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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Penni60

  1. Penni60

    The Gone for Good Club

    I bet I lose weight this week for sure. Can't stop coughing, sneezing, sniffling, so I can eat. Nauseated as well. I forgot to mention that. OH yeah and I am running a fever. Shoot! I am going back to bed. Just popping in to wish you all well and to keep losing. WE CAN DO IT!! Cough, sniffle, snort, snot, ewwwwwwww LOL!! HUGS from afar. Don't want you to get what I got.
  2. Penni60

    Committment Thread to lose weight

    I bet I lose weight this week for sure. Can't stop coughing, sneezing, sniffling, so I can eat. Nauseated as well. I forgot to mention that. OH yeah and I am running a fever. Shoot! I am going back to bed.
  3. Penni60

    Official Spring/Easter Thank You Thread!

    Robyn I meant to send you the names of the stones but I got rushed. You have Ruby Swarovski Crystals and Peach Button Pearls in your earrings. I am so happy you like them. I will post a pic of them on my website (www.pemerridesigns.com) and call them Robyn's Earrings.
  4. Penni60

    Committment Thread to lose weight

    My grandson is 14 going on 24. LOL!! I will post a pic in the next day or two. Paula: I am happy that the head hunger is subsiding. I noticed that happening when I eat properly. IT does quiet that little sucker. LOL!!! I have been enjoying friends last week and grandson this week. And now I am sick with the crud. Running fevers of 99.8. My normal temp is 96.8 so anything above that is a fever for me. LOL!! Lisa (DeLarla) gave it to me when she called the other night. Darn her!
  5. Penni60

    Official Spring/Easter Thank You Thread!

    OK people I wanna see some pics.
  6. Penni60

    Committment Thread to lose weight

    Where are all the other committment people? Today's plan accomplishment: I will follow my Nutrisystem meal plans. (OK, My grandson is in town. We went to Legoland yesterday. I had a cheeseburger and fries and drank two bottles of Water. We walked forever and a day. That should go into the exercise portion. LOL!!! Anyway I am trying to be good. It will be hard with him here. And on top of it all I am SICK with a bad cold.) I will exercise for a minimum of 20 min a day 4 days a week. (Got that in yesterday from walking all over LEGOLAND.) I will lose at least 1 lb a week. (HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA.) I will drink at least 64 ounces of water a day. (Got in about 64oz so far. Can we say I live in the bathroom now. LOL!!) Positive reinforcement mantras: I will continue to eat healthy and hope to lose weight. I will continue to exercise and hope to lose weight. I will continue to be proud of myself with all the accomplishments to date.
  7. Penni60

    The Gone for Good Club

    Skye: I feel your pain. I hear your anquish. I will keep you in my prayers. Today's plan accomplishment: I will follow my Nutrisystem meal plans. (OK, My grandson is in town. We went to Legoland yesterday. I had a cheeseburger and fries and drank two bottles of water. We walked forever and a day. That should go into the exercise portion. LOL!!! Anyway I am trying to be good. It will be hard with him here. And on top of it all I am SICK with a bad cold.) I will exercise for a minimum of 20 min a day 4 days a week. (Got that in yesterday from walking all over LEGOLAND.) I will lose at least 1 lb a week. (HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA.) I will drink at least 64 ounces of water a day. (Got in about 64oz so far. Can we say I live in the bathroom now. LOL!!) Positive reinforcement mantras: I will continue to eat healthy and hope to lose weight. I will continue to exercise and hope to lose weight. I will continue to be proud of myself with all the accomplishments to date.
  8. Penni60

    Wanna draw a PIG?

    http://www.freaknfunny.com/files/upload/draw-a-pig.swf Fun and informative as well. LOLOLOLOL!!!!!
  9. Marcelle: It was hard to read your post. I was living on aid while I went to Nursing school. I used to live in the Projects and see people like your cousin all the time "abusing" the system. It pissed me off because here I was working my arse off to get out of the system. SIGH!! Kick her to the curb darling. She will only bring you down. Kick that EX to the curb as well. YOU DESERVE SO MUCH MORE THAN THAT! And I might add it sounds like you have it already. The best advice I got from a dear friend of mine after my divorce was "Learn to LOVE yourself then everything else will fall into place!" It is the hardest thing to LOVE yourself warts and all. But you know what, it works. I started liking myself again and my self-esteem soared. My kids felt better about themselves. Our situation wasn't any better but we loved each other and that was enough at the time. It will get better. What doesn't kill us makes us stronger. ((((((((((((((MARCELLE))))))))))))))
  10. Penni60

    Choices on Vacation?

