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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Penni60

  1. Penni60

    Eye surgery

    The original surgery where I had both eyes done was in the neighborhood of $4500. I did that surgery Oct 2003 and this monovision adjustment surgery fell within the two year grace period of care and this surgery was FREE. I love this doctor. He is so good. I think if you had to have the one eye done with this doc and had the same exact thing I had done it would most likely cost $2500. It could be less though.
  2. Penni60

    Delarla & LBT Calendar Girls!!!!!!!

    Paula I sent you an email about John and his tour.
  3. Penni60

    Delarla & LBT Calendar Girls!!!!!!!

    I was chatting with John about this calendar last night and he suggested we post an inset pic of our before so people can see the band works. I think that is a great idea. Vera as far as my scars I don't care that they show because some people are afraid of what the scars will look like and if we prove they can be minimal then that dispels another myth. I have had a friend or two out here that has published a book so I will contact them and see if they can direct me in the right direction. I also have a ex sis in law that is like my sis and she has published two books for children. I will email her and see what she can tell me. I will also see her while I am in Nashville in April.
  4. Penni60

    Eye surgery

    Here ya go. This was taken just at bedtime last night. I hate these things.
  5. Penni60

    Eye surgery

    OK Vera darlin. Here ya go of me in the glasses. Goggles to come tomorrow. LOLOL!!! Enjoy this pic. I can tell the weight loss in this pic too. Amazing.
  6. No problem Jenn: Let me think that first month I think I lost around 20 lbs maybe 22lbs. But it was mostly water loss but it was still a loss. That first month I was mostly on liquids then mushies. So protein drinks, soups, tuna (very mushie), refried beans made with tomato soup. LOTS of soups. I would recommend getting the Magic Bullet and blending lots of your foods for the mushie stage. I wish I had known about it then.
  7. Penni60

    Delarla & LBT Calendar Girls!!!!!!!

    OH yeah I am soooooooooooooo IN. And you got my info.
  8. Couple of things: What size is your avatar. It has to be a certain size for it to be loaded. If you aren't sure how to re-size it then I would be happy to do that for you. Just send it to my email at penni60@aol.com The ticker issue is when you get the one you like you have to copy the first URL listed. I think it is the vbb one. I know it is the first one listed. Hope this helps.
  9. Aww Jennifer: I know that feeling. IT will pass. Exactly what is it that is making your nervous? Just think about all those new clothes you will be buying. The new life you will have. The incredible amount of energy that will materialize as if overnight. Hugs sent to you. PM me anytime.
  10. Penni60

    Eye surgery

    OK I stand corrected about the rain. But I couldn't go out in it with the eye surgery. LOL!! The whole thing took about 5 min. The prep time was longer than anything including the drive to the clinic. That took 15 to 20 min. Then wait for them to give instructions; then wait to be taken back; then wait for the surgeon to come and talk to me. Then 5 min to get lased. LOL!! Cute little goggles put on. Pics coming later. Then go to hotel room lie down for 2.5 hours and sleep. Then get on computer which was a NO NO! But I had to check in with you wonderful people. Ordered room service that night. Went to bed sorta early. WITH GOGGLES ON!! ARGH!! Next day travel back to Clinic to be checked out and to put on the cute little loaner glasses to protect my eyes for 5 days. PIC to follow. I hate them of course. John says I look very professional in them. I told him to not get used to them cause they are history. Then home now. Oh I have 20/15 distance vision now. WHOO HOO!! Monovision is the bomb. I can't even tell I had anything done other than perfect vision now. Crisp, clear, and so much better. I can read 20/20 where I couldn't before. Anyone in the area and need a good reference for Lasik surgeon just let me know. I will be happy to give a referral.
  11. Penni60

    ShellyJ are you on the move?

    I just saw. NEENER NEENER
  12. Penni60

    Delarla & LBT Calendar Girls!!!!!!!

    Hey to keep things consistent let's move this to the LBT CALENDAR GIRLS thread. I will try to merge these threads and see what happens. In the future let's chat about the calendar at the appropriate thread. I am so totally serious. Bring on the camera's. I am NOT shy in front of them. Go read the LBT Calendar thread and see. LOL!!
  13. Penni60

    Delarla & LBT Calendar Girls!!!!!!!

