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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Penni60

  1. Penni60

    It took a while, but I'm back!

    NO NO NO You all go it wrong. She is coming to work for me in my Vegas Brothel. She had to change her looks to qualify. LOL!!! Good luck and continue to heal. Take it easy. You are a brave woman. PICS please even with the bruising so we know what to expect. PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Penni60

    GROSSEST Pig Out Combo of Food

    I love love love to drink Pear juice and peach juice from the jar. YUM YUM!!!!
  3. Hey BigDaddy: Why did you have a catheter for the Lap Band surgery? I don't understand that part.
  4. Penni60

    Angeleyes was banded on Tuesday

    Hey Come fill us in on how you are doing. HUGE HUGS!!
  5. Kathy: Where the heck are you? Come on back here and fill us in. Get up outta that bed and find a laptop. LOL! HUGS girl. Feel better soon and come tell us how things went.
  6. Penni60

    oddly compelling site, webtoy

    THe website is all in Japanese. What gives??
  7. Penni60

    Regain of weight

    Donali: You never cease to amaze and astound me. I love you knowledge and I have missed reading your posts. I agree with Donali here. I have been banded a year so far. I am still losing. Slower but still losing. I have learned that what worked in the beginning is not working for me now. I have to change my eating patterns and increase my exercise routine to continue to lose. The way I look at it my body gets used to the routines and then decides ok this is good right here right now and I ain't doing anything else. Then I have to jump start or shock my system into realizing it needs to lose more. Then it does. This is a "tool" we have to work with to lose. It won't do the work for us. We have to help it along the way.
  8. Penni60


    Hey Heather did you take your measurements before or right after banding? That is how I gauge my progress at times when the scale isn't my friend. To date I have lost 31 inches total. So lbs lost is great but those inches is wonderful too. HUGE CONGRATS on the body fat % loss
  9. Penni60

    How did you care for your incision?

    The neosporin will eat the glue as well. SO be extra careful putting it on the glue areas. I learned this the hard way. Thank goodness the only incision affected was the port one but that was already opening up anyway. I had my incisions draining for days before they finally closed on their own. YEs I was told to let the Water drain over the incisions and to not be aggressive with cleaning those areas. Pat them dry. And let them air dry.
  10. Penni60

    I'm not MIA anymore!!

    Kelly it was at a University there for the college kids.
  11. Penni60

    I'm not MIA anymore!!

    Yeah Kellymoos is back. ABOUT TIME!! I hate moving. When John and I moved from Nashville to Los Angeles 5 years ago it was a nightmare. We hired a moving company for 95% of the house. You know one of those semi trailers full of our things. SIGH!! Then we had the van full of more of our things we wanted to take ourselves. The sentimental things that couldn't be replaced you like my grandmother's framed needlework, or my other grandmother's hand quilted blanket and for John his um,... er,... well,... PA system. LOL!! Yeah he is real sentimental HUH. Well in fairness he has a gig in Texas on the way. LOL!! We left Nashville and I immediately before we hit Memphis started running a fever of 101 and had chills. YUP!! We both got sick with the flu while on the road and playing and moving. SIGH!! It was horrible. But we got there and then we collapsed for three days recuperating from the flu. Did I mention I hate moving?
  12. Penni60

    Thinking about an East Coast Bash

    Bright I would have to kick your arse if you blew us off for some stupid wedding. No I take that back I would just have to come to Ireland and invade your place. LOL!!! I still wanna do that one day. I have always wanted to visit Ireland. Just give me time.
  13. Penni60

    My Mom is in the hospital! SIGH!!!

    I spoke to Mom on the phone this morning. She has managed to eat and keep down 2/3 bowl not cup of oatmeal. HOORAY!! She has already gotten up and taken her shower and put on her pants. She is keeping the gown on for now. Her voice did seem shaky which concerns me but it could be the medication causing some of that. She was shaky all day long yesterday. She was off some of her blood pressure medication for 36 hours cause of her nausea but they started her back on them yesterday. The toprol (sp?) was one that she said makes her shake if she doesn't take it. Gotta go look that one up. I woke up with a migraine and won't be going to see her today unless I start feeling better. Just wanted to check in with you guys first. I had a break down last night thinking about her and what I would do if something happened to her. I was a mess. I prayed about it and I found some peace. I didn't tell you guys this but Mom told me that when she took that Stadol that caused the reaction she said she went into the Pearly gates of heaven and felt God's presence. Then she felt someone telling her it wasn't her time yet and to go back. I believe this 100% my mom is very spiritual and would not fib about this. She laughed and said, "Well I can take that two ways. Either God has more for me to do or I wasn't supposed to be in heaven." LOL!!! I just love that I get my sense of humor from her and from her mother god rest her soul. Thanks guys for all your prayers and healing thoughts and such. It is much appreciated. MORE later
  14. Penni60

