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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Penni60

  1. Penni60

    I need encouargement!!!!!!!

    OK some tough love here and if any of this doesn't ring true then tell me to butt out. Won't hurt my feelings. What are you eating? TRUTH TIME!!! If you are eating high caloric foods then you will stay in that lose gain cycle. You should log everything and I mean EVERYTHING even down to the one piece of candy that you didn't think would matter. It is amazing what we actually take into our bodies in a day. How many calories are you taking in a day? TRUTH TIME!!! This is different than what you are eating. The above is just simply listing the foods. This step is putting calories to that food. So the first step is listing the foods. Then find a good book that will teach you the calories of each food. The best one I have found so far is The Calorie Counter by Nastow. You can find it at [ame=http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0743464370/qid=1121537955/sr=2-1/ref=pd_bbs_b_2_1/104-9981898-2566344]Amazon.com: Books: The Calorie Counter : 3rd Edition[/ame] How much exercise are you getting? TRUTH TIME!!! AT least 30 min a day of activity that gets your blood pumping will be more beneficial than an hour a day for 3 days a week. Journalling? TRUTH TIME!!! This I have found has kept me more honest when I didn't want to be. I journal every night before bedtime. I write down my thoughts feelings dreams desires and how I felt about my struggle with weight loss. If I find I am struggling in one area then the journalling helps me get back on track. Just some hints on how to stay on track when we fall off. And we will fall so don't beat yourself up over it. Also, don't automatically assume you need another fill. Maybe look at the way you are eating first will help you determine if you need a fill. This is a learning process that we must work at every day. The band is a TOOL and we have to use it every day. It will not lose the weight for us we have to help it help us. Sorry if I hurt your or anyone elses feelings but sometimes tough love is all that works. It did for me. Know that I say all this with love and compassion since I am also fighting this struggle right along with you. AND WE WILL WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BOO YAA!!!!!!
  2. Penni60

    OT: Need medical opinion re:testosterone?

    Here are some things he is most likely already experiencing with the low level of Testosterone. Symptoms of Low Levels of Testosterone: Decreased mental sharpness Decreased energy and strength Decreased muscle and increased fat Decreased sex drive Decreased sensitivity to stimulation Decreased strength of orgasm Decreased erectile function Depression and/or loss of eagerness and enthusiasm Irritability (20-25% of men – heard of “grumpy old men”) Increased risk of cancer (low testosterone levels increase risk) Here is something I found that was interesting. Effects of Testosterone Therapy SEXUAL POWER Increased sexual potency and frequency. CHOLESTEROL Lowers cholesterol levels. ENERGY Increased energy, stamina and endurance. MEMORY Improved mental functioning and ability. MOOD Improves mood and feeling of well-being. HEART Protects against heart disease. CONCENTRATION Improved concentration and focus. MUSCLE Increased muscle strength and mass. This site is very useful. IT explains the Testosterone therapy in depth. Testosterone Info
  3. Penni60

    Picture Page

    OK in Adobe go to File click on PHOTOMERGE Click on Add Then chose what pictures you put side by side Once you see the pictures in the upper bar drag the first photo into the lower portion. THen click on OK. THere ya go!
  4. I just got a phone call from Estella saying she made it through her surgery just fine. She sounded a little tired but is doing well. She also said she was a little anemic but nothing major. She is hoping to be back home in Florida soon.
  5. Penni60

    Anyone watch Big Brother 6?

    I caught Hooking UP last night too and I agree it was weird. Don't think I will watch that one again. I wanted to watch Big Brother but missed that episode. Was it good? I also watched some of the episodes of The Cut and that one was strange as well. Who Won?
  6. Penni60

    size 18!!!

