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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Penni60

  1. Penni60

    Erosion, The Real Facts

    I am thankful that I Have this forum for continued support. I just felt somethings needed addressing.
  2. Penni60

    Erosion, The Real Facts

    Thank you Anca and Big Dog for your support
  3. Penni60

    Erosion, The Real Facts

    Yes I did my research as well. Inamed told me this was a top surgeon in the field. This was the reason I went to him. As an RN I do my research rather well thank you.
  4. Penni60

    Erosion, The Real Facts

    Dr. Pleatman, I can't believe how much you just trivialized what we that have eroded have gone through. It isn't like we just had a hang nail surgery we LOST OUR BANDS. For me personally it was the ONLY thing that worked for me. Bypass isn't an option because I don't want the issues that come with that surgery either. If I was gonna do the bypass don't you think I would have done that FIRST? The fact that you suggest another surgery to help with our situation appalls me to no end. You presume it would be easy to just get another surgery. I have not quite recovered from the last one emotionally and you just matter of fact suggest another one. Typical surgeon attitude is what I am seeing from you. I dealt with this when I was an RN all the time. You see the procedure and NOT the patient. I am just shocked at how insensitive you just were. You have just lost all my respect.
  5. Penni60

    Erosion, The Real Facts

    Just a little FYI: Where are you getting your information on how many surgeries your surgeon has performed? If you are getting if from your surgeon then what is to say he might fudge the numbers some just to make him look better. I know for a fact that one surgeon told me he did 1500 surgeries. Then I hear he told another person he did 3000. The reason he increased the number -- he included all the surgeries that was done while he was partnered with another surgeon whether he did them or not. SO just know that outside the US when a surgeon tells you how many he has performed you have NO way of checking. Inside the US you do. Keep that in mind OK!!
  6. Penni60

    Boot Camp Lbt Style

    Hey I am in Tucson and the hotel hasn't got a scale I can use. I won't be able to check in till I go home on the 10th.
  7. Penni60

    Erosion, The Real Facts

    OK One more thing! The title of this thread implies that everyone that has experienced Erosion has reported lies or erroneous information. That bites too.
  8. Penni60

    Erosion, The Real Facts

    OK I will try to make this short. I am so disgusted with this post for several different reasons. I apologize ahead of time for my language. If this offends anyone I am sorry but I am pissed. The following are MY OPINIONS and MINE ALONE. The coldness of some of the posts just gets under my skin. Unless you have experienced EROSION you DO NOT even begin to understand what we are all going through. YOU HAVE YOUR BAND!!!!! WE DON'T!!! I personally don't give a rats ass what the percentages are regarding erosion. All I know is my highly skilled and one of the TOP PROCTOR's for the LAPBAND placed my band on April 6, 2004 in Mexico at a reputable facility. Exactly 18 months later to the day December 6, 2005 I ERODED. I had ZERO symptoms and maintained high restriction till the band was removed. Would I go back to him for a new band? HELL NO!! Would I go back to MEXICO for a hang nail removal? HELL NO!! Thank God my insurance Co covered the band removal otherwise I would still have the band. I would just hope that I did not develop any complications because I would not have been able to afford the surgery. The techniques are different across the board from US to Mexico to Europe to Australia. Inamed teaches the basic technique that is deemed safe for placement to surgeons. They in turn improve on the technique or continue to use the basic technique. My follow up US surgeon has told me that he took what he was taught by Lopez and improved on it based on what he experienced. Would I use my follow up US surgeon to have a hang nail removed? YES !!!!!! Would I use my follow up US surgeon to have a new band placed? YES!!!!!! My personal experience with Mexico surgeons, the Mexico experience both pre op and post op was HORRIBLE!! Would I suggest or recommend Mexico for any surgery to anyone? NO NOT NOW OR EVER!!! There is so much more I could say but I think this is enough.
  9. If my only choice was going to TJ or Ventura that is no brainer. Ventura is only an hour from San Fernando Valley. I live in Van Nuys. It takes me an hour door to door to see Billy. Billy will do your fills but because he is out of town alot your fills will be far apart. I have had Dennis do an unfill on me and he hit the port the first time and I didn't feel a thing. They are both very competent in their skills. I highly recommend Dr. Billy and Dennis. They are compassionate and understanding and will work with you on your goals. The office staff is wonderful as well.
  10. Just had to show off my two other grandkids. I just got these in the mail the other day. Talley Jane (TJ) is in the pinkish shirt and she is 5 soon to be 6. Ashlynne Renee (Ash) is in the purplish shirt and she is 3 soon to be 4. I miss them alot. They live in East TN.
  11. Penni60

