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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Penni60

  1. Penni60

    East Coast Bandster Bash???

    BASH Dates: Sept 23, 24, 25 (Friday, Saturday, Sunday) ANY stage of bandster is welcome. We don't exclude anyone. Even spouses are welcome. Or in Donali's and my case SO. LOL!! TMI = Too much information I can stay in NY or Manhattan or NJ or on the Hudson River for all that matters. LOL!! I just wanna GOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! LOL!!
  2. Penni60

    Bad Blood............

    Hey, I guess my question is why did your PCP give as reasons for you to not have this done. Also, my cholesterol was in the upper 250's and my trig were high as well. Now after surgery and losing the weight my cholesterol is 188 and trig are normal range. So, not sure what he was giving as reasons.
  3. Penni60

    I'm Bacccckkkk

    Lisa you still around?
  4. I want this screen cleaner. How about you guys? http://www.mcxnet.ch/screenclean/
  5. Penni60

    i get my band tommorow!

    I kept telling the guy wheeling me to the waiting area to hurry up. LOL!! I was excited and scared and thrilled and and and. Name an emotion I went through them all.
  6. Rhonda: Good luck with your impending surgery. I was banded by Lopez as well as were several others of us. Please make sure you have after care set up prior to being banded. Find a local band surgeon that will take you as a patient for fills and follow up. I am going to be in Atlanta in April 20th through the 25th. Would love to get together for dinner or something one night. I will be attending a conference there.
  7. Penni60

    Hearing Rumors

    I 100% agree Marie it is always best to report facts and not rumors. Sometimes, in order to report the facts we have to talk about rumors. Just my opinion.
  8. Penni60

    the best 5 lbs I ever gained

    Jane: I am humbled by your love. You can see it in your eyes and in the eyes of your husband. What beautiful children. You are truly blessed.
  9. Penni60

    I went to the gym!

    I'll succeed: Get back up on that horse. She bucks you off every now and then but keep getting back on. I have to slap it every now and then, well ok gently nudge. LOL!! Kristi: WHOO HOO!! 20 min is a wonderful beginning. Keep it up. Oh yeah, that is the hard part HUH! Who said weight loss is easy? Let's get em!
  10. Penni60

    My sister had a Down Syndrome baby

    Pictures of children, babies, and animals always make me melt. This one is no exception. He is an angel. You and your family are truly blessed.
  11. Penni60

    Newbie and everything tastes awful!!

    Mayra: Have your tastebuds settled down any? I sure hope so.
  12. Penni60

    Newbie and everything tastes awful!!

    Nicole: It sounds like you are doing really good. Keep it up.
  13. Penni60

    Confession Time - Very long

    Denise: Laughter is the best medicine. Find something to smile about every day. Put sunshine pics on your fridge and thank God everyday for his gifts. I know pretty sappy but hey whatever works. I think sometimes we focus too much on the negative aspects of our lives cause they seem so heavy. When usually all we gotta to is lift it up and WOW how light we feel after that. SMILE we use the most facial muscles when we do that. LOL!!!
  14. Penni60

    Weightloss Challenge

    HOLY MOLY Paula: That is alot of plaque build up. LOL!! HUGS
  15. Penni60

    Just need encouragement

    marie: Did you take pre surgery measurements? And HELLO down two pant sizes is a difference. AT this point I would bet your body is repositioning and getting comfortable with it's size. I have gone through the same thing. I didn't see a weight loss but when I took my measurements I noticed since surgery I have lost 31.5 inches all over. WHOO HOO!! I would bet you are gaining muscle and will shortly start to see a drop in the scales. Some are just slow losers. Don't always use the scale to gauge your successes. Think of where you were presurgery and think of where you are now. What can you do now that you would never have been able to do persurgery? You are doing it girl. Keep it up.
  16. Penni60

    need encouragement

    jenna: HOW ARE YOU THIS MORNING!! Oops you are quitting smoking not hard of hearing. Sorry. LOLOLOL!! YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!!!!
  17. Penni60

    Weightloss Challenge

    BOO HOO!!! NO weight loss for me. But no gain either. HOORAY!!! Congrats to all the losers for this week. I wanna join the losers!!
  18. Penni60

    Nontraditional Curse Words

    I believe that would be "DOH". Context: "Hey Homer all the donuts are gone!" his response "DOH!"
  19. Penni60

    2005 Vegas Bash

    Jenna: I don't think there is an "official coordinator". I tried my hand at it last year with Lisa's help. I think we did OK. But I don't want to take it on this year. I elect Jenna as the coordinator. All in favor?
  20. Penni60


    Rica: I have lost restriction before and it is scary. I find my fill is fickle. The weather plays a role in how restricted I am. Flying also makes me more restricted. If I fly back to TN for a visit I am restricted for at least a week while there till my body acclimates. It does sound like you need another fill. But in the meantime this will get you to be more cognizant of what you are eating. YEAH I know isn't that what we got the band for so that we can eat less of what we are eating. SIGH!! Yes that is true but it is a tool. We have to do some of the work. Hate that part! I have heard good things about Dr. Kuri & Dr. Ortiz, but I don't know if either does fills on the J & J band. Good Luck
  21. Penni60

    My sister had a Down Syndrome baby

    My prayers are with your family at this time. I can't offer any specific advice but here is the National Down Syndrome website link. I hope this helps. http://www.ndss.org/
  22. Penni60

    Can We Eat Hotdogs???

    My oldest daughter's name is Mandi. Love that name. Anyway, I think the reason we should actually steer clear of hot dogs is the fat content. That would be the only reason I can see. Hot dogs don't "harm" the band in any way. Well, unless you don't chew it well enough and you PB which can lead to slippage. But just eating a hot dog will not harm the band.
  23. Penni60

    18 Days Till I Get My Band!!!

    Jamie I am excited for you. Almost here.
  24. Penni60

    Can We Eat Hotdogs???

    I can eat hot dog skin and all. I just have to chew chew chew really well. The no bun is a huge thing for me. I cut up the hot dog and dip in dijon mustard. YUM YUM!! Cabbage only if cooked to oblivion. I can't do cole slaw. Salads are something that just now I am able to eat but have to chew really well and the lettuce has to be cut into strips. I can't do spinach leaves at all. Bummer cause I love spinach leaves in my salads. I can do spinach cooked though. But that gets rid of lots of nutrients. SIGH!! Trial and error sometimes is what you have to do with the band. Small bites, chew really well, and take your time. Nothing worse that PBing on a hot dog. Did that at a Dodger's game. HURT like the devil.
  25. Penni60

    Packing for Belgium

    Awww I want one!! I am a sucker for anything that looks like a teddy bear. Good luck Madeline's Mom. Come and give us an update when you feel up to it.

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