    I would be HAPPY to be everyone's tour guide in Jamaica. I feel like it is my second home. And by the way, I haven't been there in over two years now. HELLO!! What is up with that?? How about planning something for August? Hey I am serious people.
  11. Penni60

    Looks Like Band Removal For Me

    Aww Karen I am so sorry for your results. I think it would be best with all the problems you are having to get the band removed. Like Lisa I agree with the vacations and not being banded. Just too tempting to eat wrong. I will keep you in my prayers. HUGS darlin. PM or email me (penni@pemerridesigns.com) anytime you want.
  12. Penni60

    Official Easter/Spring Gift Exchage Sign Up!

    Mine went out today. Can't wait to hear from my secret Easter Bunny. LOL!!!
  13. The theory on overstuffing your pouch is plausible. But ladies it isn't the ONLY reason your band will erode. Mine eroded from the outside in. Explain the rationale behind that? There are too many different things that can cause erosion. It isn't just ONE thing. Keep that in mind as well ladies. How is everyone?
  14. Penni60

    Choices on Vacation?

    OK I vote those of us that wanna go to Jamaica for a Bandster Support Meeting all check in here. LOL!!!! The local cuisine is Fish, chicken, RUM, Conch, RUM, Sweet Sop (it is a fruit), RUM, Plaintains, RUM, Jerk Meat, RUM, RED STRIPE, etc. You get the picture. The restaurants will have American meals I am sure as well. If you want a good Jamaican experience meal the way the natives do then ask someone to take you to Scotchies. For about $20 you can get a 1/2 Jerk Chicken and 4 Red Stripe. Your plate is the reynolds wrap the chicken is wrapped in. You eat it with your fingers. YUM YUM!! I love going to Jamaica. The people are so nice. Just be aware that there are places you DON'T go without a guide. Like the Market and the HIP STRIP. Margaritaville in MoBay has excellent food and the kids can go during the day. You have to try a Yardie Martini while you are there. It is slurpy good. LOL!! Have fun and enjoy. Just eat and drink in moderation and follow the band rules and you will be fine. Small bites and chew chew chew. If you are gonna be drinking then be careful what you are eating.
  15. Penni60

    Official Spring/Easter Thank You Thread!

    There ya go!
  16. Penni60

    I Cant Stop Eating!!!

    Tex you are more than welcome. It helps me alot. Especially when I go shopping. I can take this list with me and see and focus on what I should be buying instead of what I shouldn't. LOL!! Paula check in how ya doing honey? HUGS to us all.
  17. Penni60

    The Gone for Good Club

    Kathy that was so sweet of you. My friends leave bright and early tomorrow. We all went to Universal Studios today and walked another 3 miles I am sure. FORGOT my pedometer but my legs tell me that we trekked miles today. I ate pretty good today but still was bad. I am not getting on the scale till Saturday. Even then I won't post because I know I have gained. I can feel it. But you know what it was fun and I had a blast while my friends were here. As Miss Scarlet O'Hara would say, "Tomorra is anutha day."
  18. Penni60

    Choices on Vacation?

    I have been to Jamaic several times and was banded while there as well. The water is fine don't worry about it. I would suggest to drink bottled water off the resort though. DON'T go to the Market in MOBAY unless you have a guide. You will get swarmed with people pushing things on you. And some won't take NO for an answer. The food is absolutely fabulous. The Jerk chicken is to die for and is very band friendly. Liquid Libation is a must down there. Red Stripe is delicious and the Native Beer. I highly recommend picking up some Jamaican Rum Cream which you shouldn't pay over $10 a bottle for. They will negotiate with you. The Rum Cream comes in several flavors but the one I like is Banana. You are allowed 6 bottles of that through customs. Where in Jamaica are you staying? We usually stay in Montego Bay at the Ritz but next visit will be at the Wyndham. Ritz is getting way too expensive for their all inclusive. Stay away from fish unless it is fork tender. There is a restaurant in MOBAY (Montego Bay) called "The NATIVE" that you MUST visit. It is so good. And 4 people can eat for $60 US. The exchange rate there the last I heard was $60 Jamaican to our $1 US. THey LOVE US money there. So you don't have to have Jamaican money. I am soooooooooo jealous of your trip. I have not been there in over a year now. I am in withdrawal. Oh one other thing. As soon as you get off the plane you are on Jamaica time. So don't get in ANY hurry or expect to stay on schedule. Just let loose and let it be. YA MON!!! Everyting IRIE!!!! Irie means alright!!
  19. Penni60

