that word. I would salivate at the things he would prepare. Then I watched Julia Child. Then it was Emeril Lagasse. THen, Then THEN, name a chef. OH Iron Chef is another one. They have an american version now. I used to love to watch the East Asian one where they cook with squid and icky stuff like that and still I salivated. food FOOD FOOD. Oh look almost lunch time. LOL!!!
  15. Penni60

    No personal attacks

    To all that agree moderators should have the "right" to edit or delete or do any kind of manipulation to a thread or post: What if I came across this post from an LBT member: "I think every person that has an "I" in their first name are bigotted, self-righteous, egotistical, hateful, self-serving and well frankly just plane mean to all fat people." Now since my first name has an "I" in it do I as a moderator have the "right" to go and edit the post cause it could be considered an attack on me? NO I don't think so. But to humor you guys, let's say I go in and edit it this way: "I think every member on LBT are sweet, caring, kind, considerate, and understanding." I have completely changed the meaning and content of the post right? Is that OK? NO!!! The point is you cannot and should not edit a post of someone elses. You end up changing the thought processes and content of that post therefore injecting your values and ideals onto someone else. If you don't agree with what was posted then either don't respond or do so with politeness and online etiquette or send them a PM or ask the moderators to lock the thread. As a moderator we should not have that "right" to edit. If some of you agree that we should have that right then I will respectfully decline to use that "right". I would humbly ask what would happen if someone decided to edit the Declaration of Independence to read "We hold these truths to be self evident that all men are created equal, with the exception of redheads,..." Instead of "We hold these truths to be self evident that all MEN are created equal,..." How different the world would be. You cannot impose your thoughts, feelings, ideas, emotions onto someone else in writing by the editing process.
  16. Penni60

    2005 Vegas Bash

    OH yeah this is still on. Just waiting for more to respond.
  17. Penni60

    my very odd sense of humor...

    I'm Rabies!!!!!
  18. Penni60

    No personal attacks

    Yes, we moderators agreed to the Attack the idea not the person guideline last night. SO I was shocked to see all the drama this morning going on. I guess if Lisa had thought more about her issues and wrote it in Word or in a document first she could have re-read it and then decided to post something appropriate. She elected to no do that. We all make mistakes. RIGHT? In the same respect Marie having just been in a moderator meeting where we also discussed as a guideline "to take really personal issues to a PM" in my opinion she might have chose to send Lisa a PM instead of doing a rebuttal publicly. I know we all get lost sometimes in the heat of things. But there again maybe Marie could have also wrote our her response in Word or in a document first before she posted her issues. She also elected to not do that and again I say we all make mistakes. RIGHT? All I am saying is there is always a better way to deal with any inflamatory remark. There
  19. Penni60

    Deleting our posts

    Kelly, if you remember who posted the great info then you can always send a PM to that person and ask for them to send you what they were saying. I know that would be good if you knew the persons username but if not then the only way to retrieve a post would be if the person that edited the post didn't permanently delete it. Then a moderator can bring back the post. The thread is another thing altogether. The thread is the entire converstations. If that is permanently deleted then it is gone. If it is what is termed "soft" deleted then the thread can be brought back. But I question doing so without the permission of the initiator of the Thread and the same thing of the Post as well. I don't think as Mod we should have the right to bring back a post just because someone asks us to. If the writer of the post / thread asks then I feel that person has more of a right than anyone else to bring back a post/thread. OK getting pretty indepth now. I will stop.
  20. Penni60

    2005 Vegas Bash

    OK we need a count guys. I know it is far away but it is always nice to get a number going. Just add to the list your name and number coming. Penni - 2 (me for sure and John maybe not sure yet)
  21. I can't tell you the answer to that question. Some insurance carriers have a list of things that will keep you from being covered. Overweight is one of them. I don't know the list that Pacificare goes by. I am covered through my work policy so they had to take me. I would say to fight it out with your own carrier first.
  22. Penni60

    Lost PMs

    Usually the sender has a copy in the sent box. They should check there first before sending another PM to you. Hope that helped
  23. Penni60

    Please step away from the pizza..

    OK I am holding you,... no wait,... no, ... hang on harumph,... ouch, hey, I was trying to help you and you kicked me. Yes I wanted that pizza slice for myself. NO just kidding. STAY AWAY FROM THAT PIZZA!!!!!!!!!
  24. Shirley: I have PacifiCare and I just recently heard they will cover the band now but you do have to FIGHT with them. I self-paid and am now in the process to get them to reimburse. They have not said NO but they have not said YES either. Still in a battle. Can't speak to other So Cal Insurance carriers.
  25. Penni60

    The 2005 March Weight thing....

    It's in surgery getting a band placed. Should be up and around soon.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