    Ok after I read this to someone they just had to share in the excitement of your NSV. So here they are!!! Oh By the way, WAHHHH HOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Penni60

    I'm having a Hysterectomy

    Vera: Love ya girl. Come and post soon. I will keep you in my prayers.
  8. Penni60

    UPDATE: Estella after her surgery

    It has been a rough last couple of days for me. I have been lurking around here and there. Thanks Paula. And Estela when you get back and posting, you gotta post some of those gorey ooey gooey gross pics. LOVE those things. If you need help with it let me know.
  9. Penni60

    UPDATE: Estella after her surgery

    Awww, thanks I needed to hear that. Blushing now!! LOL!!
  10. Penni60

    Summer Weightloss Challenge

    drink water LOTS of water. Stick to the protein first then everything else if you have room Stay away from the empty calories. Exercise if nothing but 10 min doing something that gets your heart pumping every day. Did I mention drink lots of water. Oh yeah WATER!!!!!!!!!!! Don't drink 30 min before meal and up to 30 min to an hour after.
  11. Penni60

    Summer Weightloss Challenge

    Lost weight!!! Isn't it great??!!!
  12. Penni60

    Summer Weightloss Challenge

    I am swinging from the vines if we had any. LOL!! I am down to 234 this morning. I am so thrilled. Something jump started my weight loss. That is down 3 lbs from last week. WHOO HOO!!! Ok here it comes are you ready, Doing the happy jumping up in the air with all my flab dance this morning. There it goes on no if you hear in the new of a 5.0 earthquake it was just me dancing. LOL!!! SO thrilled beyond anything. I am HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yee Haw!!! Plust I go see Billy tomorrow as well. Double excitement!!
  13. Penni60

    DSL vs Cable

    I have Cable and it is not the party line connection it used to be. I also have a firewall built into the system. LOVE LOVE my Cable connection. I hate it when it goes out sometimes and have to resort to dial up. ARGH!!!!!! It hasn't gone out in oh say 6 months. When I say goes out I mean they are upgrading or working on the lines. Doesn't happen too often. And it is momentary. Would not change back to dial up for all the money in the world. Too slow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. Penni60

    fun thread -- names

    Maiden name = Merrick Married name = Thomas Any suggestions to their meaning. I go by Merrick now.
  15. Penni60

    Make sure to walk in September!

    I am walking in Manhattan, NY in September. WHOO HOO!!!!!!
  16. Penni60

    Picture Page

    FIREMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I gotta a, um,..... FIRE um,... that needs putting out. LOL!! I know you are so proud of your wife. Give her a pat on the butt for us. Or whatever you fireman do after a good fire. LOL!!
  17. Penni60

    Thinking about an East Coast Bash

    I couldn't get the link to work. I will try again later. I would love to come to your aunt's place Friday night. Just let me know time and address. I am so there.
  18. Penni60

    Thinking about an East Coast Bash

    I got plane reservations ( arriving on Sept 22 and leaving on Sept 26 ) I got hotel reservations (staying at Wyndham Laguardia Hotel) I am going to see "The Producers" with Kirsten. I am doing the 5K walk on Saturday. WHOO HOO!! Looks like all bases are covered. Come on September!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
  19. Penni60

    Some fun pics from our tour

    I am going to post some of the shots we took from the film footage from our House Concert tour. These are just some of the beautiful things we experienced along the way. Enjoy!!
  20. Penni60

    Some fun pics from our tour

    It might have been Washington State or either Idaho. We were in the Rockies for sure. That was in Sept 2000 during John's House Concert Tour.
  21. Penni60

    Diane Beck

    I just read on a Yahoo board that she is home and recovering nicely. Hopefully she will come here and post soon.
  22. Penni60

    I'm Leaving...for Mexico

    Come and let us know how you are doing girlie? Hope the only fireworks you saw was from a kiss from your hubby when you woke up today. HUGS!!
  23. Penni60

    Summer Weightloss Challenge

    Whoo hoo down 1 whole pound. I am thrilled. 237 now. Gotta love that?!
  24. Penni60

    Some fun pics from our tour

    This speaks for itself.
  25. Penni60

    Some fun pics from our tour

    This is my favorite shot of my first grandchild who was about 8 or 9 mths old then. She is now 5.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