    Hey I am way serious about this calendar thingy. I want my tinsel on my boobys. LOL!!! "I'm ready for my close-up Mr. DeMille!" OH way too much deja vu. Ok Vera you wanted to know about the Hot tub incident. Here goes. This is a slight hijack but explains why I am into the nekkid calendar project. My boyfriend, John, and I did a cross country tour of House Concerts in 2000. John is a singer songwriter, www.johnm.com We had a Los Angeles film crew follow our every move and document the whole tour. John and I just finished the editing of our film and hopefully it will be released sometime this year. I will keep you guys posted. One scene was John and I in a hot tub at a friends house after a concert talking about the day and relaxing. I was a brave woman then. I see that scene now and I cringe. I am huge. LOL!! And yes I was nekkid. LOL!! Bubbles were strategically placed but the film crew and the sound person could see all. ARGH!!! I was really brave. LOL!!! It was still loads of fun.
  14. Penni60

    prayers and white lights please!

    Aww Crystal: I think it is time for your rough patch to stop. Sending lots of white light your way. I will say a prayer for you as well. I had the horrible fibroid tumors and eventually had to have a complete hysto. I kissed my doc when he told me that. I was 27. Happiest day in my life at that point. NO more pain and no more hemorrhaging. My son had horrible asthma and I remember spending several nights in the ER. He was hospitalized for pneumonia from an ashtma attack when he was 2 and I was in RN school. I feel your pain. He has outgrown the asthma for the most part. HUGS Crystal
  15. Penni60

    here are my before and now pictures...

    Hope you don't mind I put the pics side by side. I can really see the difference. You should post these on the before and after pic thread.
  16. Penni60


    Can someone please explain WHY Mikalah is STILL in the running. PUHLEASE!!!! someone kick her off. I don't think she has any talent. Other than her I think they all did really well. Bo sang one of my all time favorite songs. "TIME IN A BOTTLE" by Jim Croce. And he did it justice. Yes there is some redo or something going on. Doesn't mention if the contestants get to resing or not though. SIGH!! I hope NOT!
  17. Penni60

    Taking pills with milk

    Busted. LOL!! BORED here. LOL!! Jack, I was told that if the pill was larger than the eraser on the top of pencil then you need to break it up. I can swallow a tylenol caplet with no problem. The capsules or caplets are not a problem for me. The larger ROUND pills are what I have problems with. I usually have to break them in half by biting them. And yes there are some nasty tasting pills out there. I used to crush all my Vitamins till I found a liquid form.
  18. Penni60

    Eye surgery

    Don't have yahoo messenger on this laptop. BUMMER!!
  19. Penni60

    Taking pills with milk

    Yeah the milk somehow coats the pills. But the thing is be careful taking pills with milk. Some pills cannot be taken with milk due to how the pills break down in the stomach. Milk is considered a food substance and will compete with the stomach acids. SO check the pills before taking with milk. I have noticed that if I drink some warm or tepid Water with a pill it goes down easy. Or with hot tea it goes down easy.
  20. Penni60

    Delarla & LBT Calendar Girls!!!!!!!

    OK since miss Bitch oops sorry Lisa took September I want December. I wanna put tinsel in strategic places. LOL!! Also gotta have a bell somewhere. Hey if I can be in a hot tub with a full Los Angeles film crew complete with a sound person in the bathroom with me when I was at my heaviest, I can do a nude calendar. And I am so completely serious. I can help take the photos as well. This will be such fun.
  21. Penni60

    Eye surgery

    NO and you can't make me. REBELLION!! OH feels like being a teenager again. LOL!!! OK I am gone now for sure. Tylenol take me away. LOL!!
  22. Penni60

    MMMMMMMMM - Refried Beans.

    My favorite mushy food still and I have it on occasion still is Refried beans, shredded cheese, can of chicken, and a little dab of sour cream on top. OH I add organic tomato soup about 1/2 cup while it all is cooking. Loaded with protein and so delicious. Filing as well.
  23. Penni60

    Eye surgery

    THanks Michelle: I am supposed to take it easy tonight. So, dinner is not an option. BUMMER!! I am breaking the rules by even being online. LOL!!! I do it for short periods of time. I get bored easily. If I had workout clothes with me I would go to the gym here. LOL!! And I am being tortured cause there is a starbuck's just down the street (within walking distance) but it is raining. GRRRRRRRRRR!!! That is just wrong.
  24. Penni60

    Eye surgery

    Resting for now. Eye is burning a little but otherwise I am fine. Chat with you ladies more tomorrow.
  25. Penni60

    Delarla & LBT Calendar Girls!!!!!!!

    We should pose naked like those English ladies did. You know we could pose in front of lapbands. LOLO!L!! GIANT ONES!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
