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Everything posted by Penni60

  1. Penni60

    Some pics to share of my weekend

    Being with my family was wonderful. I have always had fun and laughed till I cry when I get around them. We do have fun. I have to say I had a great child hood. Loving Mom, great grandparents that spoiled me and wonderful extended family. I am truly blessed. Now I have great kids and grandkids to boot. John was not with me on this trip. He stayed home as did my 17 yr old son Bradley. I should be getting Bradley's senior pics soon when I get them I will post them as well. Mom is such a joy for me. I love her so much. Estela I am glad your mom's report came back benign.
  2. Penni60

    Advertisements on LBT [ADULT CONTENT]

    That is something to talk to Alex the owner about. He is the only one that could set that up. I purposely not participated nor commented on this type of posting due to my own personal reasons. But when we are at risk of losing a member from this I am now going to say a few words. I will preface my comments here saying I don't begrudge ANYONE using, selling, profiting from, etc the adult sex toy industry. I used to own one years ago. The only thing that bothers me about this whole talk is that we seem to have taken over almost every thread now with some kind of this talk. I as a moderator would like to see this stopped. Keep the talk where it belongs on the ONE thread. If you want to discuss this issue at length then start a Message Board like Alex did for weight loss. Or set up a chat room in Yahoo or something like that. The business would certainly grow then. Just my thoughts.
  3. Penni60

    Advertisements on LBT [ADULT CONTENT]

    Good Point Sandie
  4. Penni60

    Some pics to share of my weekend

    OK I think this is the last one. I am tired now just reliving the memories. LOL!!
  5. Penni60

    VENT HERE - anger about Katrina Relief

    I too am getting stuff together to send to alatina for aid. I can't sit by and do nothing but complain I have to act. I know my last statement might have come across as directed at someone well it was directed at someone. MYSELF! LOL!!!
  6. Penni60

    Some pics to share of my weekend

    Only a couple more I promise. LOL!!! OK what do you do when you live in a small town and the surrounding people are farmers. You get out your four wheeler and try to kill your grandkids with it.
  7. Penni60

    Some pics to share of my weekend

    The man in the pic with Alicia is my step-father. This has been the only father I have known since I was 9 years old. He calls me his daughter and still cries when we leave. I love this man.
  8. Penni60

    Some pics to share of my weekend

    I promise this is almost done. I am almost done posting my family pics. I promise. LOL!!!
  9. Penni60

    Some pics to share of my weekend

    Here is a pic of my daughter, ERIN and her Hubby Jeremy. Don't they make a cute couple. This was at the Bamboo Garden in the Nashville Zoo.
  10. Penni60

    Some pics to share of my weekend

    I forgot to mention this was the Nashville Zoo at Grassmere.
  11. Penni60

    Some pics to share of my weekend

    Thanks Michelle. I was so tired when I went to bed at night the whole time I was there. But it was a good tired ya know? OK more pics. LOL!!!
  12. Penni60

    Some pics to share of my weekend

    And just more pics.
  13. Penni60

    Some pics to share of my weekend

    Here is some more. If you get tired of them just say so and I will stop posting. I have more so bear with me.
  14. Penni60

    VENT HERE - anger about Katrina Relief

    YUP she deleted it Kathy.
  15. Penni60

    Need some prayers. Please.

    Estela: My mom went through something this about two years ago. They removed one lump on her left breast. It was benign THANK the LORD!! She too gets extremely nauseated from the anesthesia. She is also allergic to all kinds of meds that would ease that nausea. It is a real battle to help with that dealing with my mom. We finally found something that works. I will say several prayers for you and your whole family that it is benign. My heart goes out to you.
  16. Penni60

    VENT HERE - anger about Katrina Relief

    You know we all have our opinions of our present government infrastructure. Some like it and others don't. The bottom line is the powers that be knew of the dangers of the levee not holding. They did nothing to fix the problems. And to address the point that was made about what if that money was directed to send a Louisiana kid for college. What if it was then we find out he was one of those stranded in the college when it flooded. Or worse he was home visiting and lost his life in the flood. The point is the money should have been put to shoring up the levee knowing it could give way. IT WASN'T! They were warned years ago it could happen. They chose to ignore it for whatever reasons. Now we are facing cleaning up the aftermath of this horrible disaster.
  17. Penni60

