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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Penni60

  1. Penni60

    New Baby in the family

    Awww you guys are the best. I just talked to my daughter and she is so hungry, but can't eat anything because she is going in for surgery tonight to have her tubes tied. So she can't eat a thing. She told me if they didn't move the flowers by her bed she was gonna start gnawing on them. LOL!!!! They will go home tomorrow. I can't wait to see that baby and kiss both my grandsons and hug my daughter. LOL!!
  2. OK as most of you know I was unbanded due to erosion on Dec 6 - almost a month ago. In that month I have lost and then gained back some of the 10 lbs post banding. This is frustrating more so now than before I was ever banded. I have more knowledge now about food and the nuances of calorie counting, portion control, exercise, water intake, etc and it is driving me crazy. I know all the bad things I should stay away from. Do I listen to my knowledgable counterpart? NO! I rebel. I feel like a teenager and rebelling against my mom. Then I feel guilty if I don't eat the right foods and then I feel like a failure all over again. I know I know one day at a time. How easy it is to say but so hard to do. AT some point you just need to let go of the yesterdays and deal with the todays. AGain easier said than done. I don't know what I am gonna do. I have ordered the Nutrisystem foods and just waiting for them to be delivered. Hopefully they will come this week. I am trying my best to eat healthier. I have apples, pears, carrots, oatmeal, eggs, and lean meats in the house for me to eat. I also have NON cream based soups. I have NO desserts in the house. I told John to NOT bring any in period. I can't have them in the house or I will eat them. I did have one PBV (post band victory). I went to OUTBACK and had a chicken breast - bandster portion, steamed broccoli, and a salad. I had three bites of a cheese cake with chocolate sause. The Victory here is I only had three bites of the cake. I could have eaten it ALL. John had the rest. I am struggling and there are days when I just wanna lie down and cry and scream and throw a fit and say WHY ME. But I don't. What good would it do? SO I focus on making my jewelry and getting the biz up and running. At least it is keeping my hands busy while I work. I don't have something shoved in my mouth every few minutes. Christina called me on the phone last night and suggested "Biggest Loser" to me. I have the application already filled out just have to do the video then I am submitting. Thanks for listening
  3. ok I fell off my wagon and rolled down the hill and then jumped on the next wagon and fell off that one too. LOL!! But I did it all for making the video for Biggest Loser. I thought why not show them what I eat in a typical day. NOT THE Nutrisystem meals but what I could eat in a typical day. LOL!! So, pizza, chips, beer, cheeseburgers, and Desserts also. SIGH!! Now I feel like crap. I don't mean mentally I mean physically. I knew that some foods can trigger physical symptoms and now I know what foods can trigger mine. Just about all dairy and processed foods are bad for me. I was feeling light as a feather (ok maybe not that light but less heavy ok) when I was eating all veggies, fruits, and getting in my Water every day. I went off the diet for two full days now and man can I feel it. My bones hurt, my sinuses are a mess, my head is all stuffy, my nose is running and NO I am not getting the flu or the cold. I feel fine otherwise. OK the video is done. So starting tomorrow back to Nutrisystem. I venture to guess that I gained some poundage back at next weigh in. YIKES!!!
  4. Penni60

    Jan 22

    Jan 22, 06 -- OK I fell off my wagon and rolled down the hill and then jumped on the next wagon and fell off that one too. LOL!! But I did it all for making the video for Biggest Loser. I thought why not show them what I eat in a typical day. NOT THE Nutrisystem meals but what I could eat in a typical day. LOL!! So, pizza, chips, beer, cheeseburgers, and desserts also. SIGH!! Now I feel like crap. I don't mean mentally I mean physically. I knew that some foods can trigger physical symptoms and now I know what foods can trigger mine. Just about all dairy and processed foods are bad for me. I was feeling light as a feather (ok maybe not that light but less heavy ok) when I was eating all veggies, fruits, and getting in my water every day. I went off the diet for two full days now and man can I feel it. My bones hurt, my sinuses are a mess, my head is all stuffy, my nose is running and NO I am not getting the flu or the cold. I feel fine otherwise. OK the video is done. So starting tomorrow back to Nutrisystem. I venture to guess that I gained some poundage back at next weigh in. YIKES!!!
  5. Penni60