    Las Vegas Marathon

    When I was training for the 5K I would run for 2 min then walk for 5 or 10 min. I use a really good support bra that I found at Target believe it or not. They really support you and keep me from getting black eyes while running. I am a 40 DD and I need all the support I can get. LOL!!! And the running doesn't really bother my arthritic knees at all. I was afraid it would. I guess all the walking has helped in that respect. I do a modified run stride. I call it a "WOG". Slow jog and fast walk. It is shorter stride than a full out run and longer stride than a walk. I keep my arms in close to the body and it seems to work for me. I can sustain it for the full 2 min for now. I will work up to more as I train harder. SIGH!! Pray for me. LOL!! I encourage all that like to work toward goals to pick a 5K and train for it. That is 3.1 miles. It takes me almost an hour to walk it. Get a walkman, ipod, mp3 player and crank up some tunes and take off walking. I find myself dancing along my walking route sometimes I get so involved in the music. If you walk for one record length that is 3 miles. The normal record length is almost one hour. So gauge your walking by that. I did that instead of looking at my watch every 5 min. LOL!! Get a pedometer to gauge your walking distance and calorie burn. I have heard that 10,000 steps is what we should do in one day. Some pedometers will measure the steps as well. MIne does. The most important thing about walking is to have fun and enjoy it. I tried to walk with a partner but I can't. I have a set pattern I do and when I walk with a partner I have to modify my pattern and I don't usually get the best workout. It is fun to walk with someone though. Makes the time go by faster but do so knowing you won't get your normal workout in well at least that is how I am. OK I will shut up now.
  15. Penni60

    Some inquiring minds

    I love the no advertising as well Alex. Makes it more homey and inviting. I don't feel like I am being sold something all the time. HOORAY!!!
  16. Penni60

    Some inquiring minds

    Debbydoo: No one sponsors this board. The owner Alex owns it and provides the bandwidth so we can post to our hearts content. He is a computer geek and was banded and wanted a support network so he started the website. At least that is my understanding. Alexandra am I wrong or partially right? LOL!!! Michelle: The person that told me about people asking is very reliable and it was already confirmed by one of the people emailing me and apologizing for asking. I am not worried about it I just think it is so tacky for people to be asking personal things about someone else they hardly know. But if you are that curious you should just ask that person instead of their friends. It is sneaky and underhanded. Almost like you are spying on me. I don't tolerate that at all. That is why I posted this. Just to let people know that if you are curious JUST ASK ME. If you are just can't stand it and must know things about others then ask them but do so knowing you might not get an answer and that should be the end of it. We can't know EVERYTHING about EVERYONE and we shouldn't either. I see this as an invasion of my privacy. It was out of my control what information I wanted to be known. The people that were asking were so nosey and inconsiderate of my feelings that they had to ask my friend things about me. That put my friend in a horrible position. That is wrong too. OK I am passionate about this as you can tell. People if you wanna know ask me, I might tell I might not.
  17. Penni60

    Some inquiring minds

    Lisa you bitch, Depends on the amount my girls bring in per week. LOLOLOL!!!! Babs: I have the only brothel that brings in money in Vegas. Wanna buy me out? LOLOL!!!!
  18. Penni60

    My Mom is in the hospital! SIGH!!!

    Mom's ct scan showed only the diverticulitis irritation. So she is being treated with antibiotics for that. She seemed much better today. She had more color in her face and was much more animated. She was able to eat some turkey and dressing for lunch. She has taken her pills and has kept them down. Her kidneys and bowels are working fine. They had to change her IV today. Thank God the reglan worked. She won't be released till Saturday. The doctor wants to give her more fluids and two more days of IV antibiotics. So I am planning on going back to see her tomorrow as well. I will be making that trip back and forth for the next three days for sure. I just want to collapse right now. I will keep you updated.
  19. Penni60

    My Mom is in the hospital! SIGH!!!

