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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Penni60

  1. To all prospective newcomers to the Vegas BASH: Below is a tentative Itinerary for the October events. 8th = Friday night we have a dinner meet at some area restaurant or in one of the restaurants in the hotels. Buca DiBeppo was a suggestion by Lisa. Head over to the BINGO and disrupt the proceedings. LOL!!! 9th = Saturday we plan on heading to Lisa's house for the day. Barbeque later that afternoon. Gabbing till we drop. Prize to the most original scar design. Prize to the either Penni or Lisa for who lost the most weight. LOL!! 10th = Sunday (depending on when people have to leave) do a brunch somewhere and say our goodbyes. Most of us are staying at the Howard Johnson's (HOJO) located at 5100 Paradise Road, in Vegas. You can get a better deal by going to the website directly www.howardjohnsons.com The dates are October 8, 9, and 10. Check in on the 8th; check out on the 10th. The rate I received was $49.00 a night going through the website. Anywhere else it is higher. It is not required that you stay at the HOJO. That is just where the predominate bunch of us are staying. Also, when you decide where you are staying and make your reservations then please send me an email to Penni60@aol.com with your contact info. I am trying to coordinate all arrivals so everyone knows where to meet that evening. I need your email, phone number, cell number, etc. In a return email I will give you my cell number so you can call me when you arrive in Vegas. Any questions?
  2. Penni60

    Pic of day at Queen Mary

    Just wanted to share a pic of my daughter and her three stepkids (which I consider my grandkids). They are awesome kids. I just love them. This is my middle daughter, she is 24. She left the youngest one at home with daddy. Picture of him to follow.
  3. Penni60

    Dr. Billy Chat

    HEE HEE HEE I have haven't I? LOLOLOL :mad: :D
  4. Penni60

    Dr. Billy Chat

    Thanks Donali: I actually have a follow up appointment with him on that day. I will try to go to the chat. I really like Billy.
  5. Penni60

    Getting banded on Friday 8/6/04

    Queen: Sending you positive thoughts and prayers. You will be fine and begin your new lease on life. GOOD LUCK!! Come back as soon as you feel up to it and give us some feedback on how you are doing.
  6. Penni60


    Donali: I have noticed the same phenomenen (sp?). I haven't really lost much weight since about the end of June. Maybe 8 lbs total. But people are still saying to me, "WOW! You are really losing the weight." It is a GREAT feeling. Sometimes we let the scale dictate how successful we are, because after all that is how people judge how much we are losing. I see it as a guideline actually. As long as I am not gaining then I don't care really what the scale says. I can feel it in my clothes as well. I just gave about half my wardrobe to my daughter along with shoes that I can no longer wear cause my feet are smaller. She isn't large but she is a seamstress and can make them fit her. CONGRATS on the NSV there Donali. Aren't those fabulous???
  7. Penni60

    Pic of day at Queen Mary

    Yes, I am blessed. That is just one of my four kids. I have two other daughters and one son. I will post some of their pics later today. My daughter and grandkids are leaving this morning and wanna spend some time with them before they head to catch their plane.
  8. Penni60

    Pic of day at Queen Mary

    Don't know how to resize the pic. So if someone else knows how then please feel free. Sorry it was so big. Here is a pic of my daughter's 2 yr old son that she left at home, and his daddy. He is on his daddy's neck.
  9. Penni60

    SEX (leave it up to DeLarla)

    You can sleep here if ya want. Won't bother us that you get up early. Just let me know.
  10. Penni60


    Baileym: When I get a headache I usually take Execedrin for Migraines and it works wonders. 15 to 20 min and the pain is gone. Whether a migraine or not. I usually have to crush them or just chew them with some food. As far as allergies go, I think Benadryl will be OK but you have to get the kind that isn't capsules. THey are small enough you might be able to swallow them without crushing them.
  11. Penni60

    SEX (leave it up to DeLarla)

    Teresa: The Thursday before sounds like a plan. Vegas is about a 4 hr drive or less. Depends on traffic don't ya know. I think John and I have made it in about 3.5 hours before with no traffic or construction. Lisa: Come on down that Thursday. We aren't doing a thing. Would love to have you. Bring your bathing suit for the nice big pool we have. LOL!! I'll turn John into our cabana boy and we can lounge by the pool and have him bring us drinks. LOL!! Lisa my birthday is Sept 5th. I am a Virgo. Neicy: Any reason to party is OK with me. Happy Belated Birthday by the way. Sascijo: Thanks for the compliments on my house. You really have to see it to believe it though. It is unbelievable.
  12. Penni60

