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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Penni60

  1. My sweetie hasn't complained yet. LOL!!
  2. Penni60

    18 Days Till I Get My Band!!!

    IT'S OFFICIAL!! ONE WEEK :banana :banana :banana AND COUNTING!
  3. Penni60

    Question about surgery

    I have answered your questions below. WHen is your surgery scheduled? You seem anxious about it or am I reading too much into the post. LOL!!
  4. Penni60

    Eye surgery

    How long ago was everyone's eye surgery? I was told it takes a good year and sometimes two years for your eyes to make its own tears. I asked about doing both eyes and just using reading glasses. I was told that if they correct both my eyes then I would need reading glasses for EVERYTHING else. Including typing like I am doing now. SO I would still be in glasses 50% to 60% of the time. If I get the Monovision then I won't need reading glasses for another year or two and then just for reading in low lite areas or fine print. They let me see the difference with both eyes and with monovision by using lenses to see how it would affect my eyesight. I must admit I am more interested in the monovision than doing both eyes. I still have time to cancel. I can even talk to them the day of surgery.
  5. Penni60

    Eye surgery

    Marie: Do you use any eyedrops for the dryness other than the prescription cyclosporine? I use the Refresh liqui-gel. It is really soothing and keeps my eyes hydrated for 4 - 6 hours in between drops. Check with your doc before you get any. It is sold at any drug store over the counter. Have they suggested Restasis? That is also another eyedrop for dry eyes. Mine were tested today and they are somewhat dry but not too much. I have to increase my eyedrops from twice a day to 4 times a day till surgery, just as a precaution. I had astigmatism as well really bad but they were able to work with it in my first surgery. They have made such leaps and bounds in the surgery these days. It is amazing.
  6. Penni60

    Oddest promise ever extracted?

    Good explanation Jenna.
  7. Penni60

    2005 Vegas Bash

    I'll never tell. Keeps people guessing. I do leave here on occasion. LOL!! Especially when I gotta pee. LOL!!!
  8. Penni60

    2005 Vegas Bash

    DONE! Anything else oh Princess n the P? No I don't do windows!! Or remove milkduds. LOLOL!!!!
  9. Penni60

    Eye surgery

    That is correct. So only a patch over the one eye. LOL!!! Hey, I will be like a pirate then. Ahoy matie!! All I need is a parrot then. LOL!!
  10. Penni60

    New member

    Imagine this in your best Abbott and Costello voice. "HEY DEEEBBBBBIEE!" Now imagine this in your best "Beverly HIllbillies" series. "come on in. Take yer shoes off. Sit a spell. Ya'll come back now ya here?" OK OK, I never said I was Don Rickles. ANYWAY! Welcome to LBT Debbie. Look around. Kick the tires. See if something catches your eye. We are all here to answer questions and offer support.
  11. Penni60

    Eye surgery

    Yeah I want that. To be young again. Fix that for me Marie. PUHLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sigh!! Now I am not so sure I should have the surgery. I am so afraid that I will make my eyesight worse. Right now I see fine up close and far with my left eye. My right eye is the one that has problems with distance. They are correcting that part of my vision. SIGH!! Oh well I can always cancel the surgery.
  12. Penni60

    2005 Vegas Bash

    Jenna I will start a whole new thread just for a count. How is that???
  13. Penni60

    Eye surgery

    Betty: Did it take you long to adjust to the monovision? That is my only concern right now. I don't wanna be walking lopsided. LOL!!!
  14. Penni60

    some of my posts

    Hey send her a PM and she can tell you.
  15. Penni60

    Cross Your fingers-please

    OK I keep getting strange looks from people. My eyes are crossed so I am bumping into things. My fingers are crossed and everyone asks me if my arthritis is painful. My legs are crossed so people think I need to use the bathroom and keep pointing me in that direction. DO YOU KNOW SOMETHING YET????? LOL!!! Love Rica's comment: "Keep hope alive"
  16. Penni60

    some of my posts

    Hmmm we did that. They aren't there. See the dilemma? I just don't know what to do now.
  17. Penni60

    some of my posts

    That is true. I had forgotten that. But the ones she started are gone too. ??? I am at a loss. Unless there is a time frame that old posts are kept around. Alex or the company that runs the software may have built in a system that will delete threads automatically if there is no activity to clear up space. I am just guessing of course.
  18. Penni60

    some of my posts

    Both kinds
  19. Penni60

    some of my posts

    I did an extensive search both with her name, my name (cause I responded to the posts she is missing), and did an archive search. They are not to be found. I suggested she contact Alex to see if he can find them for her. I exhausted all my resources as a moderator looking for them. SIGH!! Any you other moderators have any ideas to try?
  20. Penni60

    2005 Vegas Bash

    To all interested in attending you might want to PM Lisa just to be on the safe side she gets your messages.
  21. Penni60

    Chat room ideas

    I was reading a thread here tonight about Support Group Topics. I had an idea that I wanna run by you guys. Get some feedback. We have this wonderful tool on this website and we aren't even using it properly. The Chat tool. What if we see if there is enough interest in scheduling a structured 1 hour chat on a specific topic for the month. Maybe one of the moderators could either lead the chat or someone could volunteer to lead it. Feedback guys? Let's get back to what this site is all about. Support, information, guidance, love, and caring about each other. Who's with me? Geez I feel like Jerry Maguire. LOL!!!
  22. Penni60

    Chat room ideas

    There is a "FLOAT" button that will take you from room to room. You will lose some of the talk in between rooms though.
  23. Penni60

    Has Anyone heard of this..........?

    My policy with PacifiCare also has an "exclusion" but I am fighting to get reimbursement. I have heard that PacifiCare is not approving the band. SO, keep fighting.
  24. I use Excedrin for Migraines when I get bothersome headaches. It has caffeine in them so make sure it is ok with doc to take them. THey work within 15 min on me to relieve my headaches. The only thing about them I hate is that I have to bite them to get them small enough to go down. They do thave the long slender pills that go down easier now. The gel caps are awful to pass through the band. HURTS!! They will pass but I don't advise the Excedrin gel caps.
  25. Penni60

    Chat room ideas

    Great idea!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