    Jan 22

    Jan 22, 06 -- OK I fell off my wagon and rolled down the hill and then jumped on the next wagon and fell off that one too. LOL!! But I did it all for making the video for Biggest Loser. I thought why not show them what I eat in a typical day. NOT THE Nutrisystem meals but what I could eat in a typical day. LOL!! So, pizza, chips, beer, cheeseburgers, and desserts also. SIGH!! Now I feel like crap. I don't mean mentally I mean physically. I knew that some foods can trigger physical symptoms and now I know what foods can trigger mine. Just about all dairy and processed foods are bad for me. I was feeling light as a feather (ok maybe not that light but less heavy ok) when I was eating all veggies, fruits, and getting in my water every day. I went off the diet for two full days now and man can I feel it. My bones hurt, my sinuses are a mess, my head is all stuffy, my nose is running and NO I am not getting the flu or the cold. I feel fine otherwise. OK the video is done. So starting tomorrow back to Nutrisystem. I venture to guess that I gained some poundage back at next weigh in. YIKES!!!
  6. Penni60

    Boot Camp Lbt Style

    ok I fell off my wagon and rolled down the hill and then jumped on the next wagon and fell off that one too. LOL!! But I did it all for making the video for Biggest Loser. I thought why not show them what I eat in a typical day. NOT THE Nutrisystem meals but what I could eat in a typical day. LOL!! So, pizza, chips, beer, cheeseburgers, and desserts also. SIGH!! Now I feel like crap. I don't mean mentally I mean physically. I knew that some foods can trigger physical symptoms and now I know what foods can trigger mine. Just about all dairy and processed foods are bad for me. I was feeling light as a feather (ok maybe not that light but less heavy ok) when I was eating all veggies, fruits, and getting in my water every day. I went off the diet for two full days now and man can I feel it. My bones hurt, my sinuses are a mess, my head is all stuffy, my nose is running and NO I am not getting the flu or the cold. I feel fine otherwise. OK the video is done. So starting tomorrow back to Nutrisystem. I venture to guess that I gained some poundage back at next weigh in. YIKES!!!
  7. Penni60

    Venting and support needed

    Sandy GO GET AN ENDOSCOPY PRONTO!!!! Not saying there is anything wrong but better safe than sorry. I did not have any symptoms or signs of erosion. But one of the things that can happen is a loss of restriction. SO go get an endo done. Do not let the doctor convince you to have an upper GI cause this will NOT show erosion. Only an Endo will be conclusive enough. Keep us posted.
  8. Penni60

    Jan 21

    Jan 21, 06 -- Saw Dr. Billy on Thursday and he gave me the all clear. He and I discussed what I was doing now opposed to what I was NOT doing with the band. I am doing the Nutrisystem meals and counting my calories like mad. I am ever so gradually getting back into my exercise routine. He also wants me to start two lists. SIGH!! One list is of the "thing" that are keeping me from losing weight. Something like eating after 8p, or eating too many calories, etc. Then state how I can correct that issue. Make a plan on how to correct the behavior. The second list is of all the foods I love to eat. Once I have exhausted my pea brain of the items, he wants me to begin with the first item and learn everything I can about that food. He wants me to take a picture of the food per the serving. If chicken is my first item then get a pic of a serving (4 oz) both cooked and uncooked. Learn what the calorie and protein values are of that serving. Take the pic and the info and put it into a folder or notebook so I can refer to it. Do that with all the foods I list. Pic one food a week to learn all I can about it. This will be an exercise in diligence. And consistency as well. SIGH!! OH If I had just done this while I was banded. All in all he was very pleased with my progress while on Nutrisystem. He wants to see me in about 8 weeks. We did not even discuss my options post band removal. I guess it really is too soon to discuss that. In the meantime, I have just completed my Video for the Biggest Loser. YIPPEE!!! I will get that mailed off in the next couple of days. I wanna tweak it some.
  9. Penni60

