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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Penni60

  1. Penni60

    This Is A Wake Up Call!

    If you can't regift the goodies left at your house then take them to a homeless shelter. Or give them to the church food closet. GET them outta the house. Simply throw them out. Yes, we see it as wasting food, and we all hear out mothers saying, "Starving children in (fill in the blank)." THROW IT OUT!!! Or if they just feel compeled to bring something give them a list of acceptible items ( like fruit, fresh veggies, etc ).
  2. Penni60

    This Is A Wake Up Call!

    I have learned that if I deviate the least little bit from my plan I am screwed. I keep telling myself that just this once won't hurt. If you can deviate and then get back on track then I applaud you. I simply can't deviate at all. But think about it this way, would you tell an alcoholic or a drug addict that it is ok to give themselves permission to drink or do that drug because it is not in a huge portion?
  3. Penni60

    This Is A Wake Up Call!

    This is another point to consider as well. Not only do we have to rethink how we eat and relearn and retrain our minds but we have to do the same for our family and friends. For years we have been conditioning ourselves and our family and friends that we eat a certain way. It takes us a long time to recondition ourselves to not eat that way anymore. So it stands to reason that we would have to retrain our friends and family as well. Gentle and persistent persuasion is what it takes.
  4. After the comments back and forth surrounding the Dr. Ortiz thread I felt the need to vent some on a separate thread. I won't rehash what was already said on that thread. I will simply state my thoughts and how I am dealing with it all. I was very offended by the comments of both Dr. Ortiz and Dr. Pleatman. I addressed those on that thread. When thinking about my own personal demons I reflect on what got me so mad and upset over those comments. I realized it was one more thing telling me that no matter what I try it won't work. I will forever be fat. My insecurities came out when both their comments seemed insensitive and detached. This pissed me off as an RN and it pissed me off as a patient. This anger does me NO GOOD. I just need to redirect these feelings of failure with the band in a more positive light. I know I have lost weight with the band. I see this. I feel this. But I am focusing on now that I don't have the band anymore what will I do to keep off what I lost. It is hard to see past one minute of one hour of one day. I come here for support and understanding and compassion to get through the rough times. I don't come here for seemingly uncaring surgeons to suggest I 'get over' losing the band. Yes it might have been an unfortunate mistake for him to have said that and he might truly be sorry for the comment. But I just simply don't think he gets how damaging that statement could be. So, I am rambling here and alot of this might not make any sense at all. This is more for me than anything else. Sort of a cathartic exercise. I am really struggling on a day to day basis. I get up and eat my breakfast and do really well till around 2 or 3 pm. Then it all falls apart. I am travelling right now and that makes it harder to stick to the Nutrisystem diet. I am struggling to get in my water. I was doing so well the first two weeks. I even lost 6 lbs on it in the first two weeks. Now I am away from home and really worried I am gaining back the weight. I am so upset with myself right now. I have struggled to keep honest and to be accountable. That is hard to do. I eat really good then I screw it up. So I start the day all over again the next day telling myself "today will be different" and it isn't. The one thing that worked for me was having the Band. Now that is gone. So, I am on this roller coaster of eating right and eating junk every day. My body is not liking it either. My joints are aching, my back is more sore than usual, headaches are returning, I have noticed my ankles are swelling more along with my fingers as well. All this was going on before I was banded. So does this mean I am regressing? YES!! And this is what scares me. I am so happy for Michelle that she has moved on and facing her demons as best she can. I am struggling with this same issue. To those that supported and said such sweet things on the Dr. Ortiz thread I am proud to call you part of my band family. To those that expressed a differing opinion, I respect your statements but walk a mile in my shoes first before making a suggestion that by me raising a couple of questions and making a couple of comments would run off any doctor. To those that have had really great experiences in Mexico, I am truly happy for you and I pray that you continue to have those great experiences. I would not wish what I have gone through on anyone friend or foe. To those that are new and just starting the process, do your homework. Know that if you chose Mexico please have local aftercare set up. Otherwise know that if you have an emergent situation you will need to go back to your band surgeon. This could raise some difficult issues you will need to face rather quickly that you hadn't thought through. I really care about each and every one of you guys. I would offer my support and understanding and can assure you of me being non judgmental. The only thing I ask in return is that I receive the same of which I have on many occasions and most likely will in the future as well. G-nite family.
  5. Penni60

