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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Penni60

  1. Penni60

    It's Time :-)

    Leatha: I can't agree with you more. I am also considering the same thing. You will be missed. Please keep my email handy and use it if needed. Penni@pennimerrick.com Hugs
  2. Penni60

    Feb 19

    Just a quick note in my journal before I hit the hay. I have been a very bad person lately with regards to my eating habits. I have eaten all the wrong foods. Since I am disbanded I can eat ANYTHING I want now. And man am I testing that theory. Travelling doesn't help that much. I was in Tucson for about 10 days for a bead show. THen was home for all of 3 days then headed to Nashville, TN / Princeton, KY to visit family. I have been eating fast food and junk mostly on this trip. I am heading home on Thursday the 23rd. Hopefully once I get home I can get back on track with the diet and exercise and set up a routine. I am still waiting to hear back from Biggest Loser. I think if I don't hear from them by the end of the month then I didn't get picked. Oh well at least I tried. I am planning on working out the Jewelry Party protocol when I get home. I wanna start making some money with this biz I started. PeMerri Designs is a baby right now but something I am pretty proud of so far. www.pemerridesigns.com will begin to grow soon and who knows I might need some assistants. LOL!! It could happen. I have to research some good marketing strategies. Enough for tonight!
  3. Penni60

    Feb 19

    Just a quick note in my journal before I hit the hay. I have been a very bad person lately with regards to my eating habits. I have eaten all the wrong foods. Since I am disbanded I can eat ANYTHING I want now. And man am I testing that theory. Travelling doesn't help that much. I was in Tucson for about 10 days for a bead show. THen was home for all of 3 days then headed to Nashville, TN / Princeton, KY to visit family. I have been eating fast food and junk mostly on this trip. I am heading home on Thursday the 23rd. Hopefully once I get home I can get back on track with the diet and exercise and set up a routine. I am still waiting to hear back from Biggest Loser. I think if I don't hear from them by the end of the month then I didn't get picked. Oh well at least I tried. I am planning on working out the Jewelry Party protocol when I get home. I wanna start making some money with this biz I started. PeMerri Designs is a baby right now but something I am pretty proud of so far. www.pemerridesigns.com will begin to grow soon and who knows I might need some assistants. LOL!! It could happen. I have to research some good marketing strategies. Enough for tonight!
  4. Penni60

    Pain in my breast.

    I sometimes get those similar feelings in my Right breast. I have fibrous breast that become aggravated by too much caffeine. Not sure if that is what is going on with you but getting checked out is a good thing. Keep us posted.
  5. Penni60

    Found marajuana & need advice

    It was found in the dryer in her house. That is a common area. If he didn't admit to it being his then yes the situation would be worse. We are not sure HOW much was found either. I don't care how much was found the fact that is was is my concern. Your comment about "hell it is only a misdemeanor" really bothers me. Unless you are on the other end of how that can affect a family it seems very insensitive to make that comment. Just too many issues to consider here. Shanna I think you did the right thing. That took courage and I applaud you for it. Rehab would be a good idea as well but the person would have to be receptive to it and most times they are not. It is a hard situation all the way around for everyone concerned. Drugs, Alcohol, Gambling, Eating disorders, etc any addiction is hard to deal with and should not be treated with disregard for how the people around the addictive person are being affected. Good luck Shanna and I hope your nephew gets a wake up call. Hugs!!
  6. Penni60

    Suggestion For Adult Board

    I can see both sides of the issue. The thing that can and has turned newbies off to this board is sometimes when you view "NEW POSTS" about 75% of the topics are non band related. It can get discouraging to wade through all the non band related topics to find something you are interested in reading. Not sure what the solution would be in this instance. I personally don't read EVERY thread. If I am not drawn in by the title then I won't even open the thread. If I get a PM or email about a certain thread then I go read it. If a thread is labeled Adult topic then I scan it and go on. I am in a personal struggle right now with my nutrition and come here for support. I also ask for prayers, white light and etc for my family when they are facing a difficult issue (EX: My mom was just in the hospital, hurricanes, etc). I have been trying to stay focused on my health, my family's health, my business development, etc than on adult content subjects. I have nothing against those topics I do find them funny at times but they can get pretty crass at times. I chose to not continue to read them at that tme. Just my thoughts here.
  7. Penni60

