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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Penni60

  1. Penni60

    2005 Vegas Bash

    Hey Jenna: Why not take a stab at the hotels and see what you can find then post the info. I for one and so ready for a vacation to anywhere and looking forward to the Vegas Bash.
  2. Penni60

    new to this

    Debbie are you talking about the band or bypass? The question you asked about the er,..."poop" would relate to the bypass patients. Some of them, depending on the particular bypass operation, do have a distinct smell about them due to the digestive process. Bandsters do not have this problem, well at least I don't. The band can work for people as long as they work the band. I have heard of someone having the band for at least 5 years and it is still working. It is a tool so you have to do the work and use it as a weight loss tool. Exercise, eat right, and follow band guidelines. Hope this helps.
  3. Penni60

    Confession Time - Very long

    I can tell you during my trying times with my daughter I ate constantly everything in site. Now that I am banded, if something were to happen now I can confidently say that I too would be eating badly again but with the knowledge that I would be eating much less. So you have a set back. You have recognized it now. You already know what you need to do to fix it. I won't tell you what you don't already know. I have been where you are in regards to your family situation. Being a parent is not easy even in the best of times. KNow we are all here for you and will encourage and support you in anyway possible. I hope you take what I have said knowing it comes from love and support.
  4. Penni60

    Moderator and Privacy Issues on LBT

    HarleyNana: I learned to be more compassionate, have a thicker skin, be patient, and that no matter how much I want things to change overnight it won't. Things will get better with time (I am referring to the LBT issues in the past). I only closed the one thread that I started asking for opinion PM's. I opened it long enough to say thank you for the PM's I did receive and then closed it again because I didn't want the thread to head in a negative way. If someone wants to respond, please send me a PM. Thank you for asking me what I have learned.
  5. Have I let you down as a moderator? If so please give me specifics. Along with the specifics please list ways I could improve. Be honest! I am a big girl, literally. LOL!! Please send responses via PM as this thread will be locked. If you don't wanna respond that is cool too. Thank you for your honesty.
  6. Penni60

    Opinions via PM please

    Thank you for all your responses. I have learned alot.
  7. Penni60

    How to clean your monitor screen.

    There is a thread "Good luck today Penni" that I posted to that has all the results and updates. THanks for asking.
  8. Penni60

    need encouragement

    Jenna I hope this brings a chuckle to your day. I thought of you when I saw this.
  9. Penni60

    need encouragement

    Jenna: Set backs happen. You didn't like the taste that is good. Remind yourself of that awful taste each time you crave one. You will have set backs being banded and eating the wrong things. It happens. YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!!!!! I HAVE FAITH!!!!!!!!!
  10. Penni60

    Concerned Family Members - anyone else?

    Laura: Marie makes an excellent point about bandsters stories. If they could see the successes I think it could help with some of the concerns they might have. It sounds like they may be confusing this surgery with the bypass. Maybe have them go to your next doctors appt with you so whatever fears they have can be discussed with your surgeon. Good luck and keep us posted.
  11. Penni60

    is it really worth it???????

    Eve: No one can really answer if it would be worth it but you in the end. I can offer some insight into my thought processes prior to banding and what has transpired since being banded. I did research between gastric bypass and the band for about a year and a half. I came to realize that I did not want my insides re-configured and I didn't want the risks that were involved with the bypass along with the long term effects and complications that can arise. I chose the band because of the reversibility factor and the fact that no internal changes would be made other than the band around the stomach. Pre banding: Weighed 296 lbs, got short of breath getting out of bed, walking, eating, sleeping, etc I got short of breath with everything, joints ached, back problems, knee problems, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, problems sleeping, I was a mess. Post banding (11 months today): 240 lbs (lost 56 lbs and 31.5 inches), no longer short of breath, just did the L.A. 5K walk/run Marathon TODAY. Joints don't ache, back problems are nonexistent, knee problems are gone, blood pressure last check was 120/78, cholesterol was 188 last check, I sleep like a baby. I have more energy than I have ever had and I feel wonderful for the first time in decades. Is this mental work? Yes, and you can do it. Is this physical work? YES, and you can do it. Is the band doing all the work? NO, you have to see it as a tool not as a "fix all". If you could lose the weight without the band then you most likely wouldn't be asking that question to begin with. You would already be losing and not need the band. That was an observation I came to on my own with personal journalling. I could NOT lose this weight without the band. It wasn't possible. I had to have this little internal device to remind me I have eaten enough and am full. I am sure there will be others that chime in and offer their input as well. Good luck Eve on whatever you decide.
  12. Penni60