    You are all so sweet and caring. I feel the love. I got a phone call last night from my Mom. She had been throwing up since I left her at 3pm yesterday. She called at 10pm. SIGH!! I talked to the charge nurse and asked her to call the doctor to get an order for some Reglan. This has worked on Mom in the past. Hopefully they did that. This hospital is a small 20 bed country hospital. There are more offices and closets than actual patient rooms. LOL!!! So her care is in question. Pray that she is better today. She has lost 22 lbs in the last few months due to not being able to eat properly. She was living on Mashed potatoes. SIGH!! She just told me that last night. I am so worried about her. Thank you guys for listening. I am on my way to the hospital now so I can talk to the doctor this morning. It is thundering and lightening out and raining cats and dogs. Actually it is POURING out. HUGS
  20. Penni60

    Thinking about an East Coast Bash

    Just as an update. I sent the Manhattan Marathon people an email asking when we could register individually for the 5K. I got an email back telling me not only that we can do that in May/June on the website but asking if I would be interested in helping organize the Marathon. WOW!! Still thinking about that one. LOL!!!! Needless to say I will register for the walk. Looking forward to meeting all you'se guys. I gotta start looking at hotels. Bright where are you guys staying? I might just get to there early and hang in NYC for a day or two prior to all us meeting. Just never know with me. LOL!!!
  21. Penni60

    Who trained who?

    You can contact www.inamed.com and email Craig Arthur.
  22. Penni60

    My worst fears have come true about him...

    MIchelle: any wife that suspects her hubby is cheating will climb through shit to find the proof. So yes she can find the emails and whatever else she needs to prove he is a scumbag. I know cause I went through the same thing when I suspected my ex was cheating. Megan: I am so sorry you were put through this. All I can say is "He is a MAN after all." Not all are bad but the ones like him give the good ones a bad reputation. I sent you a PM.
  23. Penni60

    Happy Bandiversary Michelle!

    Happy Bandiversary Sister: I had forgotten we were banded the same day. You are such an inspiration to us all. You look fantastic by the way.
  24. Bright I feel your pain. I have been in the same plateau for the last 6 to 7 months. I know the problem though. I eat the wrong things. Mounds candy bars, ice cream, cheetos, bread, cheeseburgers, same old stuff I was eating prior to being banded. I do eat less of them but nevertheless I eat them. I have discovered if I eat the right foods meaning Proteins, veggies, and very little carbs or fats and drink my Water and follow band rules then I will lose the 1 - 2 lbs a week. But where is the fun in that? Psychologically I knew that the band wasn't a quick fix and I needed to work with it, but I was hoping that I could still eat some junk foods once in a while and get away with it. I have come to realize that is not possible. My metabolism is just tolerating any junk foods. That sucks. This will be a way of life for me forever. I have to basically calorie count, exercise at least three to four times a week sometimes more and drink my water to continue to lose the weight. I am lazy, that is a fact with regards to my eating habits. If someone were to prepare my meals for me I would lose the weight but since I have to prepare them myself I eat what is easy and convenient. SIGH!! I have to accept this about myself and know I can't and shouldn't do that. I have come too far in the last year to revert back to gaining. It still sucks but it is so much better than where I would have been without the surgery. RIGHT?
  25. Penni60

    Happy Bandiversary Penni!

    THanks guys. I never thought it would go by so fast. It is still the 5th here where I am and the 6th is my actual bandiversary. I was getting mentally prepared this time last year for my surgery the next day. I was sitting outside on the balcony of my room listening to the surf hit the shore. I was reflecting on the life I was walking into after surgery. The possibilities were endless. I was dreaming of the life I was beginning to hope for. The walking without pain, fitting into regular size clothes, no more cholesterol issues, normal blood pressure, just over all feeling "healthier". To think a year ago tomorrow I was dreaming of just being able to walk across the floor without getting out of breath to walking in the Los Angeles 5K Marathon last month. What an accomplishment. I was feeling a little sorry for myself that I had only lost 57 lbs in one year. Then I look at that statment again. ONLY LOST 57 LBS? Holy Moly batman!! That is phenomenal. I have lost 57 lbs in one year. LOST and never to be found again. Three shouts to the good lord above for opening my eyes. Keep up the great job guys. We will all reach our goals. Some faster than others and some slower but we WILL reach our goals.

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