    My thoughts tonight

    I am thankful that Dr. Pleatman apologized. I am heading home tomorrow from the Tucson Bead Show. I am tired, bloated, and know for a fact that I gained at least 10 lbs. I just simply ate the WRONG foods while gone. The funny thing is as I was eating the wrong foods I knew I shouldn't have been eating it but I could NOT stop myself. Bizarre!! I am cutting my trip short a few days so I can get back on track with the Nutrisystem. I have learned a valuable lesson on this trip. I cannot deviate even the slightest from my plan or I will end up back at the beginning. This is simply a way of life for us all. Banded or unbanded we have to watch what we put into our bodies. Preservatives, salt, sugar, carbs, fats, etc are NOT good for us. I have NOT been drinking my water and being in the desert that is NOT a good thing. I am very dehydrated and my skin is pissed at me. Very dry and flaky. Too much sodas and not enough water makes Penni an irritable person. It seems that I am forever quoting Miss Scarlett O'Hara, "Tomorrow is another day." SIGH!! LOL!!! Hugs to all and to all a good night.
  6. Penni60

    Update!!! NOT THE BAND!!!

    Kathy: I am so floored by your post. I will be keeping you in my prayers and know that you are going to get through this no matter what happens. You are a strong person and there is a reason for everything. I truly believe that. I am sure I gave you my numbers but if I didn't I will PM them to you now. I get home tomorrow morning so call me anytime after that if you wanna talk. HUGS darlin
  7. Penni60

    Erosion: Our OWN Statistics.

    The date you were banded.---------April 6, 2004 Where you were banded (Country)----Rosarito, Mexico Surgeon's Name------------------Dr. Juan Carlos Lopez Whether your band has Eroded or not.---Eroded - removed Dec 6, 2005 I added the surgeon's name -- thought this would also be a good way to see how many erosions are per surgeon as well, whether US or MX or wherever.
  8. Penni60

    Erosion, The Real Facts

    My understanding of a Fluroscopy is to be used to determine how the stomach empties after a fill. Please explain how this can show "any" sign of an erosion. And please correct me if I am wrong but if a Fill with Fluro only shows how the stomach empties then how is that different from an Upper GI which doesn't always show erosion either. By the way I had an UPPER GI prior to my Endo and the upper GI was clean as a whistle. So the only true way to diagnose an Erosion is by an ENDO. I didn't have ANY symptoms either prior to my diagnosis of erosion. I just "felt" off.
  9. Penni60


    Lauren: My erosion like most has no specific cause. Dr. Billy had no idea as to why I eroded. Most erosion causes are never clearly known which makes it difficult to prevent.
  10. Penni60

    Erosion, The Real Facts

    The person you are referring to removed their own posts for their own reasons.
  11. Penni60

    hello from california

    Hey Not4long: I have Dr. Billy as my doctor. He is a sweetie and so nice and competent. He did my port revision and removed my band when I eroded. I have seen and talked to one of his bypass patients and she is completely happy. Her name is Nancy. I am sure you have seen her in the office. You have a good surgeon in my opinion.
  12. FORGET about a $20 pedometer or a $20 walkman. I want a new band in 6 months. LOL!!!
  13. Penni60

    My Apology to LBT

    Pars Flaccida vs perigastric(??) I talked to Craig Arthur for almost two hours when I found out my band was eroded. He explained that the Mexico surgeons were trained with the perigastric technique and it was discovered to be causing more erosion problems vs the Pars Flaccida. I asked then why are the Mexico docs still using this technique. He said that not all are still using it, and Inamed had strongly suggested they use the Pars Flaccida technique. THey cannot enforce what technique the surgeon uses. Inamed has talked to Dr. Billy about my erosion and they have my band as well. Inamed is in cahoots with most all the surgeons as well. Just a bunch of good ole boys if you ask me. OOPS!! Gave my unsolicted opinion again. LOL!!!
  14. Penni60

    Don't know what to do??? HELP

    I don't know this doctor and I am NOT slamming his skills so don't jump on me OK. I asked Dr. Billy for my EGD because I "knew" something was wrong. He didn't think I was eroded either. He in fact told me he was doing the EGD to get rid of some of my fears. He was shocked to see the erosion. He woke me up and said "I don't know how you knew but you did. Now let's get the surgery scheduled." No one can know for certain if you are eroded or not without doing and Endo (EGD).
  15. Penni60

