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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Penni60

  1. Penni60

    Prayers requested

    Will say a prayer for her and her family tonight. My thoughts go out to you at this time.
  2. Penni60

    Eye surgery

    Let me give some background first. I was about 12 when I first noticed I wasn't doing well in school. My mother and I didn't understand why cause I did really well in some classes and not too well in others. (Because I sat in the back in some classes and in the front in others. DUH!! LOL!!) We talked to my teachers and none could shed any light. This went on for another year till I was 13 and started "aunt flo". SORRY guys! Just bear with me. Lots of headaches, cramping, etc just normal things that are associated with it. RIGHT? Well the headaches lingered longer that the um,...er,... "aunt flo". LOL!!! So I went to see our family doctor. He suggested we get my eyes tested. Lo and behold I needed glasses. GO figure!! LOL!! So that the age of 13 I started wearing glasses. Anyone remember when they didn't have the light weight plastic lenses and we had to get the heavy glass lenses. Well I needed the heavy lenses. UGH!! And it took two weeks to get your glasses not the nifty swifty one hour like at Lenscrafters. Fast forward to Sept 2003. I hear about this really cool Lasik surgery. I go in for an extensive 2 hour eye exam to see if I am a candidate. I AM!!!! HOORAY!!!! My sweetie pays the $4500 fee. OUCH!!! I just love that man. He also paid for my LapBand as well. DOUBLE LOVE HIM!!!!! October 2003 I have Lasik surgery and can see 20/20 immediately after surgery. I cry and wail and gnash teeth,... oh wait no gnashing of teeth but I do cry and wail. I am thrilled with the results. I notice about 8 months after surgery a deterioration in my vision. The distance is not a crisp as it was right after surgery. I schedule an appt to get my eyes tested again. They say my eyes are still adjusting. I wait four months till my yearly checkup. NOTHING changes. I schedule another appt. They tell me that I still have what is considered 20/20 vision. I ask about will it get worse or better or what. They said if it wasn't better in a couple of months to come back. I just got home from the eye doctor TODAY. I have a second LASIK surgery scheduled on March 22nd. I am having monovision with custom vue to make the vision better in the weaker eye. If they try to correct both eyes I will lose all close up vision in both eyes. This way I can still have close up vision and my distance will be much clearer and still not have to wear glasses. HOORAY!!!! I am just not looking forward to another surgery right now. I will be in and out in under 15 min or less actually. It takes longer to set up for the operation than the operation itself. LOL!! My doctor is Charles Manger, III and his clinic is Saddleback Eye Center. It is located in Laguna Hills which is in the Irvine area. So on Tuesday the 22nd, I go to the clinic for the surgery and stay overnight at an area hotel. Then the next morning go back to the clinic via their shuttle for a checkup then I will take a taxi to the train station and come home. My sweetie is driving me down and staying with me and then taking me to the hotel afterward, but he has to get home that night so he can take my 17 yr old son to his driving school classes the next morning. UGH!! I am not at all anxious about it, I just didn't wanna have to do this right now. But if I don't do it now I would have to wait till May. I will be out of town for the month of April. OH well it is what it is.
  3. Penni60

    Best gift ever

    I have a few. Namely my children but the bestest gift ever for me was,... wait for it,... hang on,... it's coming,... are you ready,... MY DIVORCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Penni60

    My amusing brain.

    YUP I can be intensely working at my computer or doing my workouts and start laughing LOUDLY. John has asked me several times what I am laughing at. I don't have the heart to tell him sometimes I am laughing at the idea of him dancing a tango. ROFLMAO!!!!
  5. Penni60

    Eye surgery

    That wouldn't work I have an extra. But I am home anyway. LOL!! NEENER NEENER!!!
  6. Penni60

    New Here

    BIG HOWDY and welcome. This is a fun group. So explore the search and archive features to learn more.
  7. Penni60

    Just my Luck, Back to Mexico

    Awww Vera, I wish I wasn't leaving town then. I would go with you to lend moral support. This really sucks bigtime. Ever thought of getting the Lapband instead of having a midband put back in? Just curious?
  8. Penni60

