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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Penni60

  1. Penni60

    Who is losing more???

    Only in my sister's mind. God love her!!
  2. Penni60

    SEX (leave it up to DeLarla)

    Darcy's gonna have porties!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Penni60

    Hello Y'all

    Betty: For all the problems I have had. I love my band. I have never regretted getting it done. I would do it again in a heartbeat. I am 43 lbs less heavy than I was. I can do anything I want. I don't have sore knees anymore. I can hike. I can I can I can. I am no longer on blood pressure medication, high cholesterol medication, my migraines have almost gone, my knees no longer hurt, my back is stronger, etc. WOuld I do it again. HELL YEAH!!!!
  4. Penni60

    Who is losing more???

    OK here is a story about my sister. Laugh cause it is funny. Look sad because it is that too. LOL!!!!! John, singer songwriter musician and my sweetie, and I were on tour in 2001. The third day of our tour was Sept 11. We were in South Carolina at a friends house. He called and told us to turn on the TV. We watched as the second tower fell. I cried of course. I get a phone call on my cell. IT was my sister. She wanted to make sure I was fine and where I was. OK Here is the funny / sad part. She says to me in a loud voice, "Head for the hills. You know where I mean. I am gonna go get Momma. You go get the kids and I will meet you there." My poor sister was very serious about this. LOLOLOLOL!!!!!! Then she hangs up. I look at John and bust out laughing. I explain this to him and he and I are both laughing and crying at the same time. I called my mom and told her what to expect. That whole day was so surreal anyway but to have my sister add to the madness was almost more than I could bear. But it added some comedy to the day. Family you gotta love them.
  5. Penni60

    Questions regarding pain

    darcy girl; Come back and tell us what it was. I hope it was nothing but glad that you are going to the ER. That was my next suggestion since the Dr. office wasn't returning your calls.
  6. Penni60

    Did'ja ever notice?

    Ryan: I love that you finally put into perspective the thing I have been trying to get through to my family ever since I decided to have this band placed. Now I can just quote you and hopefully they will understand more. THey are supportive but just don't understand the addiction.
  7. Penni60

    Who is losing more???

    I don't think you have been fatter longer. I am three years older than you. You may have a crazier mother but no one's sister tops mine. She lives somewhere on Planet Krypton and can't figure out why superman doesn't come and rescue her. Love the challenge
  8. Penni60

    How to get out Betadyne???

    If Betadyne is on the skin then alcohol will take it right off. If it is on clothes then hydrogen preoxide will take it out and not leave a stain. After using the alcohol on the skin put some lotion on to soften the skin.
  9. Penni60

    Questions regarding pain

    Darcy: We as nurses make the worst patients. I know I am a nurse. I think you should go to your primary doc as well. Just think what you would tell a patient of yours if they asked you your opinion? I have to ask myself that same question every time somethign comes up with me. Call you PCP.
  10. Penni60

    Who is losing more???

    Do I get to keep the quarters. I am so ready to win this challenge. NO RULES!!! Sounds like a winner to me. All's fair.
  11. Penni60

    Lisa is in the funny farm...

    Good idea Marie. I don't condone divorce either it just happened to work in my case. There were other issues that dissolved the marriage besides the financial ones. Like him cheating with my best friend in my own bed. That tends to stop a marriage in it's tracks. LOL!! I love your outlook Lisa. We are here for you.
  12. Penni60

    Who is losing more???

    As Forrest Gump would say, "Stupid is as stupid does!" That says it all. I feel for you darlin. I wish I could fix it for you. I expected that he would use that as an excuse. Most men do when they feel like they aren't getting enough attention.
  13. Penni60

    Who is losing more???

    I just read your post. HUGE HUGS DARLIN Hey just let me know when and I will jump in the van and swing on into Vegas with the Total Gym in the back. I will also bring my "get hubby back in line" stick. LOL!!
  14. Penni60

    A chance to compare...

    Alex: WHOO HOO!! YOU ROCK!!!!! Way to go. I agree face is gorgeous. Children are dolls. Hubby is a hottie. You are so blessed.
  15. Penni60

    Lisa is in the funny farm...

    Lisa: I completely understand about the hubby issues. I had one just like him. He would go and buy thousands of dollars worth of stereo equipment or car stuff like headers or souped up mufflers for a car that doesn't even run instead of paying the light bill or Water bill or even the damn rent. It infuriated me to no end. I finally had enough and told him to go and live in that damn car with the mufflers and great stereo system. He and I did eventually divorce. I am not telling you to do that. I am just saying I completely understand where you are coming from. It is hard to sometimes be the adult in a marriage. Your name is not on the loan papers for the bike right? Can you remortage the house? You have three business days to get out of any loan agreement you know this right? I feel for you darlin. I wish I could make it all better. (((((((((((((((((((LISA))))))))))))))))))
  16. Penni60

    Who is losing more???

    Now if I could only get Lisa to admit defeat!!! LOL!!!
  17. For those that don't wanna view this don't scroll down. I am thinking this looks alot like my initial incisions with the allergy to the glue. Which I forgot to mention to Dr. Billy. I just assumed they would stitch me up. Guess they are using the glue technique here as well. Not too much weeping like it did before. It sure does itch though. Which is a good thing since that means it is healing. LOL!!! Anyway, here it is. It looks lots worse than it actually feels.
  18. Marie: You take all the fun out of everything.
  19. Penni60

    Who is losing more???

    THen I would surely win!!!!!!!
  20. Penni60


    You could also get in touch with Inamed at www.inamed.com and send them an email asking about docs in your area.
  21. Hey guys: the port incision is much better. It isn't near as red as it was. It is a nice pink now. It itches like crazy which just means it is healing. I did alot of walking today with my daughter and grandaughter today so I am really sore in that area. I just might have overdone it some. Oh well needed to test the waters on getting back to exercising. Just need to take it slower I guess.
  22. Penni60

    Who is losing more???

    So, since Lisa is at 1.8cc fill I think I can get a fill of the same amount. I am at 1cc right now and I will just ask Dr. Billy to fill me to that as well. Seems only fair to me. What do you guys think? 1/2 off coupons for not on the buffet but the plane fare to Hawaii as well. WOW Donali is so cool. What a prize.
  23. Penni60


    GINA: CONGRATS on your weight loss to date. That is awesome. Keep it up. We started out at almost the same weight. I was 296lbs and am now down to 252.5 lbs. That is a loss of 43.5 lbs so far. WHOO HOO to all of us losers. Welcome and come on in and take yer shoes off and sit a spell.
  24. Penni60

    Who is losing more???

    Hey if you want to make it even steven I can promise to NOT get a fill between now and October. We both have a fill right now. Mine is at 1cc what is yours at? What ya think? My momma didn't raise no "fool!" Hmmm, let's see trip to Hawaii sounds like a nice prize. I think someone should start a pool as to how much weight we would lose.
  25. Penni60

    Who is losing more???

    Lisa: And everyone else. This was meant to be fun and sometimes a friendly competition can stimulate wonderful results in the end. If it is not something you are wanting to do then there really is no problem. We can chalk it up to "tried it - didn't like it." On the other hand, If this is a ploy to get me to bough out. SUCKER!!!!!!!!!!! Ain't gonna happen. I am gonna be in a competition with myself to not eat junk stuff and to lose an X amount of weight by October whether you or anyone else competes with me or not. SO THERE!!! Love you guys

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