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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Penni60

  1. Penni60

    Support from home

    Lisa: I noticed the same thing when I looked at my latest incision this morning. I didn't have to repostion my belly fat to look at the scars. I just looked down and there they were. HOORAY!!!!!!!
  2. Just registered this comment. LOL!!! OK next meeting is at my place and the drinks are on me. LOL!! Well on us actually. LOL!!! And for those non drinkers I can fix a mean virgin anything. LOL!!! Thanks for all the comments it really validates the hard work. Darcy you will get there. Hey, you are already down 22 lbs I see. THat is awesome. GOod job
  3. Terry: HOLY COW you are awesome. I can't wait till I get flirted with. I just wanna recuperate from this lastest surgery and get back to my exercise routine and weight loss. I think the bartender was flirting in my book.
  4. Penni60

    Drinking with meals?????

    Nanny: what I was told is that the liquid can make the food go through the opening faster and therefore you won't fill up as fast. So, we are not to drink till 30 min after the meal. I usually drink up till I take that first bite then don't drink anything else till 30 min after. The liquid also slows down the digestive process as well. Hope this helps.
  5. Penni60

    weekly scale challenge

    OK I am checking in. I now weight 254 lbs. I think no loss is due to the surgery on Friday. Wait till next Monday though. There will be some loss.
  6. Carolyn: NOt a problem and thanks.
  7. Penni60

    Happy Birthday Leatha!!!

  8. Penni60

    Hello All

    Whippledaddy, you are certainly the most supportive spouse I have heard of to date. You and your wife are lucky to have each other large or small.
  9. Both of those pics were taken in my home. We have a huge bar in our living area.
  10. Here is an after of me.
  11. Penni60

    Surgery Date

    HOORAY!!!!!!! You will be in out thoughts and prayers. Keep us posted.
  12. Penni60

    Does anyone ever chat live?

    Makes sense to me. SUndays at 6p PST time. Which makes it 9p East Coast time. See ya in there guys.
  13. OK, NO EROSION. Everything is fine and dandy inside my stomach. We still aren't sure what caused the redness and allergic reaction so we are gonna watch it. NO INFECTION either. Dr. Billy went in through the original incision for the port. I have that ONE incision. He did not have to do a laparoscope after all. He just went in and repostioned the port and one dressing. No bruising so far but man it is tender. My throat is sore now but that is to be expected what with the ENDO and the Intubation tube. Taken into surgery around 12noon. Woke up in recovery, virtually no pain, around a 5 on the pain scale so they gave me some Fentanyl to dull it. WHOO HOO!!! Love that drug. I slept for about 30 min. Then the IV was taken out. I dressed. Went to the bathroom. Got in the car and came home. Got home around 5p. Rested for about 2 hours. Ate some tuna fish and avocado, took a Lortab, now I am here visiting with you wonderful people. I am heading to beddie bye real soon. I will chat with you guys more tomorrow. I really can't wait to see all you in Vegas. OH one other thing. Drool rag not needed as I saw Hunk coming out of the anesthesia while in recovery and didn't even get a chance to make a pass at him. OH and Darcy, Your comment about his hands all over me didn't even come into my mind till the drive home. LOL!!! Only one incident where I wanted to sock this one RN. She was an incompetent boob. She could not get the IV started but her technique left lots to be desired. Another RN came in and started it. I didn't even know she had stuck me till she started dressing the IV. She was really good. I am amazed at how quick I bounced back. Prayer is a wonderful thing. Thank you all.
  14. Penni60

    new member

    Welcome MInda and Maureen: COme on in and sit awhile. Take your shoes off. No wait are they stinky? ON second thought keep your shoes on. LOL!!!
  15. Penni60

    New to site

    Welcome aboard the support train. Tickets are free. Advice is Free. Laughter will cost you especially if you have stitches.
  16. Penni60

    Support from home

    Woodkd: I found that the less people I told the less disappointment I endured. I did not tell my MOM till after I had the surgery. She appreciated that and said she would have tried to talk me out of it. Now she thinks it was the best decision I made. My boyfriend, John, was not supportive intially and kept saying why don't you just eat right and exercise. Now he sees I am serious about this life changing event and is very supportive. I liken this to getting pregnant at the wrong time and then when the baby is born everything falls into place and all the thoughts you had prior just disappear. In my humble opinion, the one person that has to be OK with the surgery is YOU. It would make things easier if everyone agreed with you that is was for the best but that isn't always gonna happen. With your husband, I did this with my bf, tell him how he is making you feel and that if he can't be supportive in a postive way then to just keep his trap shut. But word it in a nice way. Ya know what I am saying I hope? You have to be strong and stand your ground on this. IT is about your health and not just about being skinny. They aren't seeing it in the light of getting healthy they are seeing it as you just wanna be skinny. Remind them of this. I had to do that as well with my bf and he finally got it one day. I will keep you and your family in mind in my prayers.
  17. Penni60

