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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Penni60

  1. Penni60

    Committment Thread to lose weight

    Today's plan accomplishment: I will follow my Nutrisystem meal plans. (so far so good) I will exercise for a minimum of 20 min a day 4 days a week. (I got up this morning and did 15 min on dreadmill, 5 min on recumbent bike, 10 min on weight bench for a total of 30 min). I will lose at least 1 lb a week. (will have to wait till Friday to find out) I will drink at least 64 ounces of Water a day. (easy peasy - got it in) Positive reinforcement mantras: I cannot continue to eat unhealthy and expect to lose weight. I cannot continue to not exercise and expect to lose weight. I cannot continue to buy pills, buy exercise equip, etc then not use them and expect to lose weight. I cannot continue to feel sorry for myself because I do not have the band anymore.
  2. Penni60

    My Film Trailer is ONline

    OK I tried all your links and it plays for about .01 of a second then stops. I keep hitting play and it won't start. Good luck on the film.
  3. Penni60

    Boot Camp Lbt Style

    I will follow my Nutrisystem meal plans. (yup no problems there.) I will exercise for a minimum of 20 min a day 4 days a week. (Just did my 20 min workout.) I will lose at least 1 lb a week. (won't know till I weigh in on Friday) I will drink at least 64 ounces of water a day. (this is never an issue when I do it.) LOL!!
  4. Penni60

    Feb 26

    This is just a horrible battle. Head demons, cravings, no willpower, etc. And you know those are all excuses. I have the power to make changes. I have the power to get up and exercise. I have the power to eat healthier. I have the power to motivate myself. I have the power to occupy my mind with other things. I have the POWER!! I just need to recognize this and "just do it"!
  5. Penni60

    Feb 26

    This is just a horrible battle. Head demons, cravings, no willpower, etc. And you know those are all excuses. I have the power to make changes. I have the power to get up and exercise. I have the power to eat healthier. I have the power to motivate myself. I have the power to occupy my mind with other things. I have the POWER!! I just need to recognize this and "just do it"!
  6. Penni60

    Committment Thread to lose weight

    Today's plan accomplishment: I will follow my Nutrisystem meal plans. (so far so good) I will exercise for a minimum of 20 min a day 4 days a week. (kinda dropped the ball today on this committment). I will lose at least 1 lb a week. (will have to wait till Friday to find out) I will drink at least 64 ounces of Water a day. (easy peasy - got it in) Positive reinforcement mantras: I cannot continue to eat unhealthy and expect to lose weight. I cannot continue to not exercise and expect to lose weight. I cannot continue to buy pills, buy exercise equip, etc then not use them and expect to lose weight. I cannot continue to feel sorry for myself because I do not have the band anymore. THis is the hardest thing I have ever done thus far in my life. I gave birth to 4 children with ZERO pain meds and to be honest I would give birth to 10 children the same way just to avoid facing the "head demons". LOL!!! food is constantly on my mind these days. BULLSHIT!! It has never left my mind who am I kidding? :hungry: I have to find my willpower again. I had it in high school. I went through about 5 months where I lost weight like crazy. I would get physically nauseous when I would smell chocolate. :omg: Yes, I know that is shocking but true. I also would come home from school and ride my ten speed bike 10 miles every day. I had killer calf and thigh muscles. Again I know this is shocking to even believe. But true. I weighed a mere 135 lbs in high school. I was very sexy. I want that back. I don't feel sexy at the weight I am right now. I kept a pair of jeans from high school. They are a size 10. I gave them to my daughter about two years ago. I think she still has them. I think I am going to ask for them back and hang them up for me to see everyday. I also think it is time for me to use my Bally Fitness membership. I have a "dreadmill" (Love that word), recumbent bike, ab lounger, weight bench, weights, several DVD's, etc but never use them. So what good are they doing? It's time to really get serious or accept my current situation. I can't continue to be in limbo. THanks for reading this.
  7. Penni60

    Endoscopy Questions

    I was unfilled before the scope the second time but they suspected a slip and that was why I was unfilled. The first time I was at 2.2 cc of a fill. So NO typically you don't have to be unfilled for the scope. Of course the person doing the scope needs to be aware that you do have a fill so they can make adjustments with the amount of pressure to exert while inserting the scope. If your band doc is doing the procedure then it shouldn't be an issue. I just liked to inform anyone doing a procedure on me that I do have a band.
  8. Penni60

    Endoscopy Questions

    I have had two. One I was completely under sedation but only because I was having my port repositioned and while I was under we agreed it would be a good time to get an Endo for a baseline. The second one I had light sedation. I was awake but groggy and very relaxed. I did have an IV that is how they give you sedation. The procedure lasts about 5 minutes. It isn't very long at all. There was one point of panic for me but the nurse and my band doc talked me through it. I was fine after that. They do strap your arms down but only to protect against you fighting the tube. They insert a bite block into your mouth so you don't bite down on the endoscope. THey spray some numbing medicine into your throat. I closed my eyes and imagined I was somewhere else for those few minutes. It is really quick and painless. I do think their should be a band doctor either doing the procedure or in the room while the procedure is being done. My band doctor just happens to be able to do the procedure so I got lucky. Is there a reason you are getting this done? Do they suspect Erosion?
  9. Penni60

    How's the Hoodia working La Madam?

