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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Penni60

  1. Penni60

    Stupidity Caused Worst PB Ever

    Awww I am sorry for the Dayquil episode. I tried one of them dar pills one time and it finally passed through after a horrible sliming episode. Those pills hurt.
  2. YUP I am in TN. HEHEHEHEHEHEHE Love that Billy. Wasn't that a good APril fool trick to play on you telling you I was there. LOL!! Can't wait to really meet him. LOOL!!! Missed your posts. OH yeah and missed you too. LOL!!
  3. Penni60

    Off on my month long trip

    Hey guys: First yes, I will have my laptop with me. So I can keep in touch with all you great guys. Second, I am off tomorrow flying into Nashville. Gonna hook up with Michelle (shellyj) and take a gander at her nice ROCK of a ring and her fiance for a short visit. Then take my daughter home. Then crash at the hotel. I will check in with you guys later tomorrow night. In the meantime here is a pic of me in the middle and my two daughters at lunch yesterday. WINDY day ya think?
  4. Penni60

    Varicose Veins and Treatment

    WOW!! Marie glad you are on the mend. And I second Paula's warning about Advil. That is not band friendly so use that only if necessary. Would something milder help with the pain? Like Tylenol? Just don't want you to do damage to your band with the Advil.
  5. Penni60

    Soda Pop?

    Just my humble opinion but I don't think the carbonated beverages will stretch your stomach any more than over eating can. But the reason I was told to avoid the soda's was for the empty calories they contain. If you drink Perrier which is carbonated water you get the carbonation but no calories. I can drink the sodas but it does have to be a sip effect. I can't simply take a huge drink anymore. It physically hurts to have all that carbonation in my tummy. Plus it fills you up faster and you are not getting in your proteins, carbs, and veggies. It is just a personal thing I guess. I drink one every now and then. Just be mindful to not drink and try to eat something at the same time whether with carbonated beverages or water. NO DRINKING AND EATING at the same time. EVER!!
  6. Penni60


    Keep your chin up and things will get better. Making the final decision to have the band is the first BIG step. It is work and that is something some people just don't realize even being banded. It is a tool to help you lose the weight. As I come up on my one year anniversary I realize I have NOT been working with my band. I have been fighting it so I have to rethink my journey. You will get there. It is well worth the weight (pun intended).
  7. TSK TSK TSK!!! We have all been there darlin. I would suggest taking it easy for a day on the food. Do really MUSHIE foods. Like mashed potatoe's or tuna.
  8. Penni60

    Urine issue

    It almost sounds like your dehydrated. Urine gets like that when you are dehydrated. Are you drinking your water?
  9. Just thought I would update my photos.
  10. Penni60

    This week's Band Surgeries 4/4-4/8

    The funny thing is we should have been doing this all along. THanks Kathy for doing this thread. It really is great to see all the new people out there getting banded. WHOO HOO!! TO all you newbies. Check in with us and keep us updated on your recovery.
  11. Penni60

    This Week's Band Surgeries 3/29-4/2

    For some reason I JUST now saw this post. HOORAY!! To all the new bandsters. Lots this month isn't there. GOOD LUCK and check in to let us know how you are doing. HUGS to all.
  12. Penni60

    GOTHCHA!!!!!!!! Hee hee hee

    YOU WITCH!!!!!!! LOL!!! I was so jealous and so happy for you guys.
  13. Penni60

    Jenna's powerball winnings!

    Put a down payment on some property in Jamaica. Buy my son a car Take my mom on a much needed trip Buy my grandson his first car Go to Ireland, Scotland, Italy, for a couple of months total. It just doesn't go too far HUH?
  14. Penni60

    Off on my month long trip

    I felt so good that night. I had an Apple Martini with the girls and felt NO PAIN. Off of ONE drink. I am such a cheap drunk these days. LOL!! Then on the way home we laughed so hard that I had to put a heating pad on my belly cause my port was hurting too much. LOL!! OUCH! OK I am here in Nashville, well Clarksville actually. It is about an hour west of Nashville. I am pooped and getting off this laptop soon. Thanks guys. You make me blush and proud to show off my girls. They keep me young. They are beautiful aren't they?
  15. Penni60

    Atlanta in April

    Hey all you bandsters: I am going to be in town for a conference beginning April 20th through the 25th. I won't have much free time but I would love to meet some of you guys. Maybe dinner one night. I am staying at the Wyndham Peachtree Hotel. If interested in meeting send me a PM and we can plan something.
  16. Penni60

    Atlanta in April

    I will be coming through there on the 14th and again on either the 25th or 26th. I posted on the TN bandsters thread as well.
  17. Penni60

    How Many of you??....

    I am extremely HAPPY with my aftercare surgeon. Dr. Billy is a great surgeon and I would highly recommend him to anyone. Initial surgeon well that is another story altogether.
  18. Penni60

    Tennessee Bandsters ??

    Hello all you TN bandsters! I plan on being in the Chattanooga area on the 14th and again on the 25th or 26th. I would love to plan a dinner or something with you guys. Let me know.
  19. Penni60

    Off on my month long trip

    The striped shirt came from Target and it is a size 1X HOORAY!!!!!!! Yeah my kids all look like me in some way. That is my son in law and John is in the sunglasses. We had just eaten at a place called Gladstone's in Pacific Palisades (Malibu area). YUM YUM!!!! We were able to watch the sunset over the ocean while eating our meals. NICE. I was bummed too because my 17 yr old son couldn't come cause he had a project due today and he was responsible enough to stay home and get it done. Otherwise he would have been in the pic. Notice we all three have one the same earrings. GREAT MINDS and all that you know. OK Off on the plane for me. CHeck in later.
  20. Penni60

    Off on my month long trip

    Here is one more pic for you guys.
  21. Penni60

    Vera has a new band

    Hey Bill, SHHHHHHHHH I am on my way to party with you. Don't tell Vera. LOL!!!! WHOO HOO!!! Vera got a band. YEAH!!!!!!! Get well soon and yes we will keep a light on for you. Alexandra stole my line. LOL!!
  22. Penni60

    Pooping the Alphabet

    OH MY GAWD!!! I am cracking up over here. Dying I am. LOLOLOL!!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. Penni60

    Would you use this?

    I think if I had to go bad enough I would certainly use it. IT would be fun to be in there to see everyone else trying to look in or to look at themselves. Pretty funny!!!
  24. Penni60

    Pooping the Alphabet

    Not only do they poop the alphabet but they poop sports equipment. My sweetie, told me er warned me to not go into the bathroom cause he has just "Shit a football". I had to go see. It WAS a football shape. LOLOL!!!! My son in law (that is visiting this week) said one time he was so proud of his turd that he took a picture of it. SIGH!!! MEN?????????
  25. Penni60

    Sexual Frustration- hahahaha

    Awww poor doggie. All the frustration I ever had and it was NOTHING compared to that poor things frustration. Awww.

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