    Hooray!!! No Erosion, No Infection

    Pain is minimal this am. I slept good last night for the most part. I was able to side sleep which was a plus. I did wake up once or twice to roll over and the pain was a little more than I wanted so sweetie, John, went into the kitchen and crushed a Lortab for me and brought it for me to drink. I just love that man. LOL!! Here on this computer visiting with you of you now. I am dying to get back to walking but I know it will have to wait. Maybe by Wednesday of next week. We'll see how I am doing. Still no bruising. Throat is a little sore but that is be expected. I think they had to do something to my throat cause it is bruised on the outside just under my chin. I know Billy gave me a hicky. LOL!! I wish. Dressing is due to come off on Monday. Not sure if I have stitches or not won't know till then. I am sure they told me if I had stitches but I was just coming out of anesthesia. The nurse didn't know cause the site was already bandaged from surgery. So it is a mystery under there. Hmmm. Wonder if Billy signed it??? LOL!! THank you all for the love and support shown. Makes all verklempt!!!
  18. Penni60

    GET out of my way!

    WHOO HOO Lisa you go girl. I gotta get my jeans back from my daughter. LOL!!!!!! Drugs are my friend.
  19. Hey guys: I just got home from my pre-op visit where I had my blood drawn. OUCH!! No really the nurse was really good and I didn't feel a thing. Wonder if Dr. Billy can do that too. You know reposition the port and me not feel it after. LOL!! It seems I am not the only person that thinks Dr. Billy is a hunk. The admitting nurse said, "So you doctor is Dr. Billy." I said, "yeah." She said, "He sure is easy on the eyes, isn't he?" I laughed so hard. I told her that I am planning on bringing a drooling rag. She and I agreed that we wouldn't mind being operated on by him at all for whatever reason. LOL!!!! OK, nothing after 10p tonight. That is gonna be hard actually. I like to have a huge glass of Water before bedtime but no can do tonight. I have to admit I am a little anxious about this surgery. NOT scared just anxious. That make sense? I have my daughter and three grandkids coming in the following Friday for a week. I just hope I am up to visiting with them. I will try to get on here tomorrow after I get home but no promises. I might not make it till Saturday. I feel all you guys love and support.
  20. Penni60

    Ready for tomorrow's surgery

    OK now that is making me blush with sexual undertones. LOLOL!!!! That is just not right now. THanks Darcy now I won't be able to look him in the eye today. LOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. Penni60

    Ready for tomorrow's surgery

    Thanks guys. Yes it is general anesthesia. So I might just come home and crash for the night. but then again ya never know.
  22. Penni60

    I am Un Stuck!

    RICA: WHOO HOO!!!!!!!! KUDO's to you for shedding those 4 lbs. Patience truly is a virture.
  23. Penni60

    Hair Loss - it's official

    Could it be your age? LOL!!! I think it is anemia, lack of some kind of nutrition in your system, not enough Protein maybe. Guessing here? Check with your Doc on the Thyroid meds. You could just have the "dropsy." LOL
  24. Leo: Thanks for posting this. IT is very encouraging to see. I have hit plateaus in my former dieting days and it was horrible. I have also hit plateaus in this banding process. IT is still horrible but then I have to tell myself I am NOT gaining so that is a plus. Plateaus are normal and will happen. IT is a fact of life. We just have to ride them out.
  25. Penni60

    Lazy Boy

    I am a side sleeper and for the first few days sleeping on my side was not possible. So therefore I did not sleep much. I used my recliner to get more comfortable and to give my back a rest. I loved the recliner. It allowed me to simulate sleeping on my side without the pressure to the incisions. I too had a waterbed after surgery and it was very difficult to get in and out of bed that first night. Hence the sleeping in the recliner. I now have a sleep comfort bed and expect this next surgery will be easier to get in and out of. I have to have a port revision tomorrow.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