    Michelle: It keeps me from being so hungry as well. I ordered mine from a different place than you got yours but all I can say is if it works who cares where it came from. Bermy: Here is the ingredients and the link to where I purchased my bottle. I only take two a day at dinner time. It keeps me from eating at night which is my worst time. <TABLE id=table1 cellSpacing=2 cellPadding=0 width=180 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD colSpan=3><TABLE id=table2 borderColor=#000000 cellSpacing=2 cellPadding=2 width=410 bgColor=white border=1><TBODY><TR><TD><TABLE id=table3 cellSpacing=2 cellPadding=0 width=400 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD colSpan=3>Supplement Facts Servings Size: Two (2) Capsules Servings Per Container: 30</TD></TR><TR><TD colSpan=3><HR color=#000000 noShade SIZE=6></TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top colSpan=3>Amount Per Serving:</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top colSpan=3><HR color=#000000 noShade SIZE=3></TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top>Hoodia gordonii (fresh stem)</TD><TD vAlign=top width=65>400 mg</TD><TD vAlign=top align=middle width=75>†</TD></TR><TR><TD colSpan=3><HR color=#000000 noShade SIZE=6></TD></TR><TR><TD colSpan=3>†Daily Value not established.</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR><TR><TD colSpan=3>Other Ingredients: Microcrystalline Cellulose (Plant Fiber), Rice Flour, Magnesium Stearate, and Silica.</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE> Here is the link: Hoodia Gordonii
  10. Penni60

    Committment Thread to lose weight

    By the way, this is NOT a challenge there are enough of those floating around this board. LOL!! This is NOT a structured thread where you HAVE to check in everyday. This is a POSITIVE reinforcement confirmation had enough with the unhealthy eating habits thread. I know I didn't put in the commas where they should be. SO sue me! LOL!! I am just putting it in writing what I am committed to do and to not do anymore to help me lose (LOOSE??) the weight. LOLOL!! Commit or don't commit. It is your choice. You won't be looked down on for not committing. I have lived "fat" for 35 years. I am tired of it. I thought the band was gonna be my saviour. I was wrong. I thought I could just eat properly and cheat once in a while and still lose weight. I was SOOOOOOO wrong on that thought. I thought I could still eat the unhealthy foods with the band and still lose weight. Again I was SOOOOOOO wrong. The biggie thought. I expected the band to do alot of the work. Man, was I delusional on that thought. LOL!!! So, now I don't have the band and I have to do the work now or I will be back at 300 lbs. That is unacceptible to me. Yes, I will have set backs and gain weight again. Hopefully it will be around 2 - 5 lbs of gain which can come off quickly. I can accept that but simply cannot and will not accept to gain back over 10 lbs when I slip. Glad to see some have committed to a healthier lifestyle. It isn't about losing pounds in reality but being as healthy as I (we) can be by not following in our old habits. Yes Old habits die hard but they can and do DIE. Keep you eye on the prize people. OK OK That is enough cliches for one post. LOL!! :hungry: Now where is that cake!! Oops did I say that outloud!!
  11. Penni60

    Committment Thread to lose weight

    Today's plan accomplishment: I will follow my Nutrisystem meal plans. (so far so good) I will exercise for a minimum of 20 min a day 4 days a week. (yup 20 min in) I will lose at least 1 lb a week. (will have to wait till a week from Monday to find out) I will drink at least 64 ounces of Water a day. (easy peasy - got in 48 so far) Positive reinforcement mantras: I cannot continue to eat unhealthy and expect to lose weight. I cannot continue to not exercise and expect to lose weight. I cannot continue to buy pills, buy exercise equip, etc then not use them and expect to lose weight. I cannot continue to feel sorry for myself because I do not have the band anymore. You are welcome Cheri. I have just been too bad and naughty with my eating habits and I needed to make a change.
  12. Penni60

    How's the Hoodia working La Madam?

    The jitters only last for about an hour. It certainly does curb my appetite. I was on Phen/Fen as well back when they were still doing it. It curbs as good as that did. I lost 30 lbs with Phen/Fen. Damn heart issues. GEEZ!! LOL!! Thanks for the kind words. It is not easy without the band. I am so determined to NOT get back to what I was. I was heading down that long and winding road but I smacked myself up side the head and now I am back on track. I even cut short a trip to get back home and get on track. THat is committment isn't it? Or insanity? LOL!!
  13. Penni60

    Boot Camp Lbt Style

    This reminds me of that Domino's commercial. Gimme a two times Tuesday! Hooray! LOL!!
  14. Penni60

    How's the Hoodia working La Madam?

