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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Penni60

  1. Penni60

    need advice- what would you do?

    Mike: If I were in your shoes, I would have the surgery. But let me put this bug in your ear, did you realize you can apply for reimbursement from your insurance company after the surgery? There of course is no guarantee that they will reimburse but it is possible. I had the surgery in MX. I am in the process now of the filing for reimbursement. It is a long drawn out battle but it is looking hopeful I will get some of my money back. And just think I have lost 56 lbs in the process. But I think you have already answered your own question. Good luck.
  2. Penni60

    Chat room ideas

    I read that Jerry you're hired and I got confused. LOL!!! Then I realized what you meant. I am too tired tonight. LOL!!! I just think this would be a good way to let people come and learn that doesn't like to or can't go to support group meetings. OK those that are interested please respond with a topic for the first chat and a time that works for you. Ex: Fills = fluoro vs non fluoro @ 7pm EST
  3. Penni60

    Support Group Topics....

    Nutritionist = Discuss the correct way to calorie count Exercise guru = Discuss some techniques for alternative exercising if it hurts your belly where the band is. Psychologist / Therapist = How to deal with the changes of being overweight to being of normal size (well you know what I mean by normal = what is normal?) These are just my suggestions. I am sure others will chime in.
  4. Jan: Welcome aboard. Lots of good info floating around these here boards. Dive in.
  5. Penni60

    The Pledge

  6. HEHEHEHEHE!!!! See how two people reading the same post can get a different meaning. LOL!! I can drink 16oz in about 15 min.
  7. I could drink that amount in about a week. That first week though give your body time to heal. Don't push it. Rest and relax and be babied. LOL!!
  8. march of next year I might be ready for a TT. I wanna have my boobs, arms, legs, TT, and lipo. I need a good bank account. LOL!!
  9. Alice: Can't wait to see before and after pics. Let me see what questions do I have? How much did it cost? What other procedures do they do? Do they have a website so I can peruse it? Do they speak english and understand english? If I think of anymore I will post them. LOL!! By the way, CONGRATS and glad to see you are home safe and sound and recovering.
  10. Penni60

    Met Bruce Willis!!!

    Babs: You are coming to Vegas in Sept right? I wanna run the gamut with you and meet the stars. LOL!!
  11. Penni60

    GAS go away!

    Heating pad helps the gas pains too. MIght wanna try that.
  12. I just got back from seeing Dr. Hunky er, Dr. Billy today. According to his scales I weigh 241.5 lbs. WHOO HOO!! He is very pleased with my results thus far. They did a cool H. Pylori test on me while there to rule out that I have that nasty little bug. I am negative for it. Thank goodness. I told him about me doing the 5K and he was very impressed. He told me that about 2% of the population actually do a Marathon of any kind and to participate in one is very impressive. I am proud of myself for doing it. I wanna run the 5K next year. Anyway, I get labwork drawn with my next visit which will be in May cause it will be past my year bandiversary.
  13. Nice looking pics Adam (banded&tattooed). Can't wait to see the after.
  14. Penni60

    GAS go away!

    Norma how long ago were you banded? I think you may still have trapped gas from the surgery. If so then walking can help and so will the milk of mag and the gas x. The gas and burping is normal. I went through it. I think others on here did as well. The gas will eventually be reabsorbed into your system from the surgery. The other type of gas will follow you for the rest of your life. NO, seriously it just depends on what you eat. Broccoli, Beans, things of this nature can cause excess gas so the beano will help with that. Hope this helps.
  15. Penni60

    Appt with Dr. Billy

    Dr. Billy likes to see his patients every 6 weeks. He says his most successful patients do this. He likes to make sure there are no problems, concerns, dietary issues, etc and the every 6 weeks works. I have remained more truthful about what I eat knowing I will see him that often. I did not get a fill this time cause I simply didn't need one. He uses the approach of asking the patient if I feel I need a fill instead of using a strict schedule. Makes me as a patient feel as if I have more control over my own care. As a nurse I love that approach. I don't feel so removed from the doctor that I don't feel comfortable asking him a question. Billy seems like a friend when I visit him. He is so sweet and kind and caring. His PA Dennis is really attentive and funny. My cholesterol was checked by my PCP about a month ago and it was 188. Pre banding it was in the upper 250's. So yes your cholesterol can decrease with weight loss. My blood pressure came down as well and I am off all meds for cholesterol and blood pressure. Have been since I was banded. WHOO HOO!! The H. Pylori test is very cool. You breathe normally then you hold your breath and blow out into this bag. Then you drink this very sweet lemony flavored clear liquid. Wait 15 min and breath into another bag. You even get to keep the nifty glass the liquid comes in. LOL!! I think I answered all the questions. Did I miss anything?
  16. Penni60

    Hearing Rumors

    As a moderator, I would like to remind everyone that we should use restraint when expressing our opinions and not let our anger guide our words. Name calling does not work when trying to make your points.
  17. Penni60

    2005 Vegas Bash

    WHAT???????? Only if DeLarla is next to be thrown in the pool. Loads of fun. The dates are September 9, 10, 11 (Friday, Saturday, Sunday)
  18. Penni60

    18 Days Till I Get My Band!!!

    9 days WHOO HOO!! Pretty cool. Did I see you are getting banded in Nashville, TN? I posted a thread saying I will be in town from the 1st of April through the 20th for family visits. I would love to meet you if you want. Let me know. You can PM me. OOPS my bad. It says Memphis, TN. Well I might be able to swing there for a visit. I have lots of time on my hands.
  19. Penni60

    Kellymoos, Congratulations!!

    Aww Kelly I don't think anyone gave that a thought. I don't think anyone believes that anyone has the power to delete or add a moderator except Alex B, owner. We are all as confused as you are.
  20. Penni60

    I'm a wreck

    Aww Crystal: I just wanna come over there and hug you. IT will get better and you will get banded and you will see changes. Know that I am praying for you and this too shall pass.
  21. Penni60

    i get my band tommorow!

    I am interested to hear how you are doing. Come back and let us know when you feel up to it.
  22. Penni60

    need encouragement

    Jenna: My heart goes out to you at this time. If I can be of any help please don't hesitate to call or PM or email.
  23. Penni60

    Newbie and everything tastes awful!!

    OK Mayra: Don't make me come over there and yank a knot in your tail. My grandmother always used to say that. LOL!! Glad that you got some IV fluids. I have been in that state before when I was pregnant the second time. UGH! Not a fun time. Water WATER is so important. THere is a thread here called "Importance of Water" You can do a search and find it. Very informative!!
  24. Penni60

    Kellymoos, Congratulations!!

    HUGE!! CONGRATS!!! I didn't even know you were a moderator till this morning. You missed the meeting last night. TSK TSK!! LOL!! So, what happened to Marie and Betty? I am confused.
  25. Penni60

    need encouragement

    Jenna: How many would you have smoked otherwise? A whole pack in one day? Two packs? And you only smoked ONE today. No let me get the cat o nine tails out. Shame on you for beating yourself up over one cigarette in a day. Still less than you were smoking. AND ONE MORE THING!!!!!!! YOU CAN DO THIS!!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