    Found marajuana & need advice

    The fact that it was found IN your house is a major issue with me. It really doesn't matter if he was smoking it in the house or not. The fact that if a cop had a reason to search the place and found it there could get your whole family in trouble. It would cast doubt with everyone you come in contact with and it could follow you for the rest of your life. Baby or no baby kick them to the curb. I don't mean to sound so harsh but the only way to have any opportunity for them to learn is to make it hard on them. I had a similar situation only this was my daughter and her boyfriend were smoking and storing their stash in my house. I told the boyfriend to not come around as long as he was smoking and grounded my daughter plus I MADE them flush the stuff down the toilet. It never happened again. I also threatened to call the cops and have them search my house for other drugs and paraphenalia. That took care of that issue. Kick them out IMMEDIATELY!! What if your 13 or 11 year old had found it instead of you? What is to say they wouldn't have experimented with it and you don't know if it was laced with some other harder drug. The situation could be so much worse, so keep it from getting to that point. Kick them out NOW!!!
  8. Mom is back in the hospital here in KY. I flew here on the 12th I took her to her doc appt on the 13th and he admitted her to the hospital that day. She is extremely dehydrated and looked awful. Sunken eyes and so weak. She had not had anything to eat or drink for 24 hours. Not because it wasn't offered or available but because she just didn't want anything. I had been up since 5:30am yesterday morning till around 10p last night. I was driving back to the hotel from the hospital (2 hr trip) and I almost went to sleep at the wheel. I usually can do that with no problems but this time I was just so exhausted. I still am. Keep her in your prayers. I know she will most likely go home tomorrow. She was just being admitted for fluids and for observation. She was throwing up alot and couldn't keep anything down. She had a bowel resection two weeks ago yesterday. So they did some xrays to see if anything is wrong there. I am assuming all is fine since I did not get a phone call last night. I just talked with her and she is doing much better but still unable to keep anything on her stomach. They are giving her Plasma today to help build her up faster. I am VERY concerned that her bladder is not emptying like it should. She has gotten several bags of fluid and hasn't emptied her bladder enough. We know her bladder was bruised from the bowel resection and that could possible be the culprit but still. SIGH!! Did I mention I am exhausted?
  9. Penni60

    Mom is back in Hospital

    You can't touch me!! I am too far away!! NEENER NEENER!!!! So there!
  10. Penni60

    Mom is back in Hospital

    Tricia I do still have your number and email so I will be contacting you soon so we can meet up somewhere. I picked the restaurant last time so you pick this time. I will be in Nashville tomorrow and Sunday most of the day. There is a bead show in Smyrna I wanna go to. So you can call my cell or email me. I will pm my cell to you.
  11. Penni60

    Mom is back in Hospital

    Just wanted to let you guys know that Mom went home today and is feeling much better. She has color in her cheeks and her lips are pink instead of white. She is also sassy again which means she is MUCH better. LOL!!! I got her some Boost, Slim Fast, Pears, Apples, Bananas, Whole Wheat cereal, and some Yogurt to last for at least 5 days. My stepfather is a huge help to her but neither like to cook much. So she has been living off KFC mashed potatoes since her surgery. (two weeks ago). No wonder she got dehydrated. She is all better now. Thank you for all your prayers and support. IT meant alot to me and to my mom. I will keep you updated as needed.
  12. Penni60

    Lap Bandsters Gone Wild???

    Some come here to vent about several topics. Some of those topics can be "triggers" for how we deal with the head demons. I for one try to post those types of topics in the appropriate forums. If I find one that doesn't appeal to me then I skip over it and don't read it. As you so frequently like to say Dawg, "if it doesn't apply then so be it."
  13. Penni60

    I am so f'in pissed

    This is the best book I have ever read. When John and I were having issues I got this book and read it. My love language is QUALITY TIME & WORDS OF AFFIRMATION. Everyones is different. John's is WORDS OF AFFIRMATION & PHYSICAL TOUCH. I highly recommend this book. The kids one is great as well. I bought all my married kids the first book. I gave my daughters with kids the one for Kids. It has helped so much. When you set your expectations HIGH for people expect to get them shattered. No one can live up to what we expect from each other. My first marriage ended because we did not communicate EVER. He cheated. I never once asked him why? It takes two people to make a successful marriage or relationship work or to end it. John and I communicate all the time what we want. Makes things much eaiser when you know what the other wants out of the relationship. After all we are NOT mind readers.
  14. Penni60

    Mom is back in Hospital

    Well I did get to do that today for about an hour. I got there just in time to finish feeding him and rock him to sleep and then held him for awhile. Felt devine. Christina I will call you in a day or two. THanks for the offer. You guys are the greatest. I am overwhelmed by all the prayers, white lights and etc being sent our way. I have to admit I am being very bad with my diet and exercise. But I can't do much about it right now. I am just so tired.
  15. Penni60

    California Fill Doctors Needed!!