    New Baby in the family

    My daughter called this morning at 6 to let me know that Samuel James Foster just arrived fat and sassy. He weighed 7 lbs and 15 ounces. She was tired and ready for rest. As soon as I can I will get a picture and post it. I won't get there till the 13th of Feb. I am dying over here. LOL!!! WHOO HOO!! New grandbaby!!!!
  12. Penni60


    I got a Mild sedation for my endoscopy. I could hear and see what was going on but I really didn't care. There was one period where I was gagging but I relaxed quickly. The thing to remember is just not fight it. The more you do the longer the procedure will take. They do spray your throat to numb it, which feels funny. Think like when you go to the dentist and he numbs your gums that is how your throat feels. Endoscopy = "End" usually refers to inside or esophagus (if I remember my medical terminology right) and "oscopy" is referring to viewing whatever the first part of the word is. So in this case it is inside the body. Gastroscopy = "Gastro" refers to the stomach -- So this is looking inside the stomach. The actual correct term for what we are calling and Endoscopy is EGD which just refers to the actual parts of the Digestive system is viewed. Esophagus, Gastric, and Duodenum. Now, an UPPER GI is simple an Xray taken while you swallow Barium liquid to see how the Esophagus works the fluid down into the stomach and once there to see how the stomach empties. In a Bandsters, case they are looking to see how the pouch empties into the bottom of the stomach.
  13. Penni60

    New Baby in the family

    Pat that boy is gorgeous. You just wanna squeeze his cheeks. I am dying to touch and smell that baby of mine. I just love that baby powder smell of babies.
  14. Penni60

    This has been a GREAT day!!

    Thanks guys. I got the car on Friday and now Today MOnday I am leaving for Tucson for the Bead show. SIGH!! I am already going into withdrawal knowing I can't drive it for 11 days. LOL!!!
  15. Penni60

    This has been a GREAT day!!

    Ok first of all, I bought a 2006 Chrysler 300 Touring edition today. And I got a great deal. Pics to be posted tomorrow. Then as if that wasn't enough, John and I just got home from seeing INXS at the Gibson Theatre at Universal City Walk. OH MY GOD!!! I got my exercise in by dancing the night away to J.D. Fortune and INXS songs. Oh and two surprises. Marty Casey opened the night with his band Love Hammers. They rocked the house. AND AND the second surprise, MIG AIELLO showed up and walked through the crowd. OH MY GOD!! I nearly wet my pants. So between the NEW car and the concert tonight I am flying HIGH. The only down side is I went way off my diet tonight. BUT it was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much fun doing it. I have a new car!!!! I have NEVER in my 45 years had a new car. I mean a brand spankin NEW CAR people. WHOO HOO!!!!!!!!!! It is cream with leather interior.
  16. Penni60

    Showing off some of my grandkids

    Believe me if I lived closer to them I would have tea parties and princess balls and cotillions and I would let them dress up in my clothes and all kinds of things. But we live so far away from them. SIGH!!!!
  17. Penni60

    New Baby in the family

    Big brother is doing good actually. Mom said he would gingerly come over and kiss his head and then pat his arm. Isn't that sweet. One other thing about big brother, Eli. He doesn't get to see Mom or me that often so it takes a little for him to warm up to us. So Mom kept trying to get him to come to her and hug her. But he wasn't having any of it. He asked him mom if he could have an apple. She told him yeah and that he could get it. Well he comes back with two apples. He gives one to my Mom. Isn't that the sweetest thing. He wouldn't let her hug him but he got her an apple. Children are the most precious thing on earth. They can really humble you. It kills me being so far away from my grandkids. SIGH!! I see them at least two to three times a year though. Better than nothing.
  18. Penni60