    The Gone for Good Club

    I am not weighing till next week.
  20. Penni60

    The Gone for Good Club

    Today's plan accomplishment: I will follow my Nutrisystem meal plans. (OK way off track for me today. I plan on being off track this whole week. Friends in visiting for the week and going out to eat alot. So I expect to not lose any this week either. Go ahead and just shoot me now.) I will exercise for a minimum of 20 min a day 4 days a week. (WE went to Santa Monica pier today and walked forever. We rode the Ferris Wheel and took some pics. Then we ate at "Gladstone's Seafood" yum yum!!! This week is a lost cause as far as food and weight loss goes.) I will lose at least 1 lb a week. (HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA.) I will drink at least 64 ounces of water a day. (Got in about 64oz so far plus two glasses of WINE. Can we say I live in the bathroom now. LOL!!) Positive reinforcement mantras: I will continue to eat healthy and hope to lose weight. I will continue to exercise and hope to lose weight. I will continue to be proud of myself with all the accomplishments to date.
  21. Depression is a chemical imbalance but how your mind intreprets certain events in your life can also contribute to the depression. I went through this for about two years and it got really bad in the last year. I almost lost my sweet adorable John due to my depression and my lack of interest in all things in my life. I went for counseling and that helped tremendously. The Psychologist helped me see what was causing my depression, I did not want to try meds till I had tried the counseling first. If I didn't get to feeling better with just the counseling then I certainly would have tried the meds. I would cry at every session even if the things we discussed were happy things I cried. After I left every session I felt cleansed and prepared to face my day. I also decided to take it ONE DAY AT A TIME. That was the only way to get through the depression. I have had days were it closes in on me and I just beat it back with a stick. It can engulf you if you don't fight it back. I have been in the bottom of that black hole and I had two things I could do there. Either climb and struggle to get out of it and LIVE my life or stay there and whither and die. I chose to live. I realized through my counseling that I had issues with the men in my life. I felt abandonded by all of the men in my life. Once I worked through that then the depression was lifting. Sweetie I hope you work through this and know that "THIS TOO SHALL PASS". HUGS
  22. Penni60

    dismantle my life

    Awww Crystal, sweetie you are at a place where YOU need the support so accept it and grab hold and let US hold you UP for awhile. With all the prayers and white light being sent your way you most likely are glowing by now. LOL!!! On the subject of that crappy nurse, I tell you what give all of us the number to your doctor's office and each of us will call saying, "Have you sent Crystal her test results yet? If you haven't then I suggest you send them to her post haste and if she doesn't receive them within the next 24 hours we will all be calling AGAIN and AGAIN." How is that? I bet those test results will be on their way to you via express mail. HUGS DARLIN
  23. Penni60

    Australians PLEASE check in!!!

    Hey Queenslanders PLEASE CHECK IN!
  24. I just saw the Cyclone Larry reports. 180 MPH winds and flooding. I am keeping you guys in my prayers but please do check in ASAP. Is there anything we as an LBT Community can do to help you guys. Here is the link to the story. AOL News - Powerful Cyclone Hits Australian Coast
  25. Penni60

    The Gone for Good Club

    Today's plan accomplishment: I will follow my Nutrisystem meal plans. (OK way off track for me today. I plan on being off track this whole week. Friends in visiting for the week and going out to eat alot. So I expect to not lose any this week either. Go ahead and just shoot me now.) I will exercise for a minimum of 20 min a day 4 days a week. (Too sore today from doing the Marathon on Sunday.) I will lose at least 1 lb a week. (HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA.) I will drink at least 64 ounces of water a day. (Got in about 64oz so far. Can we say I live in the bathroom now. LOL!!) Positive reinforcement mantras: I will continue to eat healthy and hope to lose weight. I will continue to exercise and hope to lose weight. I will continue to be proud of myself with all the accomplishments to date.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