    Dr. Helmuth BIlly in Ventura, CA will take Mexico patients. He is/was my band doctor. He removed my band due to erosion. I go see him for support now. He is wonderful.
  16. Penni60

    Boot Camp Lbt Style

    WITCH!!! I am so jealous!!
  17. Penni60

    Boot Camp Lbt Style

    Can we say spent too much money on the shiny beads. LOL!!!!! I managed to only gain 2 lbs while gone for 8 days. I was off Nutrisystem and Sonic and Bad food choices helped me gain the weight. Sucks to not be banded. Since I got home I have gone walking with John (WHOO HOO!!), back on Nutrisystem, and have managed to lose those 2 lbs. I am now at 244 as of this morning. The sad thing is I leave again this Sunday for Nashville to visit new grandbaby and check on Mom after her surgery. I am planning on taking my supper Nutrisystem meals as that is the hardest time to eat right for me. So hopefully this trip won't be so bad. The hotel has a gym complete with treadmill, weights and an indoor pool. So no reason I can't exercise. I might just get some exercise just walking (er, slipping and sliding that is) to and from the car. LOLOL!!! I don't like cold weather. I hate it. My bones can't stand it. BRRRRRRRRRRR!!!! Anyway, I am maintaining after being disbanded. LOL!! This is a good thing.
  18. Penni60

    Hoodia anyone??

    I ordered mine from www.vitaminlife.com The link was on a post by Paula. I too take less than recommended dosage. Thank you for the insight. I have heard that unless you get the pure hoodia then it won't do you much good. I will look at my bottle and see what the ingredients are. Then I will update this post. Here is the ingredients from the one I am taking. Supplement Facts Servings Size: Two (2) Capsules Servings Per Container: 30 Amount Per Serving: Hoodia gordonii (fresh stem) 400 mg ††Daily Value not established. Other Ingredients: Microcrystalline Cellulose (Plant Fiber), Rice Flour, Magnesium Stearate, and Silica.
  19. Penni60

    Hoodia anyone??

    I just got mine in the mail two days ago. I took the first dose and it did in fact curb my appetite but was a bit shaky. That only lasted for an hour though and went away. I think I am going to take my once a day dose at supper though. THat seems to be my worse time for eating meals. WIll keep you guys updated as I progress. I am back on Nutrisystem for now. I have another trip coming up and will just have to take some meals with me. SIGH!! Good luck Michelle.
  20. Yup! Same here two nights in the hospital. And nothing about my surgery was considered outpatient. I was pretty much bounced back quicker from this surgery than I did the initial band placement.
  21. Penni60

    This Is A Wake Up Call!

    You just demonstrated my point of agreeing to disagree. You did not see it as funny someone else did. Agree to disagree on that point. It was truly not meant to hurt your feelings Sammee.
  22. Penni60

    This Is A Wake Up Call!

    DITTO!! Well said Butch
  23. Penni60

    This Is A Wake Up Call!

    SIGH!! Can't we all just get along and agree to disagree?
  24. Penni60

    This Is A Wake Up Call!

    hey PHOTONUT: I think they are doing this (my best guess and personal experience) because we haven't relearned how to eat yet. We still have the old habits. We didn't learn these habits overnight and we certainly won't unlearn them overnight. Unless you are a fast learner you will continue to eat the same way you did before banding after banding. You just will. I was a good bandster for the first 8 to 12 months then something snapped and I wanted to try a burger. I fooled myself into thinking that the meat was the healthiest part so I didn't eat the bun. Red meat has the highest fat content of all the meats. It isn't even about the cheese either. Just the meat is bad. LOL!! So it is all about educating ourselves about what we put into our mouths and stomachs. How many calories, fat, carbs, sodium, protein, etc! Until we all learn that lesson people will continue to test the waters so to speak. SIGH!! Sad but true. I am re-educating myself on all this right now. And I am a work in progress.
  25. Penni60

    Nykee's after fill food log

    Nykee: This post is sent with all the love and support I can give you. Please don't take offense to anything I am saying here but honey you are definetly taking in way too many calories and certainly WAY too much sugar. If I were to eat like you are I would not be losing weight. I too have lived on $300 in food stamps for myself and 4 small children so I know how difficult it can be. IT SUCKS!! But if I remember your children are teenagers and more specifically they are 18 and 19 is that correct? If that is accurate then they can certainly fend for themselves for meals. It is TIME to start taking care of NYKEE. Find a Farmer's Market that accepts Food Stamps. They are out there. Find a Co-op that you can barter with for fresh veggies. They are out there. You say you are bored. I have been there as well. IT TOO SUCKS!! But find something you LIKE to do. Get up and do it. Stop finding excuses to NOT do things. No one can fix your issues but you. We here can offer all the support and encouragement there can be and it does no good if it falls on deaf ears. I respect your situation cause I have been there. I know what it is like to want a better life for your children and the frustration because it seems hopeless. IT ISN'T hopeless unless you let it be. YOU HAVE THE POWER TO CHANGE IT. And when you realize that the possibilities are endless. OK if I haven't succeeded in pissing you off then know that I have the utmost respect for you and believe that you can succeed in whatever you want out of life.

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