    VENT HERE - anger about Katrina Relief

    I have deliberately NOT watched too much of this because I was selfish and wanted a nice happy holiday / birthday weekend with my family. OK I am home now and the devastation that hit you all has slammed into me with both fists. I am completely outraged, disheartened, disillusioned, and all manor of euphemisms and adjectives. It is unconscionable let me say this again unconscionable that our "for lack of a printable word here" President delayed the support needed to these poor suffering people. I don't use the word Poor meaning without money I mean poor as in showing empathy for them. How dare Mr. Bush (NOT PRESIDENT BUSH BUT MR.), show such a cavilier attitude toward all this mahem and destruction. He should pray every night for forgiveness from all the families that lost loved ones due to his negligent response for whatever reasons he was told to say by his speech writers. I am just destroyed about all the needless pain and suffering. When I first heard about this I was in shock and ignored it. I was selfish and wanted some time to myself to enjoy my family. Now I feel guilty for doing that. Then I know that is not right either. Every day in the world there is pain and suffering so we have to live our lives along with the pain and suffering in the world. YEAH IT SUCKS that we live in a rather plentiful country that won't even take care of it's own much less accept aid from certain foreign countries when offered. Mr. Bush needs to get off his pedestal that Cheney and Rice have him on and come down and smell the rotting bodies he contributed to. I am not too proud to accept help when needed. The countries are not even asking anything in return for the aid. Cuba could really ask for the sanctions to be lifted from their country but they didn't. SIGH!! I don't get it. Thank god I didn't give him either of my votes. Too many stories are being floated around now about how aid was within reach and it was turned away because of alot of posturing from one organization to another. Fema turned away truck loads of Water donated by Walmart because it wasn't from FEMA. I broke down in tears from that one. Buses were not allowed in to take out the people at the dome for whatever reasons. Chinook helicopters were not scrambled into service to drop supplies. The stupid f$%^&ng levies weren't fixed to begin with. There were reports dating back to 2000 from Corp of Engineers stating that the levies would not withstand anything above a category 3 hurricane. DUH!!!! Fix the damn thing then. I am outraged by it all. I wanna do something, say something, organize something to open up America's eyes. Wake up people! We are not untouchable! We are only one more disaster away from being like Bosnia, Serbia, Afghanistan, etc. Drought can touch us too. See how we reacted when we thought the oil reserves were affected by the hurricane? WAKE UP PEOPLE!!! (I am including myself in this dictum) We can get too comfortable in our lives and can get complacent. OK Now I am going to call my children and tell them all how much I love and appreciate them. Then I am gonna go donate some money to Red Cross. If I had any plus size clothes to send I would send them but I don't now. ONE STEP AT A TIME!! May God Bless Each and everyone of you and yours on this glorious day he has made for us.
  18. Penni60

    Penni60 Happy Birthday

    Kathy and MIchelle you made me cry. That was so sweet of you to make the comment I am deserving. WE ALL ARE deserving of living life to it's fullest in whatever form that may be for us all.
  19. Penni60

    Happy Birthday Everyone!

    As one of the birthday people I thank you for the wishes.
  20. Penni60

    Moments of Weakness/Relapse

    My last one was yesterday at my birthday party at my Mom's house. I had a piece of german chocolate bundt cake and a piece of Reese's Peanut Butter Ice Cream birthday cake. YES I HAD TWO CAKES!!! LOL!!!!!!
  21. Penni60

    Penni60 Happy Birthday

    It should say to YOUSE then. LOL!! Thanks bunches. This has been the bestest birthday weekend so far. I went to Nashville for the weekend to spend it with two of my daughters and their husbands and my grandkids. We also went to spend the day with my mom in Kentucky on Sunday. I have been to the Nashville Zoo chasing my 3 year old grandson around. I went bowling on Saturday night and tried to keep up with my three teenager grandkids. I then drove to Kentucky to my mom's and chased my grandson around her yard all day. We played hide and seek till we collapsed on each other. These events are precious but even more so knowing the miles and miles of walking we did at the zoo, the bowling for two hours, and the running after my grandson on Sunday would not have been possible without this surgery. I just would not have been able to do ANY of it. I will be posting pictures later after I get home. I fly home today. To be 45 I feel quite young today. LOL!!
  22. Some things to remember about being a member of LBT. When we all joined,there are rules and guidelines we all agreed to follow. One of them is to show respect for other members. This thread alone is going against that guideline. Everyone has a right to express their opinion. Everyone has a right to either agree or disagree with that opinion but NO ONE has a right to resort to name calling. On LBT everyone is entitled to their opinion on any particular doctor good, bad or otherwise. Where the line is drawn is when it becomes an advertisement for that doctor. There have been several posts with this type of wording and LBT is not the place to advertise for one specific doctor, group, or entity PERIOD! This website will not be used as an advertisement tool for or against a specific, doctor, group, entity, surgery, etc. There is nothing wrong with supporting, reporting, or suggesting using a particular doctor, group, entity, etc. When you list the prices that is where it gets dicey not only for LBT but for the doctor. In the future just make a suggestion of contacting them directly to get pricing.
  23. Penni60

    Dr. Joya

    Jaxson, this has been addressed on several other posts. The issue of advertising prices, etc for doctors appears as a solicitation for patients. Please refrain from this sort of posting. Thanks
  24. Penni60

    Dr.'s in Chicago?

    Deena, This is not the appropriate place to be posting your advertisement for services. LBT is not acceptible of this type of solicitation. I have addressed this in a PM to you.
  25. Penni60

    Any Band-Over-Bypass people here?

    Deena, This is not the appropriate place to be posting your advertisement for services. LBT is not acceptible of this type of solicitation. I have addressed this in a PM to you.

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