    Laser Hair Removel

    I am so tired of plucking, creams, waxes, etc for my chin hairs. CALGON take me away!!!!!!!!!
  13. Penni60

    need encouragement

    Jenna: The Excedrin helps immensely with my headaches. I have horrible migraines and that works. But do check with your doc to make sure it is ok. YOU CAN DO THIS!!!
  14. Penni60

    Tought Week Help needed

    Frank: I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I lost my father about 10 years ago to colon cancer. We were all devastated and shocked they found it. He went in for a simple appendectomy and they found the cancer. I feel he knew all along something was wrong but just ignored it. From the time he was diagnosed to the time he past it was 7 months. He lived long enough to see his only grandson born and to spend about a good quality month with him before he past. It is never easy to lose someone. Time does heal but it still stings a little when I think of him. Prayers are with you at this time.
  15. Penni60


    I too miss all those members that are no longer here. It saddens me too that some are afraid to post. I hope this situation can be gotten past and we can continue to support each other and get past this rough time. I am doing what I can on my end to aid in that endeavour.
  16. Penni60

    East Coast Bandster Bash???

    YUP Sept 23, 24, and 25 those are the suggested dates. I am going to look at plane fare this week. Bright let me know what you schedule will be and maybe we can meet at the airport and shuttle over to NJ together. WHOO HOO!!!
  17. Penni60

    Surgery Postponed

    Apple: I know this is frustrating for you. But I agree with everyone else. IT all happens for a reason. The fact that you have such a thorough doctor should make you feel better. Although I know it still is frustrating. It will happen just continue to have faith.
  18. Penni60

    Weightloss Challenge

    EGADS!!! Monday is weigh in day too isn't it? SHOOT!! Where did the week go? Oh well!! Good luck everyone.
  19. Penni60

    Second Surgery Set 3/9/05

    Shannon: Come and let us know how you are doing. I am sorry you had a hard time with the first surgery. It will get better.
  20. Penni60

    East Coast Bandster Bash???

    The airport will or could determine what hotel I stay at. If we fly into New York (JFK) or (LGA) then I would most likely stay in a hotel in NY. If we fly into Newark (EWR) then I would most likely stay in a hotel in NJ. I will do what the majority wants to do. I am so looking forward to this visit.
  21. Penni60

    Packing for Belgium

    Madeline's Mom: I can't think of anything else to tell you to bring except maybe a book to read. I just want to send you lots of support and encouragement for your journey. Got Passport?
  22. Penni60

    need encouragement

    Jenna: You can do this!! Remember the little engine that could? I think I can I think I can. Keep repeating that expect change it to this. I know I can, I know I can. There ya go! Yoga might help. Meditation could as well. ANYTHING other than smoking. Writing your feelings down could help purge you of this habit. Greg: I stand corrected on the prebanding toilet cleaning match lighting issue. LOL!! Thanks.
  23. Penni60

    OK not for the faint of heart! LOL!!

    By saying you can't see it do you mean you couldn't open the link? If so that happened to me a couple of times. I just kept clicking on the link till it finally opened. I tried it this morning and it worked.
  24. Here is a site that was sent to me by a former close friend. LOL!! No she is still a friend. http://i.madblast.com/funflash/swf/ColorBlind2.swf Have fun!!
  25. Penni60

    My Port's a pain in the a$$

    Your post suggests the port was misplaced. LOL!!! HUGS!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