    SEX (leave it up to DeLarla)

    Aren't we all??? Hey just let me know when you guys wanna come and visit and I will make sure there are plenty of bed bugs in all the beds. LOL!!
  13. Penni60

    SEX (leave it up to DeLarla)

    Come on over. I have a three bedroom house next door that can accommodate at least 6 to 7 people easily. And I have a huge bar area that has a nice floor that with a couple of those airbeds down will make a nice slumber party area. Couple of couches. Loveseat, lounger chair, sectional leather sofa, and even a dining table that we can throw an airbed on to make room for everyone. LOL!!!! I have a futon in my art studio as well that can sleep two. So, come on over.
  14. Hey Lisa; I see you have lost a total of 43 lbs. WAY TO GO!!!!! I have lost 43.5 lbs. Looks like we are neck and neck. Wanna race????? LOLOLOLOL
  15. Penni60

    Questions regarding pain

    I agree!!!!
  16. Penni60

    weekly scale challenge

    Way to go Teresa. I am so proud of you. I am hitting a wall again. I know I did not eat right this past week though. And I probably won't get past the wall till my family goes home on Friday so I am not worrying too much about no weight loss. I will hit it hard on Monday though. Probably do a juice fast to cleanse my system of all the junk I have been putting in it.
  17. Penni60

    SEX (leave it up to DeLarla)

    Yeah he wasn't at all thrilled with the party untill we got into the presents. He was a good sport about it all. I just love that man. The beer is a gift from get this, an alcoholic friend of ours. Isn't that too funny.
  18. Penni60

    Who is losing more???

    Diuretics don't count Lisa.
  19. Penni60

    Fill Adjustment

    I felt my fill before leaving the doctor's office. Then a few weeks later I started feeling like i didn't have a fill. COuld eat anything I wanted and was surprised at the amount I was taking in. THen I went to a Dodger's Base ball game last night and tried to eat a hotdog. BIG MISTAKE!!! SSSOOOOOOOO glad the bathroom was close by. I PB'd like I hadn't done that in ages. It took two or three times to the bathroom to get it all up. So, when you least expect the fill to kick in it will. Just don't try to eat something that you KNOW in your gut it won't work. Listen to the instincts. THey know better. Beleive me.
  20. Penni60

    SEX (leave it up to DeLarla)

    OK, Not to be out done. I am enclosing a pic of my sweetie, JOHN, in the green shirt and sitting down at his 50th birthday party January of this year. That is his Christmas present, BULLWINKLE, sitting on the loveseat with him. LOL!! I am standing over to the side. THat is my before picture. YUK!!! THat BULLWINKLE was actually used in the making of the movie. Today I just went and bought the ROCKY that was in the making of the movie for this Christmas. HOORAY!!! I have been looking for it forever. I have lots of stuffed animals.
  21. Penni60

    Thank You

    Stay strong Jen. Life just sucks sometimes. HUGS
  22. Penni60

    Who is losing more???

    OK lost NO weightage this week. But did not gain any either. I was sure I probably would have since I have not been doing the band thing. LOL!!! Daughter and grandkids visiting this week ya know. So we are taking them to our favorite restaurants and all that jazz. Not getting much if any exercise. But come next week, watch out. Back to my regular routine of exercise and watching what I eat. So, glorify in that 1 lb loss Lisa. Cause the next week I will lose. Teresa, and everyone else. If gifts are a problem for us then I don't mind money. That is always a gift I don't have a problem keeping. LOL!!!
  23. Penni60

    Questions regarding pain

    Darcy: GEt on the phone again and keep bugging them till you get a call back. I would not take that from them. THey are your paid employees. Demand service. Lisa: I hear you.
  24. Penni60

    What do YOU say?

    I don't tell everyone about it. Only my immediate family and close friends know. If someone asks me what I am doing. I just tell them I am watching what I eat, eating smaller portions, and exercising more. Drinking lots of Water as well. That seems to satisfy their inquiring minds. They really don't want to know actually they just want to know if there is some miracle cure they aren't aware of. LOL!!
  25. Penni60

    SEX (leave it up to DeLarla)

    Hey, Darcy if you are having baby porties then you could give Lisa a discount on a new one.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