    New Baby in the family

    My mom went to see the baby yesterday. She brought back a pic and then sanned it into her computer then emailed it to me. Now all of you that are computer savy might think this is nothing and easy to do. But my Mom has only been using her computer for about 2 years. I am so proud of her. Anyway, here is the picture of my sweet grandson. I can't wait to get my hands on him.
  19. Penni60

    I have some clothes -- FREE

    OK my closet is all clean of clothes. So at this time I don't have anything else to give away.
  20. Penni60

    I have some clothes -- FREE

    I have some clothes (some never worn) that I want to get rid of. They range in size from 22 to 18. I have cute jackets (one is a pink tweed I have never worn). I have a pinkish purple jacket and crop pants. I have some halter tops in green print. I have some pants. A couple of dresses in size 18. The dresses are very frilly and sleeveless. With a nice wrap they would be very sexy. I have some shoes too. Mostly size 8, 8.5, to 9. Some are Wide some are M. If you are interested then please PM me.
  21. Penni60

    This has been a GREAT day!!

    Um Yeah that is my house. LOL!! You know I am still pinching myself about this car. But the real joy is that I have a great guy and I have a great life.
  22. Penni60

    This has been a GREAT day!!

    Here is a pic with me standing beside MY NEW CAR!! See the thrill on my face?
  23. Penni60

    This has been a GREAT day!!

    OK here are the pics of my new car. The last in that series is of my 1996 Lincoln that I have been driving. It is a great car too but it isn't the 300. LOL!!
  24. Penni60

    Just some observations

    OH Mandy I will scream for your daughter as well. I love the primalweightlossscreams.com that is too funny.
  25. Penni60

    Jan 28

    OK, most of you know I have lost my band due to erosion. I went through a "bad patch" right after. I slipped into a deep depression and almost let it control me. I talked with a good friend and was encouraged to grieve and then let it go. Which is exactly what I did. The thing is, I didn't really realize I was grieving till I spoke with her. Then it became clear to me I was doing just that. I had to work through all the stages of grief. I am presently in anger and acceptance. One minute I am pissed off, then the next I am "ok I lost the band." I am leaning more toward the later nowadays. More calm now. It all comes down to just accepting where you are in life and appreciating it. Then deciding to make changes based on what you want. I put out in the universe that I wanted a particular car. I was determined to have it. I tried to convince my boyfriend to buy it for me. That didn't work. Then I tried to buy it myself and that didn't work. I had all but given up on owning this dream car. I prayed about it. I screamed it to the universe that I wanted this car. I just knew I was gonna get it eventually. Well Friday I got it. I applied for a loan that I just knew I wasn't gonna get and voila I got it. I drove that puppy home yesterday and I was in heaven. I have been making excuses to go places just so I can drive it. The point I am getting to is "ask for what you want". Speak it loud. Not squeak it to yourself or under your breath. SCREAM it out loud. Then allow the universe to work it's magic. It will come at the right time when it is right for you. Some people will think this is a bunch of HOOEY!! So what? Who cares? If YOU believe it then what does it matter what someone else believes. I am a Christian but I don't judge someone else simply because they aren't. I respect their beliefs even if they don't respect mine. The universe is a metaphor for whatever you believe will answer your prayers, requests, desires, wants, dreams, etc. If that is GOD then shout to GOD what you want. If it is a Goddess then shout to Her. If it is Buddha then shout to Him. Get the pic? You will never get what you want if you don't find your VOICE. Yes it hides from time to time. And it gets shut down by others as well. But you have the power to shout and ask for what you want. OK I have rambled long enough. "I WANT TO BE HEALTHIER AND LIGHTER IN WHATEVER FORM THAT MIGHT BE, AND THE AWARENESS TO SEE IT!" That was my shout did you hear it?

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