    Not Michelle but I am taking Hoodia too. It works for me but I have to be careful. It kinda makes me jittery. So I take the smallest dose possible and get the same effects. Of course it works best when you take it. LOL!! I didn't take it while I was gone from home and I should have. LOL!!
  15. Penni60

    Find out what song was #1 on your D.O.B.

    OH my god now I feel really OLD. Yes that is the guy from Simon and Garfunkel. Love this song.
  16. Penni60

    Find out what song was #1 on your D.O.B.

    1960 ... "It's Now or Never" by Elvis Presley OH my god!! I love that song. The sad thing is I have heard of alot of the songs listed here.
  17. Penni60

    Official Easter/Spring Gift Exchage Sign Up!

    I am so in. I also made it a sticky for you. Easier to find next time.
  18. Penni60

    Pills and Supplements

    OOPS! Maybe I shouldn't have answered this poll. I am not banded anymore but I do take Hoodia. It helps but I have to be careful because it makes me jittery.
  19. Penni60

    Men Only

    OK I know I am not a DUDE I am a DUDETTE but I have a suggestion for you on the Cheese and Ice Cream. Cheese: I too have a weakness for this food item. I have found these 100 calorie 6 g of Protein Cheese slices that works wonders and satisfies my craving for cheese. They are cracker size slices and I think made by Kraft. They can be found with the block cheeses. Three of the cracker slices is considered a serving. Ice Cream: Every tried yogurt ice cream? Less calories and can taste just as good. OK back to your channels guys.
  20. Penni60

    Boot Camp Lbt Style

    OK I am recommiting to this thread. I will follow my Nutrisystem meal plans. I will exercise for a minimum of 20 min a day 4 days a week. I will lose at least 1 lb a week. I will drink at least 64 ounces of water a day. I cannot continue to eat unhealthy and expect to lose weight. I cannot continue to not exercise and expect to lose weight. I cannot continue to buy pills, buy exercise equip, etc then not use them and expect to lose weight. I cannot continue to feel sorry for myself because I do not have the band anymore. There is that good enough for you? I am talking to my excess weight demon. Yeah you - you good for nothing bad seed. To quote the almighty, "Get thee behind me, (excess weight demon)!"
  21. Penni60

    Why are YOU Fat?

    ARGHHHHHHHHHHH!!! I know why I gained 13 lbs. YES 13 POUNDS!! It is because I ate all the wrong foods and travelled in the last three weeks. I am home now and can get back on track but this sucks bigtime. I am ashamed of myself for gaining all that weight.
  22. Penni60

    Nuther newbie question...

    The owner of this board has been banded for at least 2 years I know of for sure, but he doesn't post that often. He has a day job! LOL!! There are bandsters on here that have been banded for 3 years that post often. I was banded for 18 months. So there are lots of good reference people on this board in various stages of banding.
  23. Penni60

    Happy Thread, Happy Thoughts!!!

    I am flying HOME today. YIPPEE!!!
  24. Penni60

    Happy Thread, Happy Thoughts!!!

    I just spent all day playing with my new grandson who is a month old now. Precious. Love that baby smell. Spent part of that day playing and chasing after my 3 yr old grandson as well. Lots of fun today.
  25. Penni60

    What am I missing? Why are ppl leaving?

    I for one have stopped posting as much as I did because the topics listed in the "NEW TOPICS" are mainly non band related. This concerns me greatly since we come here for LAPBAND support specifically. I mean that is why I ventured into this forum. I think it is great that we share personal things with each other and that we all feel comfortable doing so. It seems that it has gotten out of hand at times and I just chose to NOT participate in some threads. But you see I am stuck between a rock and a hard place. I am not only a member of this board but a moderator as well. So I have to read some of the threads if they are brought to my attention. I don't have the luxury of not clicking on a post if I don't like the topic all the time. I just think if we get back to supporting LAPBANDSTERS in their struggles and leave some of the other stuff in moderation this board will continue to thrive. My fear is pretty soon it will be 10% Lapband issue and the rest will be non band related. Not sure what the solution is but we should come up with something. I have used the "NEW POSTS" button ever since I have been a member and never in the 2 1/2 years have I seen so much NON band related topics as in the last few months. Amazing!! I used to come here with anticipation to speak to my friends and answer some questions and share my personal experiences with the band, but now I just skim over the posts and rarely find anything I want to respond to. When I do find something it ISN'T band related. How did we get so far off topic?

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