    Erosion, The Real Facts

    I offered to go with this person to see DR. BILLY. I am sure he would see her. He has taken care of lots of Mexico patients in the past from all over.
  16. Penni60


    You can't have anything done for 6 months. Well you can't have the band replaced for 6 months. Some surgeons will convert you to the bypass or another WLS as they take out the band. So it just depends on what you want. I am waiting the 6 months to give my body time to heal from losing the band and to give my mind time to understand I no longer have the band. LOL!!!
  17. Penni60

    Don't know what to do??? HELP

    kathy you could always come to Southern Calif and I will go with you to dr. billy. Hey, I am serious. I know he will give you an EGD.
  18. Penni60

    My thoughts tonight

    Susan you crack me up!
  19. Penni60

    My thoughts tonight

    Just some FYI: I got a personal apology from Dr. Pleatman. It restores my respect in Dr. Pleatman that he acknowledges he could have said something that hurt my feelings. Thank you for the apology. Thanks Michelle. We live so darn close to each other, we really really need to get together soon.
  20. Penni60

    Erosion, The Real Facts

    Just some FYI: I got a personal apology from Dr. Pleatman. It restores my respect in Dr. Pleatman that he acknowledges he could have said something that hurt my feelings. Thank you for the apology.
  21. Penni60

    Erosion, The Real Facts

    If the second one had been said then maybe it would not have hit me as hard. But the second one shows compassion and understanding which was sorely lacking in Dr. Pleatman's statment. Which is my point all along. He appears to be lacking the sensitivity I think a doctor should have.
  22. Penni60

    Send Good Vibes my Way

    I sent you a PM. I support you and applaud your courage.
  23. Penni60

    Erosion, The Real Facts

    Alexandra: I believe he was in fact speaking to me since I fall into the category of having eroded. So yes he was speaking to me. I took it that way. How else should I have taken his comment? I did in fact go back and read it just to make sure I read it right.
  24. OK, most of you know I have lost my band due to erosion. I went through a "bad patch" right after. I slipped into a deep depression and almost let it control me. I talked with a good friend and was encouraged to grieve and then let it go. Which is exactly what I did. The thing is, I didn't really realize I was grieving till I spoke with her. Then it became clear to me I was doing just that. I had to work through all the stages of grief. I am presently in anger and acceptance. One minute I am pissed off, then the next I am "ok I lost the band." I am leaning more toward the later nowadays. More calm now. It all comes down to just accepting where you are in life and appreciating it. Then deciding to make changes based on what you want. I put out in the universe that I wanted a particular car. I was determined to have it. I tried to convince my boyfriend to buy it for me. That didn't work. Then I tried to buy it myself and that didn't work. I had all but given up on owning this dream car. I prayed about it. I screamed it to the universe that I wanted this car. I just knew I was gonna get it eventually. Well Friday I got it. I applied for a loan that I just knew I wasn't gonna get and voila I got it. I drove that puppy home yesterday and I was in heaven. I have been making excuses to go places just so I can drive it. The point I am getting to is "ask for what you want". Speak it loud. Not squeak it to yourself or under your breath. SCREAM it out loud. Then allow the universe to work it's magic. It will come at the right time when it is right for you. Some people will think this is a bunch of HOOEY!! So what? Who cares? If YOU believe it then what does it matter what someone else believes. I am a Christian but I don't judge someone else simply because they aren't. I respect their beliefs even if they don't respect mine. The universe is a metaphor for whatever you believe will answer your prayers, requests, desires, wants, dreams, etc. If that is GOD then shout to GOD what you want. If it is a Goddess then shout to Her. If it is Buddha then shout to Him. Get the pic? You will never get what you want if you don't find your VOICE. Yes it hides from time to time. And it gets shut down by others as well. But you have the power to shout and ask for what you want. OK I have rambled long enough. "I WANT TO BE HEALTHIER AND LIGHTER IN WHATEVER FORM THAT MIGHT BE, AND THE AWARENESS TO SEE IT!" That was my shout did you hear it?
  25. My surgeon required the blood work up and the psych visits. I was in the facility for a week prior to surgery and had the blood work and the psych visits. So some do require it. And yet he still was an incompetent boob. OOPS SORRY!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