    Thinking about an East Coast Bash

    Having just done the 5K here in Los Angeles, I am so ready to do the one in New York. I am so totally into it. It was a blast. We gotta get some shirts though. SO how do we sign up? Alexandra wanna be the point person for this?
  9. WE LOVE DR. BILLY!!! SLURP!!! OOPS!! Dennis is cute too though. That is Billy's assistant now. So Lisa should we ask Billy and Dennis if they want in on the calendar with you and I? LOL!!! YUM YUM BILLY NEKKID!!!
  10. Penni60

    I new some band buddies

    Yo Esmeralda: I am in Van Nuys. I was just in Irvine for my surgery. I am also getting ready to leave town for the month of April but would certainly love to connect when I get home sometime in May. I could take the train to Fullerton and we could do lunch or dinner or something. That would be cool.
  11. Penni60

    Delarla & LBT Calendar Girls!!!!!!!

    Who wants December with me? Just curious. Got a couple of ideas floating and want to know who wants in on December. Think cold perky nipples. LOLOLOL!!! Ok maybe not that much.
  12. Penni60

    Eye surgery

    OH that will be so COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Penni60

    Eye surgery

    Hey Vera: Yeah I went bolder on the highlights. It really lightened up the brown. I also had her cut the layers a little shorter. I love it. Think it is almost time for a touch up on the roots again though. SIGH!! LOL!! Christina: You slay me. I'm bringing the goggles to Vegas and going out in them. LOL!!
  14. Penni60

    My amusing brain.

    I think your voice and my voice should get together. LOL!!!
  15. Penni60

    Weightloss Challenge

    I am staying strong at 239 no loss for me this week. BUMMER!! But no gain eihter. WHOO HOO!!! I felt restriction the last two days that I didn't have after the last fill. So yeah it does sneak up on you.
  16. Penni60

    I'm losing my port

    DITTO!! ON the 46 lbs. That is awesome. Do keep us posted on the final outcome and how you are doing. I am really concerned about you.
  17. Penni60

    My amusing brain.

    I don't have a head radio but I do have whole conversations with myself sometimes. LOL!! I even rationalize my answers. LOL!!!!! Pretty funny.
  18. Penni60

    Harley Nana, Happy Birthday!

    Take HUGE bites just let them melt in your mouth then swallow a little at a time. LOLLOLOL!!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. Penni60

    Hurray Princess Is Banded

    OK Jenna: You gotta come and check in and let us know how you are doing. Inquiring minds and all that you know. HUGS
  20. Thought I would type in PINK to honor YOUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!! Hey, this site is the best isn't it???????? When you are down come and visit often and we will hold you up. HUGE HUGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. Penni60

    I want a TT

  22. Penni60

    Eye surgery

    Yeah the surgery was a breeze I just hate the every hour eye drops. I only gotta do it for three more days though. Anti-inflammatory, then antibiotic, then in between those I do the lubricant. SIGH!! I am doing eye drops every hour till bedtime. THen I put the goggles on and hit the hay. I hear the goggles calling me now.
  23. Penni60

    How do you get fiber in your diet?

    Senokot is a stool softener and works like a charm. I take two a day till the first movement then take one a day to keep it soft. IT works. And It is safe and natural.
  24. Holy Moly Bat girl!! Where did the hole go? It is GONE!!! HOORAY!!! I am so happy. OK don't move, don't sneeze, don't cough. Hold it! Steady!! Yeah it is closed alright. LOL!!!!
  25. Penni60

    Who watches Survivor?

    I want Ulong to win ONE Immunity Challenge. JUST ONE!!! I am so glad that James is gone. He was getting on my nerves. I just wish James had went before Angie did. Now I want Kathy on Koror to be gone next. I think that is her name. The one that makes necklaces instead of works. The one tonight that said "it really isn't that hard out here." HELLO!! YOU AREN'T WORKING!! Of course it isn't hard on YOU!! LOL!!!! She needs to go. I am so happy that ULONG did get the reward challenge. They really needed that.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