    Jan 21

    Jan 21, 06 -- Saw Dr. Billy on Thursday and he gave me the all clear. He and I discussed what I was doing now opposed to what I was NOT doing with the band. I am doing the Nutrisystem meals and counting my calories like mad. I am ever so gradually getting back into my exercise routine. He also wants me to start two lists. SIGH!! One list is of the "thing" that are keeping me from losing weight. Something like eating after 8p, or eating too many calories, etc. Then state how I can correct that issue. Make a plan on how to correct the behavior. The second list is of all the foods I love to eat. Once I have exhausted my pea brain of the items, he wants me to begin with the first item and learn everything I can about that food. He wants me to take a picture of the food per the serving. If chicken is my first item then get a pic of a serving (4 oz) both cooked and uncooked. Learn what the calorie and protein values are of that serving. Take the pic and the info and put it into a folder or notebook so I can refer to it. Do that with all the foods I list. Pic one food a week to learn all I can about it. This will be an exercise in diligence. And consistency as well. SIGH!! OH If I had just done this while I was banded. All in all he was very pleased with my progress while on Nutrisystem. He wants to see me in about 8 weeks. We did not even discuss my options post band removal. I guess it really is too soon to discuss that. In the meantime, I have just completed my Video for the Biggest Loser. YIPPEE!!! I will get that mailed off in the next couple of days. I wanna tweak it some.
  10. Penni60

    Biggest Loser or South of France

    I am shooting the Video today and tomorrow. Then gonna do some tweaking next week then ship it off to the Producers. My sciatica stays under control if I don't aggravate it. I have talked to my PCP and he is all for it. He said I don't see why you couldn't do it. I saw Billy yesterday and got a clean bill of health from him as well. I didn't discuss Biggest Loser with him cause I forgot. But I don't see any reason he would object to it. The producers will contact both of them anyway so if there is a problem it will come out then. Great idea to talk about giving up Cannes to do this. Thanks! As a matter of fact, thank you to everyone that offered suggestions.
  11. Penni60

    Boot Camp Lbt Style

    B- Nutrisystem Nutricrunch cereal w/ blueberries, Cup of Sugar Free Caffe Vienna, = 165 Calories and 13g Protein L- Nutrisystem = Calories and g Protein S- 1 apple, 1 slice of cheese = 181 Calories, 9g Protein D- Nutrisystem Water: 32oz and still counting Exercise: 20 min on treadmill Personal: No eating past 8 pm; no unhealthy snacking. Calorie: Protein: Vitamins / Calcium: YUP Weight: 239 down 1 lb. WHOO HOO!!!
  12. Penni60


    Sure thing.
  13. B- Nutrisystem Nutricrunch cereal w/ blueberries, Cup of Sugar Free Caffe Vienna, = 165 Calories and 13g Protein L- Nutrisystem Parmesan Pasta w/ Broccoli, slice of cheese and turkey, 1 apple = 372 Calories and 20g Protein S- 1 pear, 1 slice of cheese = 181 Calories, 9g Protein D- Nutrisystem Water: 32oz and still counting Exercise: 20 min on treadmill Personal: No eating past 7 pm; no unauthorized snacking. Calorie: Protein: Vitamins / Calcium: YUP Weight: 239 down 1 lb. WHOO HOO!!!
  14. Penni60

    Boot Camp Lbt Style

    B- Nutrisystem Nutricrunch cereal w/ blueberries, Cup of Sugar Free Caffe Vienna, = 165 Calories and 13g Protein L- Nutrisystem = Calories and g Protein S- 1 apple, 1 slice of cheese = 181 Calories, 9g Protein D- Nutrisystem Water: 32oz and still counting Exercise: 20 min on treadmill Personal: No eating past 8 pm; no unhealthy snacking. Calorie: Protein: Vitamins / Calcium: YUP Weight: 239 down 1 lb. WHOO HOO!!! Down 7 lbs since unbanding in December. Yeah go me!! I forgot to post yesterdays totals. Water: 100 oz Exercise: 1.5 mile walk (20 min) Personal: No eating past 8pm; no unhealthy snacking Calorie: 1260 Protein: 91
  15. OK all you creative people out there I NEED HELP!!! I have only 5 minutes to impress these people. What would you suggest I tell, show, act out, demonstrate, etc how desparate I am to be on the Biggest Loser? Please I need lots of different tasteful creative ideas.
  16. Penni60

    Suggestion for Biggest Loser Video ASAP!!

