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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Penni60

  1. Penni60

    Eye surgery

    OK so I leave this morning on the Train for Irvine. Then check into the hotel. Then just sit and twiddle my thumbs in the room till tomorrow morning. I have the hotel shuttle me to the clinic. 8a I have my eye surgery. Then shuttle me back to hotel where I crash for a few hours to rest. Next day I head back home on the Train. I am really anxious but I know eveyrthing will be fine. I get like this just before surgery. ANY surgery. I am a nurse so I know all the stats and scenarios that could go wrong and that sorta plays on my mind. I also know that this is minor and I will be awake so the amount of things that can go wrong are less. I just will center myself and take deep cleansing breaths for the next 24 to 48 hours. LOL!! OH yeah one more thing. I might not be on the computer as much after the surgery. I will most likely need to give my eye time to recuperate. So, signing off till around Friday. Take care everyone and be good to each other. Life is way too short. Blossom gets a rose bush in the near future in our garden. Along with a cute concrete animal of some kind.
  2. Penni60

    Weightloss Challenge

    I lost ONE whole pound. I am down to 239. YEAH out of the 240's. FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. And another one. WHOO HOO!! Come and report in when you feel up to it.
  4. Penni60


    Kathy I love that idea of naming your band a male name. That will teach the EX won't it. LOL!!!
  5. Penni60

    Pain in the left lower side of abdomen

    YUP been there done that. I am almost a year out and I still get that pain. I think it is the port area actually. IT can also be gas as well. But to be on the safe side it is always good to ask your doc about it. I usually do a heating pad and take some Tylenol. If I move that area too much or do too many strenuous ab crunches it get aggravated.
  6. dlogan: GOOD LUCK on your surgery tomorrow. I will have you in my prayers. It is exciting and scary all at the same time. I almost hyperventilated going into the OR during my surgery. LOL!!
  7. Penni60


    Panda: I couldn't agree more with Beth. It is normal to be anxious / apprehensive prior to any surgery. I can't speak if you are making the right decision or not but for me it was the absolute right one. I have never regretted the surgery. I have a much better quality of life now.
  8. AWWW Pink!! I hear you and I understand completely. I am almost a year out and there are still days every now and then where I think to myself did I do the right thing. Then I think about what I have gained by losing 57 lbs. You will get through this. You are normal to have these feelings. Even on the days I feel like I might have made a mistake I realize that it was the best thing I ever did. And I would do it again in a heartbeat. Have I had setbacks? YES Have I eaten things I knew weren't good for me or my band? YES Did I learn from my setbacks and bad food choices? YOU BET It sucks to feel this way but it will pass. Come here and vent whenever you want. There is always someone here to listen and feel your pain. Crystal; The bad taste is the ketosis effect.
  9. Penni60

    Port reaction

    Melissa: I too had weeping incisions for almost 4 weeks after my Mexican doctor placed the band. Luckily mine healed. I have had some port issues. My port tilted and the tubing was almost protruding through my skin. If the Port had been placed deeper in the abdomen and the excess tubing either trimmed or pushed back up into the abdominal cavity (which is what the American docs do) the port revision surgery I had by my American doctor would not have had to take place. I am skeptical with the fatty tissue explanation. My Mexican doc told me that the protruding area would go away with more weight loss. My American doc said that is not possible and it would eventually poke through the skin and that would mean to take the port out till the area heals. Please take all the precautions and I would even get a second opinion. The liquid needs to be cultured before any surgery takes place. If they don't then you could end up in the situation Lisa found herself in.
  10. I knew there was someone else getting banded today as well as Jamie. WHOO HOO!! Come and tell us how you are doing.
  11. Penni60

    Condolences - Blossom

    Phillip, here is a poem I wrote that I hope gives you some peace. Losing a loved one and a soul mate is always hardest on the ones left behind. We sometimes run the gamut of emotions from anger to deep depression. Know this is normal and you are truly loved not only by God but by your darling Carolyn sitting at his feet. This is a sad time for us all and my prayer for you is to find peace. Blossom will be missed. ETERNITY by: Penni Merrick Is there Love after we die? Can there be Love in eternity? I would dream of that day. I imagine Love in eternity is perfect and never-ending. Would that be my dream? I will run to Love in eternity?<O:p</O:p
  12. Penni60

    Why I am fat....

    Tropicana: I am a grazer as well. I still have those tendancies but I have managed to lose 56 lbs since being banded. If I had not had the surgery I would still graze and most likely be heavier than when I started. So, to answer your question yes you will still have the grazing tendancy but you will eat less. The band works as much as you work it. It isn't a quick fix to all our eating issues. You gotta do that work. UGH!! I know I hated hearing that too. But I am down 56 lbs and I am a grazer still. I just try to keep healthier stuff to graze on in the house. I don't buy anymore of my grazing foods. Hope that helps.
  13. Penni60

    Willpower, welcome to the Banded Gentry!

    WELCOME WILLPOWER!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. Penni60

    Arm Exercises

    AFter starting the exercises I noticed a definition in my arms within a month. I have lost 3 inches on my arms since being banded. WHOO HOO!! The last INCH since doing the exercises.
  15. Hey Roxanna: HAVE the surgery. Use all the tools in your arsenal to rid yourself of that fat. Synthroid is one tool. Lap band is another one. HOORAY!! 5 more days till bandlandia for you. HOORAY!!!
  16. Penni60

    Who watches Survivor?

    That certainly would put a twist on things wouldn't it. Yes I remember the English teacher, Wanda, who had a survivor song. YIKES!! They gotta do something cause Ulong is only 4 people now and Koror is 8. I expected them to merge. Will be interesting for sure.
  17. Penni60

    Jamie, Welcome To Bandland

    Jamie, come and report in sister. Hope all is well.
  18. Here is a suggestion for the first chat room topic, time, date, etc. Date: Tomorrow night Thursday the 17th Time: 9pm EST, 8pm CST, 7pm MST, 6pm PST Topic: My Journey: Goals, what I have learned along the way. Everyone come prepared to discuss your goal. Have you reached it and would you be willing to share your experiences with us still on the journey? Are you close to your goal? Is the goal realistic? What obstacles are in your way? How can we break them down? Any other thoughts? Ideas? etc are welcomed.
  19. Penni60

    Reschedule: First chat room topic

    Norma: That sounds like a plan. I will be recuperating from eye surgery next week so someone else will have to plan it. I nominate you Norma. LOL!!!
  20. Penni60

    Reschedule: First chat room topic

    Will anyone other than Norma and myself be in attendance?
  21. Penni60

    Eye surgery

    Surgery is scheduled for 8am on Tuesday the 22nd.
  22. Penni60

    Newbie Info Section

    Sounds like a GREAT idea.
  23. CHristina: I am laughing at your comment about "horrible patient" hysterically. I too am a nurse and an awful patient. Too much knowledge and want things done my way. LOL!! I was in some pain the night of surgery as well. I took pain med every 4 hours and when I got home I slept on the huge recliner in the living room area for about a night or two. I am a side sleeper and I was miserable those two nights. After about the third day it got better for me. Passed the aforementioned gas and felt MUCH better. LOL!!
  24. Penni60

    April 2005 Bandsters

    Lots of you fabulous people getting banded in April. WHOO HOO!!! Keep us updated. I am so thrilled for you guys.
  25. Penni60

    Surgery Tomorrow 3/18...Yikes!

    Good luck Corgi: We will leave the light on for you and fluff up the pillows upon your return. I can feel you excitement. Come back and give us an update when you feel up to it. Take it from this kitty as a way to waste the day. LOL!!

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