    Yes I like this idea. Everyone should do a challenge if I get selected to be on the show. What fun? Vines you crack me up.
  17. Penni60

    Back in control

    Good for you Betty.
  18. Penni60

    Jan 18

    Jan 18, 06 - Somewhat of a good day physically, anyway. I went for a walk with John this morning. (1.5 miles = 20 min). I have stayed on track as far as food and water goes. Emotionally it sucks. I just heard from my daughter in Florida that she just miscarried. We are all devastated. She is doing fine but wrecked emotionally. SIGH!! I go see Dr. Billy tomorrow for my follow up from the Erosion surgery in Dec. I will come and post an update after I get home.
  19. Penni60

    Jan 18

    Jan 18, 06 - Somewhat of a good day physically, anyway. I went for a walk with John this morning. (1.5 miles = 20 min). I have stayed on track as far as food and water goes. Emotionally it sucks. I just heard from my daughter in Florida that she just miscarried. We are all devastated. She is doing fine but wrecked emotionally. SIGH!! I go see Dr. Billy tomorrow for my follow up from the Erosion surgery in Dec. I will come and post an update after I get home.
  20. Penni60

    Suggestion for Biggest Loser Video ASAP!!

    Vera you made me cry. I love you guys so much. I am thrilled with all the comments and had just about decided to do just what you all mentioned. Now I know this is what I shall do. I have the perfect red outfit too. LOL!! This has been a terrible week for me emotionally. I am struggling with my Mom and her upcoming surgery at the end of the month. I know I told some of you that my daughter in Florida just found out she was pregnant. Well today she calls and tells me she just miscarried. SO that is now weighing on me as well. This is a hard week. I did manage to go for a nice 1 and a half mile walk this morning with John which felt GREAT! I am getting my script together and gonna get some pics of my grandkids close by to show as well. I feel really good about this decision. At least I will have tried it. You guys are what is keeping me sane right now. HUGS!!
  21. Penni60

    Suggestion for Biggest Loser Video ASAP!!

    HEY HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am gonna do this video this week PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!! I need Input. Must have input!!!
  22. Penni60

    Biggest Loser or South of France

    What difference does it make how many apply anyway? I am applying with an open mind and an open heart and whatever comes will come. I am not going into this with my eyes shut or veiled. I know that I have a one in a million shot. SO WHAT? As Christina so eloquently put it "I won't know till I apply". I couldn't live with the "WHAT IF?" So I am applying. I am doing my video this week. Most likely tomorrow.
  23. Penni60

    New Stuff

    WOW!! Will Alex B ever stop improving on this site. This is amazing and so much fun. Jan 16,06 - Just got home from seeing Eye doc. I had some issues come up after I had a dry heave episode while in the hospital after having my band removed in Dec,05. I got a clean bill of health today. HOORAY!! Eating still on track. Exercise taking a slow start this year due to sciatica having acted up. But it is subsiding now. Getting my water in every day. Starting to get my jewelry biz off the ground. Wanna check it out? www.pemerridesigns.com Later!
  24. Penni60

    New Stuff

    WOW!! Will Alex B ever stop improving on this site. This is amazing and so much fun. Jan 16,06 - Just got home from seeing Eye doc. I had some issues come up after I had a dry heave episode while in the hospital after having my band removed in Dec,05. I got a clean bill of health today. HOORAY!! Eating still on track. Exercise taking a slow start this year due to sciatica having acted up. But it is subsiding now. Getting my water in every day. Starting to get my jewelry biz off the ground. Wanna check it out? www.pemerridesigns.com Later!
  25. Klynn: I am gonna be in Tucson on the 31st for the BEAD show. Are you anywhere near there? If so wanna meet for lunch or something while I am in town? I will be there through the 10th of Feb. It does get easier as time passes. The beginning stage is so hard but